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Edited by Phil de Blanc: 4/1/2015 6:13:10 PM

I feel shame

There was a time I could hop on at any time day-or-night and find reliable buddies to go shoot things with… not any more. In fact, I can get on late afternoon and evenings and see only a one other player I know... this is 'rush-hour' for the servers, yet the Tower is a ghost town when I used to see 30-40 friends. Every member of those fireteams I've had so much fun exploring this fantastic playground with are now away, always elsewhere, always with other games to play and things to do. Always. They'll poke their noses in for Wolves, but I fear Destiny 1.0's time may have passed. This is a shame as we've all invested in this shared hallucination and want it to succeed. I deeply enjoy the sci-fi vibe and a major reason I invested emotional capital in this game. Note: past-tense wording. Sure, it looks great, and as a shooter it's top-notch, but what-a-drag you had to make such a simplistic game, Bungie! If this had more interesting mechanics, different ways to accomplish goals, the Awoken/Exos/Humans had racial strengths, let Guardians hack door consoles - not Dinglebot, suspend your Crucible fixation, enabled Sparrow and Ship races… all this and more, then my friends would still be logging in and sticking around. It's boring people out of their minds and without the social glue of group enthusiasm its a now a major d-r-a-g. So, I put on Guardian garb and look for mates to run with… and find nobody on anymore. My time is limited and without reliable teams ready-to-go the Destiny fun-factor is reduced to an absolute minimum. I am glum at the thought of doing 'Destinations' solo anymore and weary of chance players and their goofy notions I cannot rely on. I enjoy honing my skills and getting better, but it seems the vast majority of players are in it for the loot and don't have a sustaining ethic/goal beyond accumulating items. Plenty of games are designed for solo progress, but Destiny is better in groups. Tactically, it's designed for teams, but for long-term playability this game is handicapped by Bungie caution and/or lack of XXIst century vision. Retool your teams and demand stronger player incentives, because this arrangement you've built is too limited to continue: your Walled Garden dictates you simply cannot make enough to feed this get-things hunger. The appearance of latter-day Forge for user-created content would be a positive development. Bungie insiders must already know all this watching the early drop-off rate now accelerate. There is no shame like throwing a party and nobody shows up. Today my Xbox Live is up for renewal and I am going to hold back. As both PC and Console gamer I look at these environments to serve different desires. For consoles, the social side is stronger and I pay that monthly premium {and wonder why} so Microsoft will allow the software I bought to continue working - and I get to cajole & cheer my mates in fantastic locations. Once purchased, Bungie only receives income via DLC's and Microsoft + Playstation stipends for player on-line activity… withholding $ favor appears to be the only way to signal that Bungie 'Xecs measure. I'm waiting for House of Wolves to renew. We'll see how long the fun-factor is sustained. So when I log in and find nobody on with me it's sad-making. You make me mad for caring. Loyalty is a two-edged sword, and the vitriol expressed on these forums can still be turned into a force for good. These strong feelings show deep buy-in, but reflect collective frustration at this paltry final product and growing Guardian disaffection is terminal. Stem it now, face your hubris, root-out sycophants talking-up your awesomeness & making you feel like you can't do anything wrong… or we'll ALL get to watch BOTH 343 Industries and Bungie slow-motion crash. I really don't want to read this kind of post-mortem at some future GDC. * * PS - Unless they have the decency to open-source the Destiny code as they exit, as with Myth: Soulblighter, so fans can tool it up and keep it going for years after Bungie has closed doors.

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  • Even Diablo 3 didn't measure up to Diablo 2 for me. D2 is the benchmark that I measure the greatness of all other RPGs. The character class diversity and item diversity that it contained was amazing. I played D2 for years, D3 for maybe two months, including the expansion. I want another game that is that addictive, that all consuming, and I would love for that game to be Destiny. I really am enjoying the game though, for now.

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  • I feel you. This may have killed my love for gaming period. They all operate the same way now...DLC coin operated arcade in your living room. It's okay to give up dude...they will either try to save it or it will be killed when destiny 2 pre orders don't make investors happy. You gotta let go...anyone that cared about the game that originally created it has left or is cowering in the corner trying to hold down their jobs. The creative amazing game you....we fell in love with is just a voodoo resurrected zombie can still have a good time with the body and it moves around a bit but there's no soul in her eyes...that bitch is a dead husk...soulless dead shallow husk you grudge -blam!- in some hope of finding the love you first felt...(drops mic)

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    1 Reply
    • Really really well said about destiny at the moment. It's a shame that noone will read your post because its too long.

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    • I'm not sure what games many of you have played before, but I've never had a 7 month run with any other game before this one. I'd say my longest stint up to this point was with Demon's Souls, which I played for approximately 4 months and that was because I was working towards the Platinum Trophy.

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    • Some people aren't able to love destiny as hard as they do. The time investment alone is amazing. Some are scared of that love an move on to re-skinned games they've already played or mediocre shooter franchise that pushes a "new" game once a year. I hope this guardians come back. Otherwise they may wake up one day thinking about Destiny as the love that got away.

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      • Damn, what a drama queen.

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        2 Replies
        • I agree, there is definitely a problem. I got up early Saturday a couple weeks ago, logged in and there was no one else in the tower. Went to the cosmo to do some bounties, same thing. I usually log in atleast once a day if just to check if there is someone on I know that may want to do the rair or something. Everybody is either playing somthing else, logged off or watching netflix. This has to be worrying Bungie if their smart. Yet we haven't really heard anything from them. On a daily basis the towers are half empty, it's time they woke up and smelt the coffee.

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        • I have a lot more to say and recommend, but I get hired for that kind of depth. I would add one observation seen in many successful companies: it's hard to tell someone selling millions of dollars of goods that they are doing something wrong. It's human nature. This is a common problem when pioneering radicals become an institution "The Man", unable to get outside themselves. Best countered with top-level executive empowering certain roles that overrule legacy team members. Have chair and bullwhip: will travel.

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        • Bump

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        • Great post.

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