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4/22/2015 12:07:57 PM

You guys just can't be satisfied

All these people complaining about stuff that Bungie hasn't done like buffing the necrochasm. CALM DOWN GUYS. They just released this massive update and gave us what we were asking for. E.g vault space and raid boss fixes. Can you not be happy with this? Clearly not because you want everything you ask for in a single update. I have the necrochasm and i agree that it does need a buff, but FFS give them some time! They can't fix everything in one update. I've seen many people complain that Bungie wasted their time on the purple ball instead of buffing the necro. They thought that players would like the ball and it was probably simpler than buffing the necro. Calm your tits guys. They are trying. Give them time.

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