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originally posted in:The Rolling Crew
1/23/2016 5:31:24 AM

How to win in trails

Hey guys trials is back🙌in this part of the topic or whatever this is called I will tel u how to win in trials 1u need to have communicatoin,it is very I'm portant to have communication 2 u need a try hard if u don't have one well then u 🙋have to try hard,to try hard u must be in the zone so take some warm up games so u can get in ur zone 3 in trials don't get cocky this is when u choke for example: ur playing a game and someone on the other team disconnects don't rush them because they will have a good plan or u winning 4-0 don't get cocky and rush them unless u have a plan,I have had a match when we were 4-0and we got cocky and choke they came up to 4-4 that's when we realised we being cocky but the last round we played it smooth and had a good plan and we won with comunicatoin ,plan and try HARDS!!😎SO GO OUT AND RECK!#get recked

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