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Edited by AllergicAlloy3: 2/12/2015 12:50:39 PM

I hate my disability

Everytime I ran through the raid doesn't matter what difficulty it is I'm always to blame. I can't hear half the thing my teammate say even though I have game sound muted and party chat volume max out. It become a burden when almost every team I go into the raid with end up kicking me just because they claim I can't "communicate" I'm partly deaf I tell people that just so they understand and yet still kick me. Now I feel my current group is gonna do that exact same thing because of crotas end HM. Half the time I feel like I should just give up and get rid of this game. Edit1: glad to know there are people who support and/or have the same disability Edit 2: I'm on the one and sometime 360. I appreciate that people offer to do the raid/weekly with them. Edit 3: wow such amazing and surprising response from the destiny community. Edit 4: I should be more clear about my current group. They tell me they wouldn't kick me out of the group but half the time I feel they will because of how frustrated it can be. Edit 5:surprised people are still replying to this post. Make me glad that there alot of people that care on this game.

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  • Edited by AgentCoop: 1/26/2015 7:38:23 AM
    I understand where you're coming from and hopefully Bungie can try and add some UI elements to help like target marks or more emotes related to teamplay. At the same time I'm slightly jealous. Last fireteam I was in had three aussies who were competing with each other in a who can be more obnoxious contest.

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  • There is a clan that communicates with dancing, pointing, and waiving. Keep this post high until someone finds it!!

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  • You will get it man, people will surprise you and I hope you get to find that out...keep trying!

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  • Kinda how I felt when I first started getting back into games after I was medically discharged from the military. I have no feeling whatsoever in my right arm and hand. Most of what I do is on muscle memory but even then i have good days and bad days with it. Good days I'll be lucky to go positive in games because I'll manage to aim right without pushing the analog stick to far (or not push it if it's a bad day). Real bad days I have the biggest issue typing and won't even touch a controller because I won't feel the buttons at all -.-;; One of the reasons I have yet to raid fully myself. Wanna get a group that understands I have alright days and there might be moments where I screw up and just plain miss a jump, shooting a rocket/sniper, or look a different direction. Trying to figure a way to play mostly left handed but it's going slow so I just to go through motions and hope I'm doing alright. Don't worry about jerks who whine about your disability. <3 find like minded gamers who don't care about "perfection" and just wanna have fun. Or people that understand communication is hard to and from you and them so you shouldn't be relied on to heavily.

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    4 Replies
    • Add me bud i b help where i can.

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    • Edited by Robot Zambie: 1/26/2015 7:21:02 AM
      Robot Zambie. 360 I cant promise we will get all the way true, but im always willing to help give it my best shot. If you need me message my tag, and I'll invite you into my team. My father has issues with hearing, but he still played music before he got really sick. He never gave up on his love for music even though he cant hear all I can. I hope one day, you are able to have your disability get taken care of. With new breakthroughs in bio mechanical engineering I hope to see you overcome it fully some day. Anyway, keep up the fight. Strength through adversity, you are bold to press on, and you deserve respect.

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    • The game could definitely do with some basic location marking and communication emotes, that's for sure. Not just for people like yourself, but also to bridge the language barrier problems that such a big, international game, attracts too. I play from Hong Kong, and I quite regularly end up in fireteams where I'm the only person who can speak all three languages being used. I feel for your situation. If you were on PS4, I'd run with you anytime.

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    • If your team needs to communicate that much during the crota raid they need some help themselves. When they shoot rockets you do after you down him twice hide or run inside. Yes communication is very helpful but a group of skilled players could do it without ever talking. It's all about knowing your role and getting it done!! I'll gladly help you out anytime man!!!

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    • 1
      You should find a team that can accept who you are and stick with them!

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    • I'd definitely help you, my GT is AttackedDesert I'm on the one as well.

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    • Dude, the people you're playing with sound like total assholes who've never stepped outside to experience what goes on in the real world. You'll find the perfect group of people that you'll easily grow to love and they'll do the same. :)

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    • That's sad mate. :/

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    • Hello there, I know excactly how it feels like, I got the same problem. It sucks :/ might I ask what system you play on? We might play together sometime, help eachother out you know :)

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      1 Reply
      • im on the 360 a.d looking for help in Crotas raid. I'm also deaf although it doesn't seem like it.

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      • I don't have a good Internet conection where I live so staying on line makes me happy. Hearing the voice chat in my head set is almost understandable and me talking on my mic is asking way to much for the system. I feel your pain for getting kicked because you can't communicate like the other "cool kids" I too have a disability but it doesn't impact gaming just physical exersion.

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      • Raid Matchmaking would be helpful in this situation

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      • I would be glad to play with you friend on ps4

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      • I play with an almost completely deaf dude, and we manage. If you wanna add me, I'm on 360 Mercury4Raptor. I'm colorblind so I can't see some of the colors, and I don't have a mic

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      • Get a hearing aid they're not pricey

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        5 Replies
        • Add me on the One dude. Gt is same as above. I've played raids with two totally deaf guys and we worked it out using messages and gestures.I'd be happy to raid with ya

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        • Wow dude, I feel bad for you. You shouldn't play with douches like that

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        • I'm only on the 360 and wouldn't mine helping you out

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        • The problem with having any kind of disability is that most people out there will never understand or come close to being able to relate, let alone make allowances for it. I'm partially blind, and end up sticking to playing with a very small group of friends as a result so as to avoid the constant barrage of insults for not noticing something that was in a blind spot for me, or the constant snide comments I'll get for having issues with some of the game's areas due to color contrasts, (I deal with enough of that shit in everyday life), so my heart goes out to you. I hope you can find some understanding people to run with so you can keep enjoying this game :)

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        • I have a disability too. I really can't hear well but manage to comprehend guardians through mics. So I feel your pain. If you need a player just hit me up.

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        • add me GT is Jonnnny654 I'm usually on daily on 360 and Xbone just msg me and I'll be helping with whatever u want (unless I'm in teh middle of a raid)

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        • If you were on PS4 I would raid with you. My brother is slightly Autistic, I have a lot of patience for people with a disability. Matter of fact I would rather raid with a friendly person with a disability than raid with the nerds who take the game too serious. We may or not complete it if you have a disability, but we will have fun.

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