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Edited by Kienamaru: 12/27/2014 12:28:31 PM

Fixing Destiny- without changing major code

Before I begin I'd like to say that I am by all means a fan of Destiny, if I weren't a fan I wouldn't be able to tell what this game has going for it and what it lacks. There will be a TLDR at the end for those who don't enjoy reading but this is more or less a note to the devs with recommendations and ideas that would "fix" Destiny in terms of gameplay and face value to the player. I would love a reply from Bungie and for this to be shown to the dev team. Fixing Shotguns Shotguns received an improper nerf in their range. Now they function similarly to melee attacks unless within 5ish feet of your opponent. They should have their total range increased, damage output at max range should reduce opponents to half health (in crucible). The recoil and stability is what would balance this, making it harder to land two shots consecutively at further ranges. Hipfire should receive increased spread and the shots should causes heavier flinch than any other weapons. This places them on par with fusion rifles without having to touch FRs at all. MORE VARIETY IN CRUCIBLE I don't know where the fear is in having multiple game modes to play but fake longevity isn't the way to do it. Everyone I know regards Salvage as the saving grace of crucible. The fact that we can't play it when we want to makes the game much less playable. 1. Salvage and Combined Arms should always be around. 2. Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris should be the only game types being switched out every few weeks or so. 3. There needs to be a form of Rumble with no supers and no heavy ammo. ON MAKING STRIKES FUN AND ACTUAL STRIKES A strike should feel not like a mission where you rush to point A, kill a ton of enemies and rush to a boss. Ideally, a strike should incorporate your team having to fight their way through a reasonably fortified stronghold to take down an enemy of importance at the end. The best example of what a strike should feel like is Scourge of Winter. It and The Last Array mission at Skywatch are probably the best crafted missions in the game. The boss at the end isn't incredibly strong and taking him down feels like it has meaning and not like a task. It would be nice if all strikes had midbosses that would always drop an engram. Unlike the final bosses the midboss wouldn't have the chance to drop a legendary. The end stage boss should ALWAYS drop an engram as opposed to being rewarded one upon reaching the results screen. This stops people who simply join strikes and go idle from receiving undeserved. Tiger strike bosses will have a 1/10 chance in dropping a legendary engram. It's not bad to think that 100 strikes will yield a minimum of 10 legendary engrams. Considering the people who do Tiger strikes are likely dismantling the legendaries they find anyway. By this logic, doing 100 strikes grants enough ascendant materials to level up a piece of armor entirely if you're lucky enough to get all of the same types either Shards or Energies. NIGHTFALL SHOULD BE UNIQUE Nightfall shouldn't just be the hardest version of a strike with a hint of "use this element weapon." It would be great if Nightfall had their own selection of strikes. The initial 5 strikes that we started with would stay in the strike playlist, while the nightfall would cycle between different strikes not found in that list. These would ONLY be accessible in Nightfall which would keep them unique and feeling relatively fresh. RNG DOESN'T REWARD PLAYERS 1. It doesn't reward those who try harder than those who just laze around. 2. It allows players to receive multiples of the same item at once. (just last night my friend received two Vision of Confluences from one hard Atheon drop.) 3. There should be some sort of system where you won't receive something that you currently have in your possession save for materials. Using variables and if statements (if those apply to the coding used) this should be fairly simple. It would help those doing the raid who get 3 chances a week only to keep getting the same loot drops. 4. An exotic engram giving you gear for a class that isn't yours is just plain wrong. I don't know if it's supposed to be funny or not, but it literally forces you to either dismantle the rarest of the rare or to create a new character assuming you don't have one of each class. This can be considered WASTING 23 motes of light at a time if you're really unlucky as no one would pay 23 motes for 2 or 3 shards. A TRADE SYSTEM COULD BRING THE COMMUNITY CLOSER The RNG in this game is a serious deal. The fact is, there are so many variables in what you may receive as loot whether it's the same legendary or exotic gear you already own or gear that's for a different class or too weak for your character there should be a way to exchange that for something worthwhile. The forums would see even more use than they currently do if you could set up threads for trading. People who have triple items (I have 3 Gjallarhorns and nothing to use them on) would be able to trade an Exotic for an Exotic, or a Legendary for a Legendary. Etc. This would also be useful for lower level players who may be rewarded upon mission completion with a weapon type that they don't use. If One person gets a hand cannon while the other gets an assault rifle but they use the opposite why should they not be allowed to swap? If player A has 100 Spirit bloom but all of their armor takes Spinmetal and player B has 50 spinmetal why should they not be allowed to trade? HALF SYNTHESIS COOLDOWNS I can't even understand the point of having cooldowns of 5 minutes on ammo synth packs. The fact that you replenish all ammo by standing still for 45 seconds more than makes them utterly useless unless you're in a pinch. If you happen to be in a pinch you likely can't afford to wait 5 minutes to use another pack. The fact that we pay for these packs is be enough to limit how often we use them. TL:DR 1. Shotguns are UP in Crucible. Doubling their range while making them two shot kills at all but point blank where they still instakill would balance them out compared to fusions and snipers. Hipfire would have more spread so that aiming is necessary. 2. Game modes shouldn't be taken away. The only two that swap should be Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris. Add a no supers Rumble mode. 3. Strikes should feel more like Scourge of Winter. Where you assault an enemy base and defeat the boss who ISN'T a bullet sponge but instead uses cover to his advantage. Also standoffs should be more climactic like The Last Array mission. Music included. 4. RNG leaves players feeling unrewarded, especially when they gain multiple copies of one item at the same time. The chance of getting an item should be lower when you already have it in your possession. 5. Nightfall should have their own strike missions that are unique and not playable in strike playlists. 6. An equivalent exchange trading system would bring the economy to life as well as allowing players who have duplicate items to help out other players. This also helps those who find equipment from engrams not used by their class. 7. Reduce synthesis cooldown timer. It doesn't make the game harder, it makes it more annoying and time consuming. We can sit still for 45 seconds and get refilled so waiting 5 minutes to use a synth pack makes little to no sense. (Edited. Had a snippet about weapons that wouldn't fit the descriptions. Those weapons were posted in a different thread.)

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  • Loot Chests Instead of reducing the quantity and quality of what is inside the loot chests (stuffing them with resources that you can't sell anymore or useless weapons/armor), just reduce the number of loot chests on the maps and increase the time between each loot chest respawn. Since we are not supposed to farm resources like Spinmetal, Spirit Bloom, Relic Iron, and Helium Filaments (I hear that is why we can not sell the these items anymore), why not stop using them as loot box stuffers? Have fewer loot chests appear on the map, but with more useful items of higher quality inside that the players can actually use.

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