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3/26/2012 3:24:19 AM

Flood...I can't come home...This is my love letter to you.

Dear Flood, I have exiled myself from you all as I have not been able to find the elusive Clockman as of yet. Many, MANY people have helped in the search.As of yet, I have nothing to bring you. I'd like to personally thank Nuku for all of her help. She has been a sweetheart and has really put in alot of effort. So many others have contributed as well. A few Floodians have sent me messages on XBox Live - asking me if I was still alive. I have been stripped of my Mythic Status, disgraced among my fellow Floodians, and too ashamed to return. Tonight, I've imbibed a bit and wanted to thank anyone who helped in the search, and wanted to let people know I have not given up hope... I am still looking. Consider this a message in a bottle... the next time I leave a message here - It will include a link to the Clock Man video. ... In case my search fails and I never return, I'd like to say my final peace, so please...hear me out. 1. Nuku, I only knew you a short time - If I never find Clock Man, thank you for your help. Your efforts (and Weeded Dragons) keep me looking for something greater than myself. 2. Duardo... Seriously, I hated you as a Mod at first, but you grew on me. Not just for helping, but your snarky - sometimes evilcam type awesome sense of humor. Maybe the people's Mod Captian K Mart softened you up a bit, but I really got to enjoy you as a person through this site. 3. I've been here before 2004 (my other now deleted account was Legendary Santa)- I've met so many great people, and learned so much about the world through this site. It sounds incredibly cheesy I know, but I don't facebook, twwet, or anything else. The Flood was the internet for me. keLp, SatanInASweater, Wagovan, Mr. Crapper, Java, IcemanAssasin, Obbiquiet, Halifax, BigBlackBear...I could go on for days... Just thank you for contributing here. It's been enlightening. 4. Kitchen 8 made me feel like I was a part of something important. Through The Flood, a disandvantaged boy was able to give his mom a brand new Kitchen - free of Charge Thanks to The Flood. I don't know if he'd admit it - but QBix was part of that revolution, and I'll respect him forever for that. The Flood can indeed do great things. 5. For all the assinine goings on, The Flood-Zanzibarian War was an internet spectactle for all involved. It was pointless, fruitless and stupid...but it was also damned fun. That was about 8 years ago now - and I was much younger and dumber. What a great time though. 6. Recon Number 54... Here's a guy that let me know it was ok to stay here. First he introduced me to The Flood by banishing one of my idiotic threads from Zanzibar here, then he lets on that he's actually older than I was. Wise and friendly, I spoke with him outside a few times on Xbox live. As stupid as it sounds, I felt like I had a distant friend. If I never return, recon I want you to know that I've stayed here all these years largely because of you. I would have missed out on all the wonderful insainity if I had never met you. Thank you. 7. Jon Cena. I learned how important checking links before clicking them was becasue of your terrible actions. Yes, I along with many others hate your guts - but your quasi- forum terrorism has made me a wiser internet participant. I'd like to say both -blam!- you and thank you for your disgraceful posts. 8. To everyone else... I've been on this site for over 8 years now. My oldest son has gone from toddler to teenager and I've had a second son all whilst visiting this site almost daily over the years. I posted a "help" type post months ago that may have been the final nail in the coffin in my time here. If I can never come home... please be aware of the wonderful gift you all have. Sometimes the Flood is full of idiots and trolls, sometimes it is teeming with helpful souls that extend a hand, but most of the time - it is entertaining. Even when irritated, please appreciate what you have here. It really is special. In my mind, i'll return someday - on a figurative white horse, carrying Clock man's head on a stick, but in reality, the search is at a standstill. It's taken a few drinks to get up the courage to come back and speak my peace, but I respect this site too much to return without proof of my childhood nemisis. I'm logging off now, hopefully not for the final time from - but if it turns out to be... THank you to everyone who has ever been on this site. For better or for worse, it has had an impact on my life.
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • For us, the storm has passed. The war is over. And let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark, and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure. Sacrifice, an unshakeable conviction that their fight... *our* fight... was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They enobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten Till we meet again ... Commander ... [Edited on 03.26.2012 5:42 AM PDT]

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