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2/5/2015 8:35:20 PM

Bungie Weekly Update - 02/05/2015

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12558]Bungie Weekly Update - 02/05/2015[/url]
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  • Anyone want to cheese crota on hard mode with me?

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    2 Replies
    • I don´t understand why things like "Vendor Reputation" gets an update and things like Vault Space (the community cries for more space for months now!) is never mentioned? Yes, you are fixing the heavy ammo glitch/bug. After 4 months!!!! But Crota glitch gets fixed within 2 weeks (not that I want cheeses to be in there, don´t get me wrong). Bungie, you should shift your priorities, listen to the community please. Make polls on so the community can show you what things they want to have fixed or added first.

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      • Hey you knoe you made the EV-30 tumbler, Ehy not for pre ordering the house of wolves if you fident get the Ev-30 you they will get a purple and white (white flames) stunt sparrow with the name off Ex-41 tumbler This just an idea so please reply soon if you like P.s im not charging for this idea

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        Your not worth a response - old

        Destiny is dying. This year will probably be the beginning of the end for the Destiny franchise that really hasnt even started yet. The game is literally a pathetic joke. It was completely over hyped and then under cut by is publishers and its developers : activision and bungie. It in its current best is nothing more than an over extended alpha. Is not even worthy of being called a beta. The dlc is nothing more than origional content cut from the game to be sold by activision and bungie to make more money. PvE- At its best moments its only mediocre. Tower- Nothing more than a gathering place for players to point, dance, and wave at each other. The vanguards are virtually useless once youve either purchased the legendary they offer, or gotten a luck rng roll and gotten the same or better gear as a reward. Anything you get from the speaker is absolutely pointless for nothing more than cosmetic. The factions are pointless as well you have just as good a chance to get their gear in rng roll as you do doing bounties and faction levels to buy them. The cryptarch is a joke and nothing more. Gives you useless gear from any engram from green to purple. If youve ever gotten a exotic engram congrats youve won destiny. Why is there a lady to buy ships from? They serve as much good as the speaker. Cosmetic. Vanguard quartermaster sells weapons but it stays the same for months at a time and once you get a good rng roll they just take up space. Bounties are the same every day just on a differemt planet. Once youve gotten full raid gear and good guns youve no need to do them anymore, it just becomes boring and repetitive. The vault is severely lacking in space atleast for the side of materials, why you would need vault space for armor ive literally no idea. Eris is worthless to you once youve gotten murmur and hit 32. No real need to lvl her at all. Xur is the only thing good in the tower and most of the time he either sells the same thing or has worthless gear. You get better gear from the raid than you do from him half the time. Every now and then he has a good gun but thats not often. Out of the tower youve got 4 planets that as far as playability go are completely the same, patrols are the same, strikes are the same, missions are the same. Either go here kill this or go here and kill alot of this while the little ghost scans something. Hes literally nothing more than an HP Deskjet scanner and locksmith, serves no other purpose to the game what so ever. Unless you have bounties to do which as said are nothing more but repeats of each other with no real reward but leveling vanguard you really dont need, theres no point in spending time on the planets. Strikes- completely repetitive. Pointless. Un-rewarding. Highest lvl you can play on outside of the nightfall is 28 but you have to have the dlc to even do that. So to anyone above lvl 30 its nothing more than another story mission with random people. Raids: VoG- now its nothing more than a time killer between weekly resets. With TDB release it made all gear/weapons from this raid obsolite. The only reason to play is to kill time between resets and hope you get that lucy roll for an exotic or the even less possible.....the mythoclast. Other than that, boring, and obsolite. Crota- run it once a week to get gear. Once you have the gear run it until said gear has full level. After that, same as vog, playing for that slim chance of an exotic roll. But once HoW releases the gear will probably become just as obsolite as VoG. In total not only is one of them worthless but both have very slim chances for anything good. Not to mention they are COMPLETELY FILLED with bugs. And worse these bugs arent even being fixed nor even noticed by bungie or developers. Pretty soon the raids will probably crash from all the bugs forcing them to be fixed or with how lazy and arrogant bungie and devs are, simply removed from the game. Weekly heroic/nightfall- strike with more bullet sponges. Nightfall is pretty much the best chance at getting anything good outside of raid gear. Once you run it once no need to do it again, you wont get anything anyway after the first run. All in all PvE is a pointless, repetitive, boring grind for gear and weapo s that will either become obsolite, leveled, or even nerfed. PvP- It takes absolutely no skill to play this. The radar is constant unless you crouch (then it blinks every 3 seconds making you a little bit better camper) which eliminates any tactics beside run and gun. Nothing more than a campers wet dream. Full of shotguns mostly. The hit detection is absolutely horrible causing you to die when truelly you should have one but bungie blames this one on you and your internet (we know better than that bungie but nice try). If you melee your more than likely gonna kill trade but thats ok because remeber thats your internet not bungies fault (yeah right). The maps are terrible, CoD in almost every way. Not enough room for sniping or any sort of distance play except for mayb a few spots. Making shotguns and auto rifles the top choice but oh wait, rifles are the top choice hince they MUST be op so they MUST be nerfed so people will (be forced) try pulse rifles. Very stupid logic bungie. There are crucible bounties but truthfully they take way to much time to complete and are in the end pointless after you get better gear. Speaking of which the reward system for crucible is absolutely pathetic. Whoever designed it or made the call for it to be applied should be fired. 20 kills no deaths = strange coin.....AFK+no kills+10 or more deaths= legendary or exotic? That was the single stupidest thing you put in this game bungie. I lost all respect for you just for that alone. The only thing crucible is any good for is exotic bounties. Other than that it is absolutely pathetic in everu aspect and could never become competitive. Its literally built for 7-13 year olds trying to learn more about this fps world, and its a very bad example. And all of this will become worse when HoW releases. Gear will become obsolite and more bugs will surface. Previous bugs will be ignored or continue to be ignored and will never be fixed. We as a community were robbed. Forced to pay for content already on disc. This game has not lived up to anything we were promised pre-release, and we wont be getting it any time soon. Theres no 10 year franchise possible for this game, it will not see a 3rd instalment and if it does, you wont make enough money off of it to even pay for half the cost of making it. Your reputation is tarnished, your greed solidified in gold. Bungie, activision....its the end of destiny and it hasnt even begun. The "fate of all fools" is clear. Its over for you.

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        • [quote]Destiny is dying. This year will probably be the beginning of the end for the Destiny franchise that really hasnt even started yet. The game is literally a pathetic joke. It was completely over hyped and then under cut by is publishers and its developers : activision and bungie. It in its current best is nothing more than an over extended alpha. Is not even worthy of being called a beta. The dlc is nothing more than origional content cut from the game to be sold by activision and bungie to make more money. PvE- At its best moments its only mediocre. Tower- Nothing more than a gathering place for players to point, dance, and wave at each other. The vanguards are virtually useless once youve either purchased the legendary they offer, or gotten a luck rng roll and gotten the same or better gear as a reward. Anything you get from the speaker is absolutely pointless for nothing more than cosmetic. The factions are pointless as well you have just as good a chance to get their gear in rng roll as you do doing bounties and faction levels to buy them. The cryptarch is a joke and nothing more. Gives you useless gear from any engram from green to purple. If youve ever gotten a exotic engram congrats youve won destiny. Why is there a lady to buy ships from? They serve as much good as the speaker. Cosmetic. Vanguard quartermaster sells weapons but it stays the same for months at a time and once you get a good rng roll they just take up space. Bounties are the same every day just on a differemt planet. Once youve gotten full raid gear and good guns youve no need to do them anymore, it just becomes boring and repetitive. The vault is severely lacking in space atleast for the side of materials, why you would need vault space for armor ive literally no idea. Eris is worthless to you once youve gotten murmur and hit 32. No real need to lvl her at all. Xur is the only thing good in the tower and most of the time he either sells the same thing or has worthless gear. You get better gear from the raid than you do from him half the time. Every now and then he has a good gun but thats not often. Out of the tower youve got 4 planets that as far as playability go are completely the same, patrols are the same, strikes are the same, missions are the same. Either go here kill this or go here and kill alot of this while the little ghost scans something. Hes literally nothing more than an HP Deskjet scanner and locksmith, serves no other purpose to the game what so ever. Unless you have bounties to do which as said are nothing more but repeats of each other with no real reward but leveling vanguard you really dont need, theres no point in spending time on the planets. Strikes- completely repetitive. Pointless. Un-rewarding. Highest lvl you can play on outside of the nightfall is 28 but you have to have the dlc to even do that. So to anyone above lvl 30 its nothing more than another story mission with random people. Raids: VoG- now its nothing more than a time killer between weekly resets. With TDB release it made all gear/weapons from this raid obsolite. The only reason to play is to kill time between resets and hope you get that lucy roll for an exotic or the even less possible.....the mythoclast. Other than that, boring, and obsolite. Crota- run it once a week to get gear. Once you have the gear run it until said gear has full level. After that, same as vog, playing for that slim chance of an exotic roll. But once HoW releases the gear will probably become just as obsolite as VoG. In total not only is one of them worthless but both have very slim chances for anything good. Not to mention they are COMPLETELY FILLED with bugs. And worse these bugs arent even being fixed nor even noticed by bungie or developers. Pretty soon the raids will probably crash from all the bugs forcing them to be fixed or with how lazy and arrogant bungie and devs are, simply removed from the game. Weekly heroic/nightfall- strike with more bullet sponges. Nightfall is pretty much the best chance at getting anything good outside of raid gear. Once you run it once no need to do it again, you wont get anything anyway after the first run. All in all PvE is a pointless, repetitive, boring grind for gear and weapo s that will either become obsolite, leveled, or even nerfed. PvP- It takes absolutely no skill to play this. The radar is constant unless you crouch (then it blinks every 3 seconds making you a little bit better camper) which eliminates any tactics beside run and gun. Nothing more than a campers wet dream. Full of shotguns mostly. The hit detection is absolutely horrible causing you to die when truelly you should have one but bungie blames this one on you and your internet (we know better than that bungie but nice try). If you melee your more than likely gonna kill trade but thats ok because remeber thats your internet not bungies fault (yeah right). The maps are terrible, CoD in almost every way. Not enough room for sniping or any sort of distance play except for mayb a few spots. Making shotguns and auto rifles the top choice but oh wait, rifles are the top choice hince they MUST be op so they MUST be nerfed so people will (be forced) try pulse rifles. Very stupid logic bungie. There are crucible bounties but truthfully they take way to much time to complete and are in the end pointless after you get better gear. Speaking of which the reward system for crucible is absolutely pathetic. Whoever designed it or made the call for it to be applied should be fired. 20 kills no deaths = strange coin.....AFK+no kills+10 or more deaths= legendary or exotic? That was the single stupidest thing you put in this game bungie. I lost all respect for you just for that alone. The only thing crucible is any good for is exotic bounties. Other than that it is absolutely pathetic in everu aspect and could never become competitive. Its literally built for 7-13 year olds trying to learn more about this fps world, and its a very bad example. And all of this will become worse when HoW releases. Gear will become obsolite and more bugs will surface. Previous bugs will be ignored or continue to be ignored and will never be fixed. We as a community were robbed. Forced to pay for content already on disc. This game has not lived up to anything we were promised pre-release, and we wont be getting it any time soon. Theres no 10 year franchise possible for this game, it will not see a 3rd instalment and if it does, you wont make enough money off of it to even pay for half the cost of making it. Your reputation is tarnished, your greed solidified in gold. Bungie, activision....its the end of destiny and it hasnt even begun. The "fate of all fools" is clear. Its over for you. Oh and you can try to hide this post all you want. Ive got it copied and will repost everytime its taken down :)[/quote]

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        • Here's an idea. Give us custom crucible maps. Let us mess around with our friends playing games like in halo2/3. Shotty snipes anyone? Bumper cars with interceptors? Or personal 3v3 matches that are not ranked? Also how about an option to change the element of our class. Like if we pay 25k glimmer we can switch from being a sunsinger to a voidsinger. Or switching a void walker to a arcwalker. Or blade dancer to a voiddancer? Can you imagine the awesome solarbombs? Or the void gun? Or a titan solar smash. How about a raid full of all warlocks, 1 of each element for each subclass. Just some fun ideas that could be an easy trade off for more game time. Reply to this with what element combo you would use or what custom map you would make.

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          5 Replies
          • So if you don't like the game, other commenters..... just get rid of it and shut up. Those of us who don't play hours and hours on end of one game are still enjoying it quite a bit, and Bungee has been pretty damn responsive despite your constant bitching. Another idea: go make your own game, see how easy it is to please all the jerk offs that complain anonymously on the forums.

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            • I hope that bungie adds a new vendor that will allow you to adjust your stats on your armor(intellect, discipline, strength) but for a price(motes of light or strange coins). Like this or reply if you agree!!!!

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              124 Replies
              • one good news after two months ...that's something. I'm glad the next exp comes sooner . But still,haven't played this game for more than a month or so. What you need to do before this game takes a dirt nap is to add mini campaigns every month . 3 to 4 side story missions for free every month. Add in some minigames to make us earn stuff so we can buy better equipment. Make the companion app handle mini games. Do this and people will return to playing this game as an enjoying thing to do...and not as a substitute for OCD personalities. Cheers

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              • Edited by jonk_1982: 2/13/2015 1:20:29 AM
                I think this game has great potential. However it is not being utilized properly. The raids are broken. Full of glitches that need to be your top priority seeing as how they are the best parts of the game. The loot system is broken. Totally luck based. If you want to make pulse rifles better that's cool. They need it, but making everything else worse is a terrible way to make pulse rifles more widely used. Auto rifles certainly don't need to be nerfed. They already don't have enough impact especially in pve. There just easy for people to use. That's why they are the most widely used. Also, we need more vault space before anything. I just dismantled almost all of my pulse rifles because I didn't like them and had no room for them. Now your going to make them better, too bad I don't have many now. I still like the game and like I said believe it has great potential, but it has gotten boring and frustrating. Getting the same crap loot over and over again for beating the same missions over and over has just gotten old. The lag in the crucible is so annoying I have trouble making myself play it anymore and yes my internet is fine. I love the raids but they glitch so much that I get angry and quit half the time. I almost forgot, what's the deal with the necrocasm? I actually got the crux and was so exited until I used the necro that is. It's garbage! This is supposed to be the ultimate weapon and it is badly under powered. I don't think you could even kill a knight in the raid with a yellow health bar if u emptied every round into him. This gun needs a massive buff! So, sadly, I agree largely with so many people that say the game is dying. It really sucks because it could have been great! How you don't see it when so many people keep telling you is beyond me. Here is a list I think should be addressed in order. 1. Vault space 2. Glitches in raids 3. More and new ways of obtaining loot we actually want or need. Maybe even give us three options to pick from for a reward so we have a chance to choose what we want. 4. More special events 5. Fix the crucible 6. Actually put some effort into new items. Throwing some bones on an old item or changing the color of it does not make it new. 7. More uses for materials such as ascendant shards. 8. Stop breaking the parts of the game that aren't broken! This should have been further up the list. And fix the necrocasm!!!! It should be awesome but instead it is pathetic! That's all for now. I am sure my words will go unheard so I'm done wasting my time. I have just about lost all faith in this game ever becoming what it could and should have been, the greatest game ever.

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                • Still no mention of the glitches that are crippling the Crota fight :(

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                  • Why is it that every legendary and exotic weapon in the game as well as armor has been updated to the new damage and resistance specs, but Vault of glass legendary gear and weapons haven't. It would be nice to have a valid reason to still play this raid for something other than energy and the possibility of an exotic. Why would you purposefully render a raid obsolete by not updating it, it's not like you are taking anything away from another raid, we are still gonna play them all. I mean you obviously want people to keep playing older raids because you patch them and fix glitches, but it's kind of a let down when you get something cool in a raid you can't even use because it's not the same level as the other armor in the game. Just food for thought.

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                    7 Replies
                    • To everybody who posts lists of problems they see in Destiny/improvements they'd like to see: I support you. BungieVision clearly doesn't care what we want out of this game, they're just jerking themselves off. That being said, I don't see these sorts of comments as bitching. They are informed opinions which you are entitled to as a paying customer. So don't let anyone discourage you. I think it's very respectable and healthy of you to be so critical of these companies and the decisions they have made. What it comes down to is bang for the buck. For people that have paid for both expansions already, we feel extremely wronged by Bungie and their partner Activision. We have every right to feel this way, but what it comes down to is the fact that BungieVision apparently has no desire to concern themselves with the advice and warnings of their fans. Ultimately, this game will fail and all its customers will be lost in the corners of time if the developers don't change their approach soon. So if you don't want people to *complain* about the game, what you are saying is that this game has no room for improvement or you would rather see the number of guardians dwindle until there is practically no one left to combat the darkness. When people complain, they are trying to help Bungie and fellow players as well as themselves. They don't want to see this game deserted, which will inevitably happen unless: 1. Players keep brining the criticism to BungieVision. 2. BungieVision listens. So keep the complaints coming. I will read them even if BungieVision won't. In conclusion. What would you all think about actually writing letters to Bungie and Activision? I mean, they can ignore their forums and emails but it would be pretty hard to ignore actual, physical piles of paper.

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                      • #Exoticfighter

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                      • [url][/url]

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                      • Buff to pulse rifles YES nerf to auto rifles YES nerf to fusion rifles YES nerf to shotguns KINDA nerf to handguns wtf handguns are already weak as hell lol

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                        9 Replies
                        • For this game to have such large budget and little improvement is really a joke. Fixing raid cheeses before on going issues like heavy ammo speaks volumes. For the lacking content, and the ability to not produce more content. I like this game, but there are far many games coming out this year for me to run the same strikes all day. I'm going back to Pandora on 3/ 24 / 15 I'd rather play through a rewarding loot game again rather than play an unrewarding one

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                        • Waiting even longer for a new raid is bogus

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                        • I got no more space in my vault, I got hundreds of materials that are completely useless. I can't do anything with the commendations because the raid gear is better. Can't do anything with strange coins because I have almost all of the exotics and Xur never sells heavy ammo anymore. I've literally run into a wall. Im stuck with this game. It is repetitive and boring. The missions are the same, let your ghost open a wall while you kill enemy waves.. Rage much? The tower is boring, the vendors are completely useless... Only fun I have is with the raid and VoG is way to easy now. Couldnt you simply up the hard lvl to atheon?? Also Crotas end is fun still, except is full of glitches that make the raid easy and not fun. Im really sorry Bungie but with all honesty -blam!- YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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                        • Face palm, Xur/bungie is selling Worthless exotics again. time to save up for strange coins for Good/better exotics that they will sell next week!

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                        • that nice for playing destiny for a while and u had to nerf all the weapons in the game go f u c k ur self bungie

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                        • Anyone want to do the Atheon cp hard. I need 5

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                        • Stop nerfing - STOP! - it's getting ludacriss

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                        • Could you please stop -blam!-ing nerfing my auto rifle? Thanks.

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                          59 Replies
                          • Edited by Toddrick: 2/5/2015 8:43:57 PM
                            Why not just buff pulse rifles to be in line with auto rifles and hand cannons? Why must there also be a nerf to go along with such a buff? [quote]"Why did you “nerf” my favorite weapon? Why not make the other ones better and leave mine alone?" Good question! Here’s why: We pay close attention to kill times in all game modes against all combatant types. If we brought up all the other weapons to account for lethality spikes that occur in specific situations, then our TTK (time to kill) would get faster with every patch. It is important to us to keep TTK values such that your arsenal feels lethal, but also both allows for some drama while you fight, and creates opportunities for counter-play when you’re being attacked.[/quote] I get it but it is just a little disheartening especially with our current state of weapon upgrades, especially when it comes to exotics.

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                          • Is vault space coming Q2 also??

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