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5/25/2015 7:04:30 PM

Why The Last-Gen Excuse is BS

On the 360, you have a roster just like the One. Let's say you have 3 full pages of friends playing destiny. 1 page = 12 friends, that's 36 friends online playing Destiny. Now, you can inspect every friend on Destiny AND compare weapons for every single friend playing Destiny. Accessing 14 different items from each friend and comparing to your own. That's the potential of accessing 504 items and comparing to your own. That's way more than what's in your vault. A paging mechanism would solve the vault issues. And I've just shown its possible through the old-gen.

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  • Bump

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  • Oh so you went to school for coding? Do tell me more

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    14 Replies
    • No its not because you not looking at all your friends equipped items at once like you do in the vault. Way more stuff open at once in the vault than in your friends inventory.

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      14 Replies
      • I hear a lot of people saying, "The old gen doesn't have the power." That's nonsense. Look, it's the tower, absolutely nothing is going on in the tower that's in need of something opening fast. Unlike when you in the middle of a fight and you're trying to switch guns or use synth.....good luck with that. However, in the tower...... who cares if it's a little slow... It's inconsequential. They are trying to sell PS4's and Xbox One's..... for multiple reasons I'm sure.

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        19 Replies
        • Last gen is holding current gen console games back. It's the simple fact of the matter. Who knows how good Destiny would look, how much smoother it would play or even some new mechanics it would have if it was only current gen. While Bungie could do more with its given situation, I think Destiny would be a better game if it was only current gen.

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          • Bump

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          • Edited by Hopeinmo: 5/26/2015 3:49:36 AM
   ^ Store Raid and exotic weapons separate (in a safety thing in-case you have an idiot friend or evil Ex who can access your account for whatever the reason) ^ Collapse like weapons into one whos only variation purpose was for burns (tweak them, customize, so just perks you would switch between) And an Idea for the Vault that Nullifies any argument over the RAM capabilities of the last gen consoles (I do not believe thats a real problem, but if it is, then they cannot argue this)

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          • I don't think its so much a console issue as it is a server issue. All our game data is stored on their servers. If had infinite vaults or even double the space, that would at least double the amount of storage required. Over 16 million(?) players and 40 million-ish characters, how much MORE does that cost?

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            1 Reply
            • You didn't prove anything, those are different mechanics altogether. Viewing 14 different items at once on everyone's account is different than storing them. They implemented the feature on the new gen systems why would they not do it on the older ones if it was possible? Nor does making it function differently on last-gen systems make any sense. The fact of the matter is that if you are on a last-gen system, games are gonna start catching up to you and there are gonna be games you can't play and features missing from other games. Insulting others and Bungie won't get you anywhere and just make you look childish. The only thing it will do is make bungie overlook your post.

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              1 Reply
              • Edited by Leonitus Magnum: 5/25/2015 10:27:41 PM
                I think you misunderstand it is not software related that YOUR thinking of. Its hardware. The 360 Runs on the Original XBOX's Server Hardware, They were not replaced till XBO which now is barely co-ping with the older hardware that is Bringing the "currant" microsoft issues for the Consoles. The PS3 Isnt in any better of a situation. the Mechanism your "detailed" runs with merely a remote function. those friends On 360/PS4 cant Access stuff to Compare with friends on the XBO/PS4 (or Vise) can they? Incompatability VS Stability is the Cause. Therefore 360/PS3 Are the "Excuse". BTW dosnt matter both ps and microsoft said a few years ago the services for the X360 & Ps3 would stop "online Services by end of 2015"(no detail on how far those services are to be removed as of yet).

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                18 Replies
                • I'll cut to the chase we need match making in every thing. So in my opinion this is the difference between having a in game matchmaking and what we use today outside of the game for group matching. Today's way of endgame matchmaking. 1-Pick up phone 2-find lfg app that's wasting space on my phone 3- find a group that doesn't require the freaking gjallarhorn because I dont have one 4- once you find the group go into the message friend option on the console 5- try to spell the extremely long and ridiculous name of the person in charge of the group. 6- wait for response 7-get no response 8- repeat steps 1 through 6 9- finally get response 10- get Into group 11- halfway through RANDOM group people go afk or group fails. 12- repeat steps 1 through 11 The way it should be...... 1- start game 2- push matchmaking button 3-play game 4-have fun The elite payers can still have their pugs people can still solo and the none elites can have matchmaking we all win!!!! All I ask is for the option.

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                  2 Replies
                  • You don't know anything about video game design and development. You are Twelve. Put a sock in it.

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                    7 Replies
                    • I would motion to category sorting and all slots open to any items. Not the weapon, material, and armor.

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                      • Bump

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                      • Exactly... They must have gotten something from the console makers to push the next gen systems. That sounds about right for big corporations.

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                      • Edited by GOD ROLL (ADEPT): 5/25/2015 8:21:43 PM
                        We need paging as much as we need categorizing. Everything in the vault is just tossed around like a bad salad bar.

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                      • I think you are correct that even paging would allow space, but if it doesn't multiple vaults would but it may require modification of the apps and 3rd party apps and these people are lazy.

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                        3 Replies
                        • Last gen has 512mb of RAM new machines have 8gb. There is more going on in the vault than icons on the screen.

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