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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by ZUN36: 1/5/2015 3:07:48 PM


WHY? GOOD QUESTION. Obviously a contract was made between Sony and Bungie to guarantee exclusives for playstation, BUT. The question is, WHY. Clearly, Sony paid some cash for that, in hopes it would sway a many a folk to buy a playstation, to have the "superior" destiny console. What I don't understand is that, WHY, did Microsoft not make this deal. Now let's get something straight, Microsoft is SO F*CKING RICH, the second wealthiest company in the world (behind apple), Bill Gates who helped to found it, is so f*cking rich, he alone could buy out sony, bend it over a barrel and ride that f*cker into the ground, and he would still be one of the richest men in the world, no sweat. SO, Just imagine how much cash the entire company has. It seems Microsoft could have easily made that contract right? But there's more to it, now I'm not sure about what happened exactly. No one knows if Microsoft just didn't see the opportunity as feasible or outright decided, F*ck you Bungie, for even considering another console as your exclusive outlet. And the latter makes more sense to me, because listen up. Obviously Halo was an outstanding franchise that "defined a generation" and popularized first person shooters, made them mainstream. But did you ever think to realize who made Bungie!!!?, F*cking MICROSOFT MADE BUNGIE WHO THEY ARE TODAY, without Microsoft taking a leap, signing Bungie in to the squad and taking them under their wing, guiding them to greatness, you likely wouldn't know what the f*ck I was talking about when I said Bungie, you'd probably think I was some weird assmotherf*cker talking about trampolines or some sh*t. Bungie owes EVERYTHING to Microsoft. So it begs the question, WHY, WHY did Bungie choose Sony over Microsoft, over the company that nurtured and cared for their frightened newborn baby of a company in Bungie? I DONT KNOW. But it pisses me the f*ck off and poses as a monumental curiosity in my eyes! Thank you for your time. #nintendo?¿(•.•)¿?

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  • Edited by Erics Playtime : 1/6/2015 1:27:45 AM
    Stop reading after contract with Sony and bungie . The contract is made with activision not bunkie

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  • Totally agree it's baffling, wish more information was disclosed on bungie..

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  • look its another enraged xbox user who is mad because he cant get exclusive stuff.

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    Bungie left microsoft before halo 3- they were contractually obligated to make 2 more halo games- so bungie made Halo: 3; Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach. I'd say it was the other way around because as cool as gears of war is, its not a big enough train to haul them xboxes.

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  • I just wounder y Sony and Microsoft dont just team up an bring a console togeather.. All profit gose to both companies so no losses an no consumer's loose out because because of exclusives. All it dose is at the min is cause gamers to hate each other based an platform an ruining forums because.... Mommy an daddy bought the console with out ur input... I brought my console myself with the money I earnd. So when u get 14 yr old fags sayin master race like wtf kid its a computer.... What makes a computer what it is... The gamer an its the gamer who suffers in the long run

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    • You know destiny devs helped develope the ps4 controller. Theres a mutual relationship between the two for that kinda thing to happen

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    • It all comes back to halo when microsoft wanted bungie to do another halo but bungie wanted to do something else they had a falling out. Also the bungie u know now is just a shell of the former glory that was bungie. alot of the people from bungie stayed and went to 343 then what was left was butchered by activision,halo story writer and music people so bungie isnt really bungie anymore.

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    • In short...Microsoft fell into the same trap Sony did 8 years ago and their overconfidence and ego got the best of them. Consider this: After the success of the PS2 when Sony was in the lead and XBOX a distant 2nd, Sony announced their PS3 would sell for a massive price of $600!!!! When questioned about why so much, Sony said people will pay it. Microsoft saw that as a chance to pounce and priced their system lower and came out a year sooner. This resulted in a huge win for XBOX and allowed them to secure 1st in 'next generation' consoles (no I'm not counting Wii in this scenario although I know Wii sold more). Fast forward to years later and you have Microsoft that comes to the main stage, announces a $500 system requiring a Kinect purchase, the inability to share games (at the time), an online all the time system that eliminates the need for disc games after install. When questioned about the price and gaming strategy, Microsoft said the same exact thing Sony did. They claimed people will buy their systems and they leaned on the strength of their name brand to carry them through. What did Sony do? Exactly what Microsoft did the last console release. The system came out $100 cheaper and they didn't have mandatory features that Microsoft eventually backpedaled out of. They also positioned themselves in these exclusives so they could gain the ground they lost from the previous generation. That's why you saw $350 XBOX Ones on the shelves this Christmas. Damage control. These companies sometimes get too arrogant in their branding and they assume too much of the consumer. You'd think they would learn from each other.

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      5 Replies
      • Lmao another loser who bought the xbox

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        • Why are you yelling? Paragraphs are cool.

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        • Meh. Money is king. The only thing I wish we Xbox users could have is the Hawkmoon, but not enough to buy the game for my PS4. Don't be surprised if Xbox has Destiny 2 exclusive items (assuming either company ponies up)...

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        • I watched the documentary on halo 2, pretty good! It said the reason Billy G. made the xbox was because of how awesome halo was. So... I think BUNGIE made XBOX. Not Microsoft mind you, but the console

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          • It's just a couple weapons and two crappy strikes, the thing worth of matter in all of that is Hawkmoon.

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          • I'm on xbox one and I'm down with PS getting the exclusives because they usually don't get them, but it's kind of a dick move on Bungies part to make us wait a year to get them. 3 months or something would have been ok but a year , that's kinda a slap in the face to the rest of the community. It is what it is though , but still a dick move!

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            • Bungie didn't offer it to them. Bungie and Microsoft had a falling out years ago.

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            • LOL. Bungie and microsoft had a falling out. Microsoft has awful policies for their devs. That's why most devs are making games for sony nowadays...Not just talking about the major ones, minor ones too

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            • Side note here Xbox will get the content that playstation has exclusively in time. Just look at grand theft auto Xbox got it in time and now look at it

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            • I don't really care about all this exclusive content nonsense the reason why I'm an xbox fan is because of halo and on a side note my girlfriend has an xbox so why not if I really cared this post would go something like this ("man thats fuсked up dude activision is corrupting bungie ") or some lame fan boy crap I don't really buy into all these other games and DLC honestly I buy whatever my gf buys.

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            • *yawns* Old topic..... [spoiler]Cool story bro.....[/spoiler]

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            • I think it's quite simple why they went for sony. Bungie is tired of being nurtured by microsoft, they want to be known for being bungie and not some third wheel of microsoft. Hence why they went with the competition, they want to get their name out there between the big boys

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            • Edited by smoov0808: 1/5/2015 3:24:25 PM
              Do your home work before posting cry baby threads tard! BTW 48mil crapbox owners and 110mil PS owners. You figure it out!!!! Nuff said!

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              • It's as though you never heard of Myth, the Fallen Lords or Soulblighter. Those were some damn fine games. People were playing them online for over a decade after they came out, well after Bungie stopped supporting them and well before Halo. They were PC also ported to Mac.

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              • If you really cant grasp something this simple on your own... Ask Mom for a PS4 and don't worry about all the grown up big business stuff.

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                • Xbox would have died without Halo. Eat it.

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                • Haha Seriously? Why was halo an exclusive for Xbox? Why does any of this matter?! Very interesting questions... If you give a fck about a couple of extras for a console you had the option to buy. It was your choice to buy an xbox. Get over it or buy a ps4. Stop acting like a victim

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                • The trampoline part cracked me up

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