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11/29/2015 7:51:26 AM

Best rumble match ever.

This was so amazing I had to share it. I was just playing some rumble on my brothers account, using dat op sunbreaker to rack up a bunch of kills, when I decided to throw No Land beyond on for a game or two. The first match I queue into I wasn't paying attention to the matchmaking bar, but it only filled up four/six slots for the rumble match. Shaxx decides to start it anyways, and away we fly to the Cauldron. As we're loading, I notice it's just four people in the match, so I check who else is here with me. Bad news, it's a fireteam of three, and they look tough, judging by their emblems. I brace myself as I check the first guys gear. What's this? A fellow no land beyonder. Interesting. How about the second guy? Same thing. Third guy. I realized I've been dropped into the best game I will ever have on destiny. As soon as the match starts we're off, nobody is using secondaries or melees, just NLB. It was the most fun I'd ever had in destiny. Then the sweaty tryhard joined in progress, TLW and conspiracy theory in tow. We quickly realize that this guys isn't going to play by our rules, so we team up on him and the other session-joiner, supering their supers, grabbing the heavy so they can't get it, and group tea-Bagging their corpses. As the clock ticks down, it ends with me in second place, and the rest of the NLB squad in 1st-4th, leaving poor mr sweaty tryhard in second last, going negative using TLW against four guys using NLB. Overall the best match I've ever had on destiny, and it makes me think there's a hope for this game still. Shout out to the three man fireteam using NLB in rumble on PS3 , I can't remember your names but you know who you are. Thanks for the great game you champs:) Ps: if you run into a guy named mrbaggins on PS3, make sure you tea-bag after every kill on him.
#Destiny #PS3

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