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2/11/2016 5:57:09 PM

Crimson Doubles was Tremendous Fun

Dear Bungie, I personally had a wonderful time playing Crimson Doubles over the past two days. This new crucible game mode is tremendous fun – the combination of a two-person fireteam and the broken heart buff proves to bring excitement to each match. I know there are many folks online who do not share my sentiment and have complained about the drop rates on the new Crimson rewards. I myself had a great experience seeing that I had three crimson shells (318, 315, and 298) and the rose shader drop for me the first night and was able to round out my collection last night by acquiring the sugary shell and the valentine shader upon completing my bounties. I’m not sure if RNGesus could be tweeked to better benefit those with dull drop rates – I’ll leave that up to your engineers. To share a few constructive criticisms – I was disappointed to see that the new emotes to be used between two guardians (e.g. secret sign, fist bump) were not actually synced with one another. That is to say, I presumed that you would go up to another guardian who shared the emote and, upon initiation, it would prompt them with “AJValentine would like to fist bump you” and you would then accept and the emote would proceed. Instead, I sat in the tower and saw two guardians trying to use the emote together only to look like morons for 30 mins because the action wouldn’t line up correctly. Not sure if this is something you can fix later but I figured I’d mention it for good measure. Also, you have me colored curious with the weekly bounties for an event that only comes out once a year, for a week long period. Because I’ve completed these bounties on my characters, I am not encouraged to seek out more rewards and commit more of my time other than the shear fun of the game type (which is to be respected, you made a great game type). Why not something similar to Iron Banner where bounties are refreshed each day and give more opportunities to earn rewards through experience. Maybe the legendary engrams awarded after each bounty completion have something to do with it – I could see why you wouldn’t want to hand 10 of those out a day. But maybe we could trade in all of our crimson candies for a greater reward??? All this to say thank you for this new event!!! I had a great time playing and sincerely hope that you make doubles a regular part of the crucible experience. Now, should we expect any larger game content to come soon???? Yours, AJValentine0289 P.S. thanks for naming a shader after me ;o)

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