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originally posted in: Titans are the best pvp class.
3/14/2015 8:32:22 PM
Yea I kinda agree. And when people say the bubbles need a buff because a super can take it out, it fine because the bubble still stops the super from getting to them.

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  • except golden guns will still get 1 kill (2 with exotic helm), warlocks with shatter will kill everyone inside the bubble, an arcblade can kill everyone inside if the titan doesnt spec armor same with radiance warlock, FoH destroys the bubble and kills all inside as well. Im sure Bungie is about to nerf the bubbles orb count to probably 1-2 orbs max. Its already the weakest PvP class, they should buff the bubble t indestructible if they nerf the orb count. To OP: ----Strikers do get an unreal DR bonus when using their super, significantly bigger than warlocks however they have to be within almost 8 feet of you to use it, a warlock can cast it over a distance. Other than when using their super though they are like all classes there is no natural damage resistance every class is equal at 200 hp. (You can spec max toughness but it nets only 20 hp, that wont save you from even 1 more hit in most cases so if your going to die in the same amount of shots its pointless to spec this way.) ----As far as class balance id disagree the striker is pretty solid like i said when it uses its super it gets a lot of DR which is good because they have to be close, and in destiny one doesn't get close without taking damage, thank the radar for this. The defender gets the middle finger in this department, its super is the bubble and while it is amazing when you have 3-4 titans stacking bubbles its complete shit on its own and in no way stacks up against the other supers. It should not be able to be destroyed at all by anything, every single super in the game trumps it in PvP this will be more evident when Bungie nerfs their orb creation and believe me thats coming because "its not the way we(Bungie) intended it to be played". The only saving grace is that im hoping they will buff the bubble to be indestructible, crossing my fingers. ----The one hit melee your referring to im assuming is Shoulder Charge on the striker. It is a nice tool, but its a special tool, what i mean by that is it should only be used in certain situations. Good PvP players know that running head first into people with SC is the quickest way to die. So therefore it can only really be used effectively when flanking already engaged enemy players, this can be tricky in normal game modes, because of the radar its possible someone sees you coming anyways. So really it comes down to flanking and praying no one is watching their radar, if its just 1 guy then your lucky to SC him and then its a shotgun fest after that, but anyways its situational but a nice tool none the less. ----The Striker has one good grenade and thats the lightning grenade, it can be avoided but more often then not people dont know to move. Its pretty simple if theres an ugly arcing noise move, unfortunately(or fortunately if its your grenade) most people assume they are being shot so they crouch or look around instead of moving and that gets them killed. The flash grenade is hit or miss really, to get a decent amount of blinding on someone they have to be standing on the grenade, in crucible thats unreasonable especially if theres more than one person. ----The Defender has the Suppressor grenade which is highly underrated. Its my favorite simply because it stops supers, it can be hit or miss but overall just getting used to it and gaining some experience can really make it a deadly grenade. It doesnt do a whole lot of damage unless they are standing on it but the fact that it stops supers, grenades, and blinking/jumping makes it worth it. The magnetic grenade is the next useful and is sort of like a warlocks fusion, tracking and OHK when stuck to someone, its nice. Ive already mentioned how pathetic the titan bubble is but ill also add that it is practically a giant florescent sign that says please super me. Because of that i have stopped using armor of light and started using blessing. I actually play behind the bubble most of the time now rather than inside it for a couple of reasons: a) i can use it as cover and be able to tell more clearly if im inside or out without having to guess b) it buys me time when i see someone pop a super, i usually toss my grenade from the side of it, or run in the other direction just depends c) by playing around it i can step in and out to get my blessing overshield back which gives me an edge in gun fights d)beacsue its a super magnet staying inside it is a death sentence, by playing behind it its possible to kill whoever used the super; i have killed multiple titans and warlocks who use their supers on the bubble then are completely defenseless for half a second as the animation finished on their super. On gg and arc blade i usually die or run though. ----You point on bubbles keeping supers up for everyone else will be patched, probably when HoW comes out, maybe sooner if enough people complain about it. ----Warlocks are easy mode i agree. Having a shield just for meleeing someone is stupid, they dont even have to kill them this means in a melee contest they'd win every time against any other class, the range on their melee makes it even worse, they can shotgun melee combo just about every cqb situation and win due to that. And in destiny most battles are cqb. Their nova is also pretty gay, i have been behind a warlock when he cast his nova bomb and died by it, i have been under a warlock when they cast a nova and died by it. Their nova has the largest radius of any super hands down. ----I disagree about hunters though, they have the most PvP oriented classes. And when you say their supers are less forgiving i think you mean more forgiving. No other supers on any class other than maybe radiance gives you multiple shots at getting kills. If a warlock or titan misses their super(it can and does happen, a FoH jumps to far forward or a warlock nova bombs the top of a door way on accident) then its done, no more chances they are out of super. A GG or Arc Blade can simply shoot or strike again, their supers are much more friendly when it comes to user error. And if your having trouble killing people with them theres some much larger underlying issues with your gameplay not the supers themselves. A gg should be cast around a corner once you spot multiple targets, thats easy money kills. Same with a arc blade except you have to get a little closer, on some maps that may be a problem but most maps are already set to favor close encounters. As far as grenades trip mine isnt bad. I die by that more than id like to admit, its simply not as easy to use as the magnetic or fusion but that doesnt make it any less deadly. They dont get as many choices here though for the reason i stated above their supers are already easy mode so they had to sacrifice something.

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  • Mhm. Wish the bubble had some time indicator for the person who used it though

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