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5/6/2015 10:45:16 AM
Help them whenever I see them. In fact, not only in patrol, I'm helping a random I met from LFG that has been needing help get 5 Exotic Bounties done. He told me he was terrible in crucible and would never be able to get them complete. I joked around and told him, "if you give me your login and password, I'll complete them for you." We both laughed it off a little... 3 days later I had a message from him with login/password saying he was being deployed back out to sea for 3 weeks and since he wasn't going to be on, he wanted me to do the bounties. I was a little overwhelmed but hey why not. I have completed 3 of the bounties so far getting him Thorn, Bad JuJu, and Invective. Also relieved myself of some of the boredom with crucible by doing the nightfalls, Crota, and VOG. By no means do I think I am good at crucible. I never play it unless its for exotic bounties. Plus I finally got to shoot a Gjallarhorn for the first time. Lol..... : ( ```

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