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originally posted in: Is the game too unbalanced?
2/26/2015 11:23:33 AM
I'm relatively new to the game myself, but the only thing I've really seen as an issue with the game so far is that the PvP matchmatching seems a bit unbalanced in terms of matching players of similar skill/rank. When choosing a game type in the Crucible, in all the listings it says 'Level Advantages Disabled' so I would assume this should mean that I get put against people who are more or less along my level, thus along my level of gear, however perhaps I'm just misunderstanding what it means? Anyways, I can't really join this and enjoy it because I'm obviously at a disadvantage with lower quality gear and what not. Now of course, some will say things like "get better gear then noob" or "just play smarter/better scrub" but the Crucible is opened for use pretty early in the game for each character, so I would assume a more balanced matchmaking system would make PvP a more viable mechanic for just about everyone at anytime. I remember the first time I tried PvP I just opened the Crucible, curious to try it, and joined as a level 6 where I went up against an entire team of level 32s. It just seems to me that PvP is unplayable until you're a certain level, thus making it a less than appealing feature for a while. Aside from this inconvenience, I've got pretty much nothing ill to say against the game, great work Bungie.

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  • True. Level advantages are disabled....but gear perks are not, and neither are class skill trees. So a level 6 WILL find it difficult to compete simply because higher level guardians have more abilities and better gear. Also the matchmaking gets REALLY bad at times. Not so much of putting people of equal skill level together...but in putting TEAMS of similar composition against one another. Control matches are won by quality team a team of randoms with no headsets or in-game communication simply aren't going to be able to compete on any sort of even footing with a clan team where everyone has a headset, and are calling out to one another during the game. Bungie needs to to a much better job of pitting teams against teams and randoms against randoms.

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