Given how wonderful Forge is on MCC I decided I would do what I've wanted to do since Halo Reach,
Make a map based off of the Dead Space Franchise.
It will obviously be Infection and I even think I can create Zero G areas using trait zones, but I don't exactly know how I want the map to operate structurally.
Any advice is welcome, and If you want to join in my GT is my username.
Edited by Kurismic: 3/30/2015 2:54:56 PMWell what player count are you shooting for? The game is extremely broken in the customs area And maps have to meet certain memory requirements to be able to be played by certain amount of players, thus meaning that if you want a large lobby you have to keep your object count down. Also, some objects, such as wall coliseums, cause tremendous amounts of frame-rate lag due to complex polygon rendering. Object densities (amount of visible objects on screen) also factor into frame-rate issues. The use of glass incorrectly, which causes anything behind it to render, can also cause extreme lag (IE being able to view a large amount of the map through, also relates to item complexity and density). All-in-all, if you want to support 8 players, the maximum safe [b]Solid[/b] (actual objects, not like spawn points... I don't believe weapons factor into this) object count is 450. The largest lobby I have seen was 11 people anyways, so yeah. Also, don't build on Awash, it has a horrible screen affect that is incredibly annoying (the screen remains extremely dark for like 1.5 minutes). If you have anymore questions be sure to ask.