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Edited by Shrigis: 1/29/2015 6:54:15 AM

Crota min level

Hello Guardians, My name is FOA Shi Ju. I am a level 31 warlock and have a major issue that must be fixed. I am of course referring to the minimum level to do Croat's End. Just earlier today me and 3 other guardians journeyed into the hellmouth. My companions consisted of: A level 32 warlock a level 32 titan and a level 27 hunter. This hunter barley even qualified to enter the raid. The hunter was first to go in our journey across the abyss. He died before he reached the first lantern. The other 2 and I continued across the abyss and got to the plate. We opened the gate and continued on even deeper into the hive fortress. The second we ran through the gate the hunter, who had done nothing to deserve this, got the dogged gage gauntlets. An item my other hunter friend has been seeking along with the relentless harness (which the level 27 got later that raid). I am not mad about the RNG. I understand these things happen. What I am upset about is the fact that there are guardians who try hard to get to the point of being able to join in on end game missions and be successful. But there are also the guardians who reach the bare minimum to join in on end game and get better rewards than those who try. What I am getting at is that Bungie should make the minimum level to join in on Crota's End 29 so we don't have any more level 27s stealing our raid gear. If you agree please bump and like this thread. Let's get Bungie's attention! -FOA Shi Ju Edit 1: I don't get what's so hard to understand. I'm not mad about RNG. Edit 2: I never said I was mad they got gear and not me. I don't know why you think that.

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