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2/18/2015 6:33:03 PM

Upgrades to Exotic Armors that would make them more....desirable.

Been thinking of these for a while and to be honest a good bit of the exotic armors for classes can leave much to be desired in them. Sunbreakers Current Ability- Extends Duration of Solar Grenades Suggested Change- All Grenades leave behind a solar grenade effect after activating Reason Being: To be honest most if not everything in this game knows when to get out of the way an area of effect type of attack and isn't stupid enough to remain the AOE, but imagine how surprised anything would be if the grenade went off they thought it was over then suddenly DOT takes place. Starfire protocol Current ability- Give an extra fusion grenade (doesn't stack with Gift of the sun) Suggest Change- Make it so it just gives the gift of the sun perk. Problem not entirely solved, but at least people could extend their builds a bit more. Young Ahamkara's Spine Current Ability - Extends the time that Tripmine stays active. Suggest Change - Make it so tripmines can be picked back up by touch and reset the cool down when they are re-obtained. Would make it so tripmines are wasted by accident. The Glasshouse: Current Ability- Extends Blessing/Weapons of Light Suggested Changed: Grant either weapons of light or Blessing of Light depending on which one is chosen. Would make it so people wouldn't have to choose a desired one. Let me know of anymore you guys think need a changing, as it stands these are the few I think that get it the worst.

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