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1/4/2015 8:40:58 PM
I feel that you could get enough troops to be kit dummies for the praterians (dreg shanks) on the outside with invisible captains and Vandles kill the inside gate keepers. (I feel the outside part is too easy. Then have a captain hold relics and cleanse whom ever on the out as they rush the outside conflux together. Taking advantage of the sheer numbers and ads. Not necessarily going quick but well preformed simultaneous killing. Easily manageable for the fallen. Getting to the conflux would be difficult but doable. The captains could stay by the portals as the numbers fall out of the portals cleansing and the cleansed go to the conflux. Again, very littl troops would be killed in the previous parts of the raid. They would have many troops for the gate keepers. For Atheon I feel would be easy. Vandles invisible in each gate opener and others in the walls and high points smiling supplicants as they spawn. Captains in the portals, and shanks and dregs up the stair case of Atheon putting constant fire in him with and with out times vengeance. And being distractions keeping the Vandles alive. Now the fallen have killed Atheon

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