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originally posted in: Auto Rifles Nerfed More Than 2.5%
3/2/2015 6:22:29 PM
I love my Suros still even after the Nerf. It's harder especially with slower ROF autos right now because every shot hitting is so important now. But I have one constructive criticism... I have seen a few of these posts with the same math you used. I thought it was a 2.5% decrease in DPS, not per shot damage. You need to add in the value for time. That 14% decrease on each bullets damage should be close to a 2.5% drop in overall DPS. I can see why in PvP it's so important because needing one more precision shot to take someone down could mean you're dead before you get that bullet off. But they needed to fix something. It was all auto's and hand cannons the last time I was doing crucible. It doesn't make autos obsolete, just not the clear overall winner. I know this thought won't be popular but overall balance is needed for the longevity of this game

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  • When I posted this I didn't see anything relating to damage over time. I see your comments and realize that this may have been the route Bungie took however I am not arguing about the damage. I am arguing for clearer more refined patch notes that outlined that autos were nerfed based on time to kill. If they had been clear on this than I would have never made this post. I like the balancing that was done but I will never forget how amazing my Vanquisher was.

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  • If you really understood then you wouldn't be demanding they tell you in updated patch notes....... Just quit complaning. What's done is done.

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