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Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 12/25/2014 11:32:29 PM

#OfftopicNeedsDedicatedMods - Lets get some OffTopic-based moderators promoted

As several users have pointed out, this forum needs dedicated Forum Ninjas promoted from this forum, for this forum. Recent situations have only made this more abundantly clear. This forum needs active, responsible, and unbiased moderators handpicked from the OffTopic community; not from a different forum. Burninator posted a fantastic idea about starting a Trending tag to get the webteam's attention regarding this issue. Hence this thread's existence. So, whenever you make a thread; tag it #OfftopicNeedsDedicatedMods so we can make this a thing. NOTE: As aforementioned, credit for this idea goes to Burnie. His idea; not mine. FYI, you guys would have no part in the decision making process. You know that, right?

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  • I agree, but I don't think we'd be able to pull off dedicated mods. If we get people who are Floodians first, though, then wemd get an enormous boost. However, I love the tag idea, and if we could get people to throw in the #OfftopicNeedsMods or #MoreNinjas tag or something into all of their posts, and we could get it trending, we'd definitely grab some attention. Whether or not they listen is a different story.

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  • Edited by kgj: 12/26/2014 5:25:13 AM
    [quote]Recent situations have only made this more abundantly clear.[/quote] i haven't been on here in a while but i can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that can go through worse and has already gone through worse than whatever happened

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    • Inb4carpetbans

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    • I want to be guy to ban people.

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      • Lol, why? Two thirds of you won't be here in 9 months anyways. The names of the "dedicated flood users" here comes and goes much like the tide. Very few people here would have been around long enough to know me pre-moderator days.

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          It makes sense, IMO. Not just for offtopic, but for each subforum. Dedicated area moderators allow people to focus on the areas of the site they most frequent anyway. It gives that sense of "promotion from within" which may encourage better behavior. And it builds closer relationships with the people who one day may be in charge of smiting them. Perhaps limiting some of the unnecessary hatred this community seems to have toward mods. I mean.. is it a coincidence that offtopic's most respected mod is also the one who posts most frequently here? I seriously doubt it. Realistically this will never happen. Especially now that mods have a smaller role in end-user experience. But I think it makes perfect sense.

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        • I think the moderation is doing fine, even if some of their actions are "questionable" to some users. The only reason all that porn stayed around today was because it's Christmas and the moderators(who are people, believe it or not) were doing family stuff. Generally the solution is to actually report the stuff we see and not just type "inb4ban" to it and watch the fireworks. Ninjaing is a volunteer gig, if I were in their position I wouldn't be policing the forums 24/7 to swat down any CoC violations that rear their heads at the drop of a hat. I say we need to acknowledge that forum moderation is a joint effort and understand that we need to [i]use[/i] that report button if we [i]really[/i] want the forums to stay clean.

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          • Ktan and Regret for mod

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          • Awful idea. #Offtopic doesn't need dedicated mods. This is just a few folks getting ryled up over nothing.

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            3 Replies
            • We honestly just need more Mod/community interaction. More mods on at off-peak times would help.

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            • Meh. I don't think so.

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            • It's fine, yesterday was Christmas.

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            • #TheEntireFlood4Mod

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            • Latios5m0d

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              • I should be mod, i'd actually try to do something about #gaming and probably wouldn't abuse the power. Hell I don't even abuse my power as a normal member [there are ways to abuse it]

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                43 Replies
                • Lmao The Flood is autistic

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                  • #Destiny is 1O times more active so......

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                  • That's a long tag...

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                  • *brigadier uniform* Alright chaps. Step aside. It is time for a real man to take the stage. I believe that I, DRAGON SNIPER 3, would make an excellent mod. "What would you do that would make you good" I hear you ask. I would do the following: 1) Unban JOHN CENA, on the condition that he sticks to #Destiny 2) only ban Mastur ch33f for 7 years, and not permanently (that guy rustles my jimmies) 3) promote rightful king and queen Ktan and DTL to flood royalty, as on official position (you two get to decide who is king and who is queen) And so, in my closing statement, I would like to say this. I would also remove make porn as a banable offence. Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen. And be safe.

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                    • I just want the custom picture

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                      • I would make the perfect mod. Nice. Funny. Sexy.

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                      • I think we already have some fairly dedicated mods in this subforum. But if we were to usher in a new generation of mods, I would definitely prefer them to be from here rather than anywhere else, if only because a lot of oldfomans around here are pretty cool and remember the harsher old days of mass carpet bans and tiny infractions getting you banned for three days. If this were b.old though, I'd suggest people from the old community forum. Those guys were all mythics and legendaries who did absolutely nothing wrong [i]ever[/i]. Like seriously, I had a lot of respect for them.

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                      • Edited by Blonic : 12/26/2014 4:14:13 AM
                        Actually, now that I think about it, if someone were to be chosen to be mod, who the hell would it be? Considering the lack of options, I feel that this isn't really going to work.

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                      • Mods r cool

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                        • 1) This entire post is just you being mad over one small thing 2) This site has turned into a Destiny oriented site Hell it's their -blam!-ing game So why would they put dedicated mods in a side bar of the forums when they should logically be doing it in #Destiny 3) #Destiny is 1O times more active than #Offtopic so why would someone logically place more mods here? Think about what you post instead of bringing an ultimatum over a small thing you got butthurt about

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