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Edited by Nephilim713: 2/28/2015 6:55:46 PM

Update is cool and all but I think another rebalance needs to happen. (PVP)

Before I express MY THOUGHTS, I want to go over a few huge issues that still live in this game's PVP atmosphere. People, these are my opinions and mine alone, so if you do not like them, can you express why? I do not want to see "lol gitgud, kid" or "lol you suck" or "lol look at your KD" posts. These posts are what is killing this very community. First, I am not a kid, so do not call me out on that. Second, these things are DIRE situations that need to be changed, and if you do not agree, you are either defending them, or living under a rock. This will without a doubt attract a lot of hate because I know how many people use these weapons. 1) The Last Word (Yours not mine). Let me tell you why this gun is such a plague in crucible and after patch 1.1.1 still is. Bungie, what the -blam!- were you thinking when you made this gun? If I remember your exact words, you people said EXOTICS ARE NOT MEANT TO BREAK GAMEPLAY, but feel overpowered. Well, shit, Bungie, you clearly make some exotics feel damn good, but the last word is a completely different story. This gun is the most broken gun in the whole game. The hip fire on this gun does not even require you to aim and it hits so damn hard. This is a problem in a game you deem "skillful", Bungie. It is a problem because ANYONE can use this weapon and dominate a whole match no matter how shit they are at the game. If you use the last word, you are a total noob and a plague to this entire community. Let me say this again, YOU ARE A PLAGUE. Bungie, the last word is insane and you people know it. Get off your arses and actually rebalance this damn gun. The issue with this gun is the perk called "last word". This special benefit alone lets this gun do insane damage and have insane hipfire. This benefit needs to be removed, and the full auto fan fire benefit should replace it. It will feel less broken and match other exotics out there. Anyone who used last word knows how boring it makes the game, Bungie, a exotic rebalancing 2.0 is needed! Couple this with gunslinger's trance, or blink and you are the ultimate noob this game has ever seen. I do admit that I take out my last word when there is a plague of them. 2) Thorn. Ah, thorn, the gun that is super hard to get, feels so rewarding, and burns you as well. If someone has Thorn, only last word can beat it, depending on how good the person is with it. I will not say much about thorn, but it shouldnt be able to hit you from a mile away. You people didn't nerf the range enough, Bungie. In my experience, the only way to beat it is with a fusion rifle, or a shotgun, or if you get the first shot in with your primary. Hunter's with thorn and last word are unstoppable if they can press a trigger. Thorn does not have an aimbot, but it is plaguing the crucible and is limiting our weapon options. 3) BLINK. GET RID OF THIS IN PVP. This ability is super super broken. How fun is it to shoot and then a person randomly teleports in the air and shotguns you in the face. No, there is no skill when using blink, so stop being in denial. Blink and felwinter's lie or any shotgun, really, are another plague in the crucible. Blink is stupid and there should not be crazy shenanigans in an arena shooter like teleporting. Get rid of blink, or put a timer on its use. Inb4 blink takes skill or blink is not broken. Oh and Bungie, who's lovely idea was it to make hunter's be able to blink in blade dancer form? This is super-duper broken. Blink and nova bomb is also a very cheap combo. 4) BLADEDANCER. The most overpowered thing in the game and even last word has a hard time beating it! This is just insane. Hunters get a 50% defense increase and can run around the map INVISIBLE and even throw arc waves from a distance. Easy fix: Make all supers like blade dancer so we have some sort of balance. If a nova bomb whiffs, that is it, you dont get a SECOND CHANCE. Radiant Skin does not even have the sheer defense power of a bladedancer, and what is even more stupid is dying from a single headshot, which bladedancer's live. Two Gjallarhorn's to the face doens't even kill a blade dancer. One hit of a bladedancer super puts a warlock in radiant skin at red health. Overpowered crap needs to be nerfed. My solution: Nerf the defense of a bladedancer or make him have a certain amount of strikes before he can use slash again. This would create balance and an opening to kill a bladedancer. 5) Golden gun: Self-explanatory: One shot kills and you get FOUR with the helmet and it lasts such a long time. Radiance only gets a one shot melee and nothing else is one shot unless you stick someone with a fusion. Claws of Ahamkara or Hotpf is the only way to guarantee one shot kills in radiance. Reduce Golden gun to about 6-7 seconds and it will not be such a problem in crucible. 6) Special ammo: Not everyone wants team shotguns and team snipers in a clash match. Put the special ammo crates to spawn every minute or so and there would be more of a weapon control thing going on. Skyshock is the worst offender in this category. Special ammo should NOT give you primary ammo. It should only give you special. Primary should be for kills and kills alone. Someone has 70 bullets and has last word? You know he can get more, right? 7) Fist of panic and panic nova bomb: Give us a notification when they have it. I cannot count the number of times I shot at a titan and he fist of havocs me. 8) Invisibility: This should be exclusive to patience and time. Get rid of it. I cannot count the number of times a hunter camps in a corner invisible and just shotguns me. 9) Fusion rifles: The ammo has been reduced and so has the blast radius, but they are still damn overpowered. I am looking at pocket infinity. 10) IRON BANNER: Make this more than control and bring something like it as a permanent playlist. I think the no radar playlist will help some of these problems, but a weapon and general rebalance needs to happen again. Weapon as in SPECIFIC EXOTICS. PS: These are MY opinions and I am not telling Bungie to nerf everything, just the things that are a disease.

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  • I have to agree about blink strike. It's a get out of jail free card for an otherwise poor tactical decision in your own placement. It's degrading gameplay into something mindless. The other things though, you should probably just adjust your Play style accordingly. Maybe Except bladedancer because blink strike but yea this game is what it is. It's never going to reward good aim like it probably should. Too close quarter centered

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  • This was long, drawn out and mostly unnecessary. To start off with, I hardly ever get killed by Thorn or TLW. And, I'm just an average player. If you get killed by either of these guns repeatedly in one match, you should just quit playing. Know the gun's weakness and counter it. For TLW, its range. For Thorn, its being an easy target. The gun basically broadcasts itself with its distinctive sound, as well as marking your screen with the DOT effect when hit. This is your queue to get the Heck out of there, and choose a different approach. As for shotguns and blink, don't charge people and don't let them charge you. You see someone running up on you, jump. If all you're going to do is stand there or backpedal, you are going to die. Supers usually only happen twice in a match. Three if you're having a good one. I just let it happen. 9/10 times you're going to lose that battle. Who cares? Its one death. Invisible Hunters. Ok. I hate these guys. But, it has a cool down and its a very risky maneuver. I can't count how many times I've killed a crouching Hunter who's trying to activate invis. It's pretty funny.

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  • The only thing i hate in pvp is titans. Some of their grenades are overpowered af (looking at you lightning grenade) and they are more invicible when they fist of havoc you than when they are in their bubble.

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  • Solutions: 1. Hawkmoon... 2. As above 3. Counter them with more blink and/ or more shotguns. 4. Run away if you see them. Let them waste more super trying to catch you so you have less team casualties. #teamplayer 5. If you are running around like headless chickens instead of checking your corners, then maybe you deserve to be golden-gunned/sniped in the head... It makes no difference. 6. Really? 8. lol. 9. Skipped 7 because I stopped caring about the post halfway into writing number 5. 10. A week of control never hurts. A no radar playlist will make it only worse (in accordance with your opinions) because people will play more cautiously/aggressively than normal (It varies player to player obviously). All it comes down to is who has better connection and/or who pulled the trigger first; which is pretty much every other crucible match i've ever been in. The point is: use the tools given to you. No one is at a disadvantage in regards to in-game weapons and abilities; because we all have access to them. If you get beaten in a game don't cry about it and move on; otherwise your tears (opinions) will only make us stronger. But hey... to each their own, right?

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  • Someone hates Hunters. Noob

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  • 1) [quote]YOU ARE A PLAGUE.[/quote] LOL have you tried not sticking your face directly in front of the barrel? I beat TLW all the time... with a scout rifle. 2) [quote]Thorn, only last word can beat it[/quote] See point 1. 3) [quote](Blink) is super super broken.[/quote] Blink works as intended and isn't that hard to account for once you know it's in use. 4) [quote]BLADEDANCER. Overpowered crap needs to be nerfed.[/quote] You do realize it's a Super, right? Bladedancer is no worse than any other Super. Then again, you do propose nerfing/handicapping 4/6 supers, so maybe you[i] don't[/i] get it. 5) [quote]Golden gun: Self-explanatory: One shot kills and you get FOUR with the helmet[/quote] More if you're good and perk correctly, [i]like every other Super[/i] 6) [quote]Special ammo[/quote] Good points here. Finally. 7) [quote]Fist of panic and panic nova bomb: Give us a notification when they have it. I cannot count the number of times I shot at a titan and he fist of havocs me.[/quote] If the game has been going more than one minute they probably have a Super, more than two minutes they[i] definitely[/i] do. There's your notification. 8) [quote]I cannot count the number of times a hunter camps in a corner invisible and just shotguns me.[/quote] Maybe don't run blind around corners? 9) [quote]I am looking at pocket infinity.[/quote] It's an exotic special, what do you expect? 10) [quote]IRON BANNER: Make this more than control and bring something like it as a permanent playlist.[/quote] While a permanent level advantage playlist would be awesome, I'd miss rekking newly minted Raidmasters who don't understand PvP on Day 1 of each Iron Banner.

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    2 Replies
    • TL;DR Stfu and change you strategy.

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    • Never mind a snowflake, you're a full on blizzard!

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    • Says you only have a warlock. Try using the other classes first. Hunter super times really aren't that long. Arc blades loses time for every swing which is why you don't see the better players spamming it. Thorn and TLW really aren't that hard to deal with. TLW has horrible range. Both are precision weapons so if they shoot first then yeah they're probably gonna kill you. Special ammo probably does drop to often. Yes it should give you primary ammo to. Why? Because it's primary ammo which should be seeing primary use and running out of ammo in a shooter kinda screws the whole concept of a shooter up. Try using Viking funeral it makes sunsinger grenades much bette. Fusion rifles don't need another nerf. Should even consider one for another 2 weeks to let things adjust. Supers are pretty much fine as is. They actually balance well with each other and are equivalent, not equal. It'd be impossible to be equally given you're comparing very different abilities. There's a natural Rock Paper Scissors to it. For point 10 read up on trials of Osiris. Blink is fine, try side stepping. Invisibility is horrible in pvp besides you can just crouch to reduce your radar signature the only way to miss an invisible player at close range would be if you have a very bad tv. I mean they're kinda glowing with arching electricity. The no radar playlist is gonna be much worse with corner camping. Also not sure you could properly classify Destiny as an arena shooter. Maps are to asymmetric and there's no equally access to guns/ armor during the match, only what each player brings in. Ammo drops could be justification for that but other games that aren't arena shooters have ammo drops.

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    • hahahahaha no, tlw is easily out gunned thorn isn't going to cross map you anymore and btw blink is actually hard to use right

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      8 Replies
      • i respect that these are your opinions but i find most of them to be untrue form my experience. these all sound like "i die from this a lot so it needs to be nerfed". that's what it sounds like to me.

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      • You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts two galy shells definitely kill any bladedancer, excluding glitch. The rest I agree on for the most part. Supers should be op. Tip of the day. A shotty like my felwinters melts the blade dancer. Got 2 full health last night. The timing is very difficult but possible. Takes some testicular fortitude.

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      • The inferno play list will be people camping crouched with a shotgun or a sniper. Literally if my first death is from a guy camping with a shotgun I'll quit.

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        1 Reply
        • This game would be very boring if everything was equal. If RNG or Xur blessed me with an OP weapon, then so be it. It is tiring to read posts where people complain all the time. Go get better, that's it. Stop acting like you ran out of butthurt cream...

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        • lol

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        • Only one thing that is OP in this whole game. Shoulder charge. Everything else has a counter. Shoulder charge has no cooldown and rewards 1hk for sprinting. Easy to use and highly effective.

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          10 Replies
          • You have literally said to nerf everything on the game. Shotguns too OP, same with Fusion rifles, and you don't like getting cross mapped by Snipers. The last word is not good at all, I mean like really I wiped the floor with the people that used it in Iron Banner. The only super that is literally unstoppable is fist of havoc with the perk unstoppable on it. You literally can't kill them. As for your bladedancing issues I've used it and been on the other side quite a bit. The defense on it is not that high. If he's close enough to you it is a one shot with felwinter's lie. I know because I've done it. So basically in your opinion the only things that are balanced are heavy, auto rifles, and pulse rifles, throughout the entire crucible. Please stop making these posts nobody wants you to list everything you've ever been killed by. Have a nice day.

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          • Nerf this and this and that and even this

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          • Edited by Purple389YW: 2/28/2015 2:33:25 PM
            Well I would love to stop using my last word and switch back to auto rifles but there are so many pulse rifles that wreck you now that I have to use it along with pulse rifles. Also I dont see complaints about titans really. Favoritism.

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          • This post is all nonsense. Just because you suck dosent mean the game is unbalanced. It means you lack skill

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            3 Replies
            • That's a lot of things. Personally I would just say give us a gametype with no supers and no heavy. But your list makes it seem like you wouldn't mind going at it with other players as long as every one gets two sticks and a rock.

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            • And I was looking for a #satire tag... Smh

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            • EVERY single thing you posted here was just for your own sake because you suck.

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            • If Nova bomb whiffs, you're playing badly. That thing has an explosion the size of the sun.

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            • OP please respond to Mongrels post, that one really responds to all youre saying.

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            • why do you even play? nerf the whole game? whats left? go away

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