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2/5/2015 8:35:20 PM

Bungie Weekly Update - 02/05/2015

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12558]Bungie Weekly Update - 02/05/2015[/url]
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  • Edited by ApexAnimal: 2/8/2015 6:45:12 PM
    Well Bungie, the clock is ticking. You can further push the DLC back as much as you want. Its not like your testing it for bugs, its not like there is any more than a lackluster amount of content, save for a raid, and maybe a couple of those PVP maps, if we're lucky. In fact, if you hadn't already suckered me into the DLC, I'd be high tailing it out after the Dark Below. Sourly regret buying this expansion pass, what's saving $5 when your ripping me off the other $30? Thanks Bungie, it's been real. You have taught me how excellent other developers are, and your old self will be missed. Your lack of support has been terrible. At every step forward, you manage to take 3 terrific steps backwards. I don't know who's pulling the string's behind what is now the sock puppet known as Bungie, but I can see through the act. You ain't gettin no more of my money. I mean, obviously, its not our recognition, loyalty, or respect your after. No, as long as the money keeps flowing, from the absent minded casual gamer, you'll continue swimming in it, so why bother? Well Bungie, thankfully, a-holes such as you can only exist so long. EA, Activison, they took Dice, people who made the likes of Battlefield Bad Company 2, and now look. BF Hardline, as fun as it can be, is BF4. Its a skin. There have been more creative mods done by teenagers sitting in their rooms. And you guys are no different. The circuit maps that involve strikes, which are also story missions, which then also have you patrol, which are also where public events take a place. You effing jerks even made the DLC in the same area's. So what did I pay for? You already had the enemy designs done. Check. The levels I played on were already made. Check. I am just amazed, but I can see through the facade now. You guys are absolutely ruining gaming. You went from assisting in its growth to securing its demise. Thanks a lot. I am all for the community that has been created, but the designers at Bungie are well aware that the community was ALWAYS there. The use of mic's, constant talking, online friend's we play with regularly, these have been novelties I have enjoyed about online gaming since Halo 2. Even before that. But I can't understand why you must deliver such a hollow experience, in order for it to be social. What happened to the personal feeling that your games had? Whether PVP or PVE, it was always there, and it isn't here. I will be happy when The Elder Scoll's 6 does NOT employ such crappy, greedy tactics. I will be happy when bugs and issue's are addressed quickly and accordingly. Not 6 months later. And man oh man, you guys made this game for yourselves, not us. And it stinks of it. So again, Bungie, in my opinion, and I don't care if people disagree, I'm not arguing with anyone, just stating how I feel... Destiny 2 will not be like what MW2 was to CoD4. Keep in mind how little CoD4 disappointed. It left for it a bright future. And CoD is beaten to death in repetition. I realized, its not that they are afraid to change things so that it can be a better experience, no, its to cut cost's in an effort to maximize sales. I am thankful that other developers exist who do not become so arrogant about their game, and make such absurd changes to it. But the biggest, worst, most conniving thing about you and your absolutely constrained and falsely advertised game, is that you are [b]getting in the habit of LYING to us.[/b] Seriously Bungie, you ever get that feeling that you know someone is full of crap, but you let them continue on? That's how I feel about [b]YOU.[/b] I don't even want to begin on DeeJ, he has been nothing more than a let down to this community. At every. single. turn. Lying is something I am positive was never a part of the Bungie fan experience. But today, you tell us that the House of Wolves "won't make the same mistakes". Hang on hang on, you are telling me that creating an easy path for new "christmas n00b" adopters to catch up right away to their launch player counter parts, giving vendors gear that exceeds what players obtained through previous efforts, you [i]are actually trying to convince me that choice was not deliberate?[/i] So, all those people would buy DLC, right? What's the point of being one level higher than VOG? To get all that gear, but all those weapons are only 300...WAIT...NOW I GET IT!!! You did that to entice new fan's into buying The Dark Below..or even better, the House of Wolves, to get them stuck on the chew chew train to BS even LONGER! [b]LOL.[/b] It wasn't a mistake. It was on purpose. You freaking LIARS! And now, you are telling me that you cannot control what Xur has? Remember when you announced he wouldn't be carrying heavy ammo as often, if at all anymore? Wait wait wait wait...and now, your telling me that The House of Wolves content is going to have "surprises" and that the Japanese dude who found all that new content is wrong? Well, this time, instead of taking your word for it, well, we'll see. I am pretty sure though, that you and I both know Bungie, DeeJ, that Japanese guy was 100% spot on. You wouldn't have said jack crap if he wasn't. I'm also pretty sure that there is no surprise. Just like no more content in the VoG. But you would lie to us to ensure we keep playing and purchasing, rigiht? I call BS. So, you have not only lost my personal respect, appreciation, and loyalty, but worst of all Bungie, you have absolutely tarnished your [b]Trust.[/b] People might click on my name, and find 3 characters. As we all know, we find armor for each character, sometimes when we aren't even playing as said character. Getting these characters to 20 was the hard part. From there, well, I already had everything needed to hit 31. Then it was a simple matter of using all those marks I never spent. Remember, 31 gear from vendors? It made it quite easy, and actually hardly time consuming at all, as opposed to hitting 30 with my first character. And the PVP, I can enjoy if I'm having a good day with hit, and the Raids, when I have a good team. But there are so many factors and variables with connections, glitches, bugs, all these rampant issues that mar what could be a fantastic experience. Ya did me wrong Bungie. And I have a strong feeling that other people take notice too. We know you are lying. We are being silent about it...we aren't saying anything because we still have some slight glimmer of hope that you might remedy this horrendous experience you have put us through and continue to do so. It's because we'd like for you to continue providing us those excellent games. It's what we pay you for, ultimately Activison thrives off us, the fan's as well. Your treatment of us has been noted. [i][/i] [i][/i] [b]EDIT:[/b] It has come to my attention that the forum moderators have made my post "hidden". I'm sure this means that it disables the post from appearing in the comments section. This is very sad Bungie. This seems like some kind of weird dictatorship. This is America you know, yeah its your forum, your rules, what happened to freedom of speech? Did you not just take mine away? EDIT 3: Again, I wouldn't have typed that all up about a game I didn't [b]want to continue playing.[/b] That's where my concerns derive from. The fact that before Destiny came out, I felt that Bungie games rarely leave my console for a year almost, and after that, its still in constant play sessions for a while. I wanted that from Destiny, but there are soooooo many problems preventing that. And you can't blame [i]me[/i] for pointing out game breaking faults in the core mechanics of Destiny. The economy, etc. I didn't even bring up the story dude. When did it become impossible to point out issues and errors? If my spaghetti comes from the kitchen cold and moldy, does complaining make me a hypocrite if later that day I eat a proper, delicious serving of sphaghetti? You weenies! Your argument is invalid! Yes I play. NO DUH. Hence my issue's with Bungie and their game! I will continue to play! I will be on the Crucible today, as a matter of fact! And yeah, however many hours I have, that's sitting in total solititude, waiting for my University to start. I moved to Oregon and I've been here for 3 months bored as hell. Destiny has definitely helped with that. Also goes to show why I want MORE. And you can't blame me for that either, what exactly has this game done? What MMO's do, just, its not an MMO. They give you timed events and weekly chances at prizes that you feel obligated to be a part of. But I am honestly not too concerned about simply missing a few Nightfalls. Like I said, I'm out after HoW. That means that if I like the Raids and everything else, I will be able to play on my own time, when I feel like it. It will be nice. I won't give a crap about drops, HoW is the last content I'll buy, therefor, the drops aren't a requirement for me as they'll always be there. Bungie can make the daily, the weekly, the nightfall, even PVP, make it all Comet only or what ever, after HoW. You've alienated your fanbase and now your basically showing us the door, whether peopl want to pay, or can even afford, your absolute waste of time and money.

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