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Edited by DrNurd: 3/27/2015 3:32:31 PM

Destiny: Broken, Redundant and all around not that fun anymore

I have been playing destiny since it came out. I love this game. I hate this game. I loath this game. I have such high hopes for this game. And yet every time I turn it on I hope it’s something different. NOPE!!! I have read so many message boards about how broken, how awesome, how BLAM! Whatever this game is. I don’t want to be one of those gamers that just gets on here and blasts how bungie should fix/improve/change the game…..but I am. Here is why. I have been gaming for long time, when I say long time, I mean going on 30 plus years. Yes, I’m an older gamer, with experience. So with that, I feel I can point out some flaws to this very awesome, yet broken game. These suggestion are in no particular order: Vault: Raise the vault size – seriously – make it bigger – I understand this, but it’s broken. If they dropped everything that everyone wanted…where the hell would you put it? I want to know who in what meeting said, “hey, this is going to be a 10 year game, and you can only store 20 items of each category in your vault” “yeah boss, that’s a great idea” Someone should be fired for being this stupid. Maybe not from your perspective. Because in a few months you’ll probably say we can expand our vault for 6 dollars – why? Because that’s the activision way. Just expand it. Shaders: Why can’t we make our own colors? I mean hell some people spend 10 minutes to pick out the hair color on their guardian only to realize that you can only see it in the tower when you are running around….that is pointless. We need to be able to shade our own equipment, guns, speeders and ships. This game is supposed to be unique to the player who plays it, yet you only let us play in your restriction. RNG? Everyone complains that the loot systems is crap, truth. Example. Friend of mine completed nightfall and got a legendary gauntlet engram. Decoded it, 2 shards. Really? And what is with getting 10 shards or energy when doing the nightfall? How is that really a reward? Make it harder if needed Clan: What is the true point of a clan? Achievement points? That’s it? Add clan battles Factions: I have 3 characters I play with and one of them has yet to join one. Why? Because who cares? I mean really, you get a chance to get gear from any faction when running the nightfall or weekly or updating the cryptarch. Add faction specific bounties. Example. Kill 200 enemies with faction specific auto rifle. Add faction crucible gameplay. Example. Team Dead Orbit v. Team New Monarchy – where everyone on each team has to wear said faction gear – yes, complete gear, and complete weapons and add ranking for each faction on who is winning more – and if your faction wins that week…bonus at the post office - Harder enemies: Add more yellow enemies in the patrol areas. Help stop rinse and repeat gameplay. Example. Earth. You go to the building straight ahead when you spawn…same 8 enemies spawn, over and over and over Public events….they are boring. BORING, BORING, BORING!! Spice them up, make them like the daily. Add arc burn or juggler and crank the level up…not on all just a random few here and there. Kind of like the bonus loot box, but more frequent. Make being out in the open (patrolling) worth it That’s it for now – I’ll add more later – what are your thoughts?

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  • Good points, I personally love this game because I was blessed with ignorance. I didn't know this was even a game until my former bestfriend got it and told me to buy it. So I bought it and it was good for a video game. Looking at what they promised though, they definitely dropped the ball but I didn't know any of that. I had such low expectations for this game that even its partial success was fun to me.

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