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Edited by Spawn: 5/11/2015 7:19:24 PM

Exclusivity PSA: For A Better Community

Keep it.


Bin it.


disclaimer: [spoiler]i know that i'm speaking about the minority of PS users, and while the majority of users are great, level-headed and generally awesome people i feel that the few fueling this pointless console war should be addressed. also, if you're here to be a shithead, you're not welcomed.[/spoiler] i've owned both consoles for a very long time and been a fan of their respective content, and while i've witnessed both sides argue back and initiate arguments, i have not seen [i]anything even remotely[/i] as disastrous as the way it's handled in this forum. i'm mainly an xbox player, so my views may be a bit skewed, but my point will stand. i love this game, and will continue to support it in spite of everything that's going on and will still continue to. content. i know this is certainly the most controversial aspect discussed within the forum, but it has a right to be. i will admit, playstation users have been disrespected and abused [b]badly[/b] in the past, but this is utterly ludicrous. 1-year exclusive content given to [i]either side[/i] is completely unprofessional, unfair, and overall infuriating. we're adults here, and we can't view the video game industry through rose-colored glasses. at the end of the day, money makes the world go round'. i absolutely understand this deal with sony and activision; they saw the opportunity to make a larger profit and attract a larger consumerbase, and it was a brilliant idea. it was almost inevitable with the PS4 outselling the Xbox One by nearly [i]9 million units[/i]. it was absolutely reasonable, and i cannot hate either of them for it. it's how things turn out sometimes. however: the content surrounding this 'deal' is certainly a massive issue for most people, and i will capitalize on it. as i said before, i know PS users have been viewed as second-class citizens by many developers and franchises, most notably call of duty. the month-early access to DLC was unnecessary, and unfair. it managed to alienate a huge chunk of the playerbase, and still does. this is why i don't agree with exclusivity; and certainly not [i]full-year[/i] exclusivity. it ruins and divides the respective communties associated with these games when in reality we should be focused on [i]working together and bettering the game[/i]! apart from the few threads here and there inviting positive feedback and criticism, i think we can all agree the forum is a cesspool of hate, envy, and people trying to make a case for why "they're better" than their own community! it doesn't make sense, and i think it seriously damages the relationship we have with an incredible developer like bungie. we're literally bickering amongst ourselves over something [i]we both love[/i]. i think we should take it upon ourselves to quit taking shots at eachother and come together to help create the game we want. i know this thread is just another plea for change amongst the many, but this is really something i'm passionate about. i hope we can come together here to look past this and ultimately better destiny. your opinions are welcome, and i'll plead with the forum to keep it civil here, but we should take a step back to look at this. so, exclusivity or not? does it do more harm than naught, or is this practice worth it?

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  • Exclusivity is only good for developers. As for people with the usual claim of "you guys got halo" you have to understand that we also paid for halo. The full thing. When we apply this logic to destiny, it's more of we paid for destiny but there's even more bits and chunks locked out from Xbox for a [b]full year[/b] I understand the arguments of "play station paid for timed exclusives" but let's be honest, like the op said a year is way too long. Sometimes I wonder if bungie made it a year just to spite Microsoft...

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  • Exclusivity on multi-plat games should definitely go. It doesn't provide anything positive for the consumers.

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    • Edited by Gratefulzilla : 5/12/2015 7:19:55 AM
      Exclusives are lame. I can somewhat see the delay on CoD maps but the worst is what destiny has done. I own a ps4 and I think it's lame to withhold content on an already content lacking game.

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    • Ive been on xbox for years and I would always forget that playstation users had to wait an extra month for the CoD maps, ive always kind of felt bad. But really thinking about it, Im quite angry. You guys deserve the same as us, so what if we use different technology? Were all gamers either way. Thinking about halo, its the same. Why the hell couldnt that have been on playstation? (Was playstation 2 not good enough for halo: CE?) Gears of war? Pretty sure thats xbox exclusive. Wtf? I dont see a logical reasoning behind that. On xbox side, we missed a few games because of console exclusive bullshit. I wouldnt be able to name anything in particular except killzone. I had a ps3 for a couple months at one point and played killzone 4 I think. Decent game from what I remember. Theres others Im sure, perhaps uncharted is a good game? This 1 year delay on ps exclusive content is crossing the line. Its definitely no way to treat the fan-base that bought destiny partially because of bungies amazing halo. Not just that but its ridiculous entirely, any company could have done that and it would be just as stupid. I dont know what the goal of it is, but I will never go out of my way, and spend more money, just to avoid being denied certain content. Im not assisting in that sort of system.

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    • TL;DR

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      • Companies will do many things just to make more money.

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        2 Replies
        • I'd be fine with ending it, except people on all sides keep acting like assholes. You have arrogant Xbox players who think they deserve exclusives over ps players. You have ps players who are fed up with the Xbox player's shit and find this situation hilarious. And then you have the reasonable few. I can't count myself among the end it side, simply because Xbox players continue to act entitled and selfish (not all, but most).

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        • Edited by IGN: 5/12/2015 3:48:59 AM
          I'm not sure halo for the order is a fair trade. [spoiler]nah I'm kidding. I don't see the point of exclusives besides sales. It just causes the gamer to pay more.[/spoiler]

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        • Keep it, I love seeing the hypocrites argue over it when it's not in their favor.

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        • The funny thing is Xbox users [i]never[/i] complained before Destiny. Hm...I wonder why.

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          10 Replies
          • I am on Xbox and I said keep it. Sony paid for it, so just because a community whines will change nothing. This was all business, nothing will change it. Also, we get all the content later anyways.

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          • Edited by Gomly1980: 5/11/2015 11:27:58 AM
            We don't have a choice. Sony paid for that exclusivity. Games development is a business, in order to stay afloat they need to make money, if Sony wants to pay for a couple of exclusives then Activision/Bungie will take it. People can sit here and complain about how "unfair" it is but money makes the world go around. It's just how the world works. All this talk of it being "unfair" doesn't belong in business. They didn't do it to point and laugh at Xbox users or spit on their fans, they did it because it involves a lot of money and they are a business. I can understand incredibly young folk taking issue with it, not all of them knows how the world works yet but i'm seeing this from people who should know better. Yes exclusives aren't great, especially for the people that don't get them but it's also a big money deal. It shouldn't fuel a console war though. Nobody is better than anybody based on their choice of platform. If that were true then those of us that own all platforms would laugh at single platform peasants, but we don't .... honest.

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            3 Replies
            • You made a very long post when it can be summed up in one sentence: Sony paid for it, Microsoft didn't. It was professional and fair.

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              5 Replies
              • Exclusives are a part of business and competition. I hope you realize that companies like Sony and Microsoft are in the business to make money, not pander to gaming communities. If exclusivities were a problem, then it would hit their bottom lines and they would stop doing them. Clearly that is not the case. I personally do not mind exclusives as long they don't utterly change the gaming experience. If you have a problem with exclusives, then you're the target demographic for them.

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              • Keep it but not to this extent, I've been on psn for my entire gaming career and like you said we were mistreated but not this bad, except for halo. Thats more that a 1 year deal

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                4 Replies
                • This is the [b]one time[/b] that PS players have ever got the better end of the exclusive content dealings on a major release. The deal with Skyrim killed that game for me. If I had the DLC when Xbox owners did, I would've played that game for another year or 2. By the time it came out for Playstation I was bored with it and haven't played more than 10 hours since I waited and bought the first 3 DLC packs. I found something else and found it hard to regain interest after many attempts. I could see the same happening here, but the content isn't as crucial to player retention. It's not game-altering or anything that would provide a boost to the battle profile of any sect of console gamers.

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                • Xbox has tomb raider exclusive. Its a -blam!-ing game yall get a year ahead. Yall always get map packs b4 us. The one time ps4 has an exclusive b4 its a massive outcry

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                • Edited by Jcaf8: 5/11/2015 7:13:29 PM
                  [quote]we're adults here[/quote] What? Because I haven't seen any evidence of maturity on these forums

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                • [quote]were adults here[/quote] What? Because I haven't seen any evidence of maturity on these forums

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                • I have had consoles on both sides. I started out on an original Nintendo. I can remember the Duck Hunt and Mario days. I got big into gaming though through the original Playstation. But I switched to the original Xbox because of Halo. It was my first game for that console. I ended up getting a PS2 later on but mainly played Xbox. It was a no brainer that is get a 360 and most of my friends were on it. But when the PS4 and Xbox One were about to launch, my friends were divided and so was I. I bought an Xbox One and bought a few games for it. I was not impressed that much on the graphics over the 360. It wasn't just that, the controller felt light and cheap compared to 360. I always liked the PS controller but wanted a larger version. I had no idea they increased the size of the controller on the PS4 till I tried one out at Best Buy. I liked the PS4 controller, graphics, interface, and even look of the console over the Xbox One so I sold my Xbox One and games to pre-order the PS4/Destiny bundle. It has nothing to do with game exclusives or exclusivity of content. This console war has turned a bit nasty. From PS not allowing Xbox to advertise Destiny (look up the Destiny cologne ad) to Xbox telling everyone Tomb Raider would be exclusive to Xbox. It isn't exclusive, but is a timed exclusive. They had to correct themselves. And honestly, the console market is very fragile right now. The graphics on the next gen consoles is good, but I'm doubtful they will hold people for as long as the past consoles with the likes of Steambox coming which may or may not destroy the market. Exclusives might be the only thing to keep PS and Xbox alive once Steambox arrives. Because I know graphics played a big part with everyone's decision on a next gen console and Steambox will allow for upgrades. Do I like the exclusives battle? No. I'm not a fan. I don't think a few weapons and or missions would make or break me for a specific console but it may be the deciding factor for some. And timed exclusive games such as Tomb Raider may make people buy a specific console so that they play a certain game first. Exclusives such as Halo and Final Fantasy do keep certain fan bases on certain consoles and may help when Steambox arrives. Who knows.

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                • Hawkmoon master race

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                • I'm, Xbox is losing by only around 7 million units Nub[spoiler]In all seriousness, YHANK YOU FOR THIS![/spoiler]

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                    winton - 9/21/2024 12:27:22 PM

                    Let us keep our exclusives, you have Halo.

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                    2 Replies
                    • On one hand it'd be nice to let Xbox players have the same content we have as they've also paid the same price. On the other hand, Dust Palace and Undying Mind become potential nightfall strikes. *shudder*

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                    • You forgot to use uppercase "I."

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