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Edited by AnonPig: 1/21/2015 9:50:00 PM

Proposition to upgrade 300/30 gear

It appears a large majority of players want their precious armory to come with them, and I agree it should, so here's my proposal. We have the tier 1 legendary gear like shadow price and level 28 armour. To upgrade these to the next cap, as in 331 damage and 31 armour you would use a drop that's added to the VoG. Call it something like a shard of glass. Now your gear is on par to the tower gear of the current dlc. This format will be repeated every expansion. Then you have your tier 1 raid. This would follow the same format only differing in how you max the gear out. Upon upgrading you need to use radiant mats to max your new and improved gear. This leaves us with a wider variety of selection and can be repeated. The tier two/tier one upgraded gear can progress to the level of the tier 3 gear by the same manner. Running CE you receive a fragment of the husk which upgrades your gear. Now in the HoW raid you use it's upgrading mat, let's call them divine mats, to max out your gear. This offers repeatability for each raid and a wide selection of gear pay l past the exotic slot. I also personally feel the raid drop, shard/fragment/etc., should be a mandatory trade in to receive the new tier tower gear. If this were the case there should be a way for PvP to get them on their own way though. To stop confusion: the how to guide for upgrading legendaries Step 1: own tier one legendary gear Step 2: run the VoG to achieve a [b]shard of glass[/b] [i]shard of glass has a 50% drop rate on each loot table and chests to be determined in normal and 75-100% hard[/i] Step 3: return to your new fav bfffeae: [i]best friend for -blam!-ing ever and ever[/i] The gunsmith, using a [b]shard of glass[/b] and possibly other materials to be determined upgrade your tier one item of choice. Step 4: in the case if tower bought gear, use ascendant mats to level up gear. In case of raid gear use next raids material(CE uses radiant I gave HoW a placeholder of divine) Step 5: when HoW drops enter CE obtain a [b]fragment of the husk[/b] Step 6: back to your bfffeae to upgrade your gear once again Step 7: refer to step 4. Any questions?

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  • While I'm all for allowing upgrading of tier 1 legendaries I am sick and freaking tired of people trying force me into the VoG. Take your VoG and shove it, hardmode Require raid 2 mats to upgrade them?! No. If it doesn't [b]come from[/b] a raid it shouldn't require [b]raid specific[/b] mats to upgrade it, either from tier to tier or within each tier. All legendaries acquired outside a raid should continue to use [b]only [/b]ascendant mats, that's the system we have in place and it needs to stay that way. If too many players have too many ascendant mats that means there isn't enough variety of guns to spend it on, not that we need another asinine type of mat added to essentially reset everyone's effort Yeah we definitely need the added variety of gear, badly. That's why it shouldn't be so expensive to upgrade exotics/legendaries. We need [b]variety[/b], not the act of re-leveling even more stuff over and over, the grind is bad enough as it is. That's not adding repeatability, that's increasing the grind, nothing more [b]Tower gear[/b] should not cost [b]raid mats[/b], that's a little too close to all the "wah wah I played VoG tons to get to 30 and now you can hit 30 without going into it!" So? People chose to play a game mode they allege to love playing to hit level cap before the people who don't raid. But then when a new tier of content comes out (that they're able to jump right in to) and the rest of us can buy our way up a little all of a sudden it's like we've taken their binky. Which means it was really just about having a one up on people, not about enjoying the game. "No no everyone should be forced to play VoG, everything should be tiered, they should have to grind VoG to hit 30 VoG HM to hit 31, blah blah blah" Sorry, a lot of people just don't raid in general, we don't like the elitist douchenozzle mentality that seems to come with it, and specifically we don't like being involved the shoddy, glitchy messes that make Bethesda titles look like paragons of perfect coding. Want to discuss weapon variety options and upgrade possibilities that don't involve the raids? I'm all for it! Otherwise take your raids and go suck an elf, thank you. ScribeTheMad is Enraged.

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