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originally posted in: Bungie End-of-Year Update - 2014
12/19/2014 11:41:41 PM
It a holiday update before the new year. They are done for 2 weeks, give these guys a break. Let them go home to their families and have a great time. After the first of the year we will get a real update for Q1 and we can start learning about all the new stuff that Bungie has been working on. No company that does a weekly update like this (which there are a lot of) post anything of importance just before the holiday break. Go check.. none of them. So why bitch and moan to Bungie. Go celebrate the holidays and new year and come back for some good news about Destiny. Cheers DP out..

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  • I believe people are upset because once again they feel Lead on.... That they would work to fix at the least the remaining bugs in the VoG, & etc...

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  • But that's utterly irrational; if the bugs were easy to fix, Bungie would have done so already. Despite what these conspiracy theories tout, Bungie isn't out there to purposefully screw us over. There are many indications that the remaining bugs and issues, specifically in the VoG, are all connectivity based, which is not easy to solve through code and is more directly an ISP issue. They are working on the issues; just because they aren't disclosing every little activity they follow doesn't mean they are ignoring it.

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  • Why bitch and moan? Because no matter what time of year it is, it's important as a massive studio to instill confidence in the current fanbase, especially after what feels like a total beatdown in regards to how this game has faltered. Give a -blam!- about new players? I feel sorry for the ones who bought or have had consoles bought for them just to play this game. Take them under our wing? That's YOUR JOB Bungie. The fact that people help to filter the shit out of your game is a bonus. Out of 500+ employees, not one or two of them besides DeeJ thought to give everyone some answers to the floodgates of questions here? Besides, with a little grinding, those noobs will equal and overtake most of us anyway in a fraction of the time.

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  • Edited by ChadGarion25: 12/20/2014 3:26:07 AM
    [quote]Out of 500+ employees, not one or two of them besides DeeJ thought to give everyone some answers to the floodgates of questions here? [/quote] Gee, maybe that's because DeeJ is the community manager while the 500+ other employees aren't dimwit. DeeJ is the one who interacts directly with the community; the other designers, artists, coders, etc. don't have a skill set in public communication. If they tried to release information on their own, without approval, before what they were working on was done, there would be a ton of miscomunication. If a programmer said on their own "I'm working on solving the problem with Atheon bypassing relic shields", they can't give an accurate timeline for when that will be fixed because it's a collaboration of people working on the problem. What's worse is now people might interpret that as a promise or guarantee when later they might find that they can't solve the problem directly because it's a latency issue with the internet connection the player has. Shit isn't as simple as you make it out to be. I sincerely doubt you have any qualifications near or around the video game industry to be making such judgment calls.

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  • My my you're going out of your way here aren't you? Not everything is cut and dry son. Use your noggin.

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  • all i read was blah blah blah

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  • Classic. I love it.

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  • Good one, thanks.

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  • just being honest

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  • Edited by MortarGrunt06: 12/20/2014 1:55:44 AM
    Just no. If I had botched a project like this in any of the jobs I've had, we wouldn't have gotten a break until we could prove beyond all doubt that the problems had been properly addressed. These guys have a standard 9-5 job (and that's not counting their play breaks and lunches). They are trying to repair the game, a game that shouldn't have been broken in the first place. This is indicative of a company taking shortcuts and cutting corners during development. They need to be held accountable. Stop trying to justify these incompetents having any more time to do what they should have had done from launch day. No, they've had their stay of execution. Time for them to finish the game development, and not play the game. Pay an army of play testers so they can focus on fixing things in the core game. They can have a dedicated, isolated server for that purpose. They can get the bulk testing they need without having to subject the community to more and more half assed patches that cause even more problems. Stop defending these people.

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  • They "botched" it? Lol, right.

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  • Right? Does anyone on these things even know how many 60-70 hour weeks developers put in just to get shit on all over by everyone who has an opinion? No one thinks negative feedback is bad, but it's the personal insults and shit that drag it down. The difference between feedback and being a whiny baby is apparently really thin. It would stilly be in Bungies best interest to shut all their forums down and force them to wade through external sites where people wouldn't be trying to directly address employees and telling them they're "retarded" for not fixing something immediately upon discovery. Almost like they are already working on other projects and diverting resources to do one stupid thing is inefficient.

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  • Yes, they did. The error codes are as much a part of the game experience as the game itself. Their infrastructure conflicts with their code. Their code is intolerant of minor instability in network connection. That smells of botched it up to me.

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  • So you're a game designer? No I dont think so. Look, I've been lucky enough to work as a game ambassador for dcuo. I got an inside look of what goes on behind the scenes of a game company. I say that not to boast but to say that while i used to have the same thoughts as you, my opinion changed over time. I go into boring computer detail of why people get disco's for a thousand reasons. But none of that will change your opinion of destiny. But suffice to say a single . or. , or number could be out of place and while it could work for some nat types and others it does not. This amount of players leads to so many problems and some of those issues are our isp, how we connect to the console and the fact this games is played on 4 types of consoles.. Im not a bungie fan boy, in fact until destiny i thought they were pretty lame as a developer. I come from pc gaming and almost 35 years of gaming in general. Shit these problems are minor compared to dcuo. Hell i discod 50 times a day for the first 3 months, while paying a sub fee of 15 month. Destiny issues are so small in comparison that it does even phase me. While this game has issues, its still the best game to play at the moment. I just beat DA:I on hard and really the dlc is working fine for me and my clan. Not a single drop in about a month. Things are better for us here in the U.S. I hope the rest if you guys get fixed soon. Off to the bars, drink to drinks and girls to play with.. Cheers and happy holidays DP

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  • I'm a game designer, ask me anything. Ask me anything and I'll tell you that in my experience, hearing that your life's work is underperforming and people aren't happy with it is more important than anything. That's just me though. If I had some pulling power at Bungie, I wouldn't have left things like this.

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  • Yes, very very yes. Pride in your work.

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  • You make pretty lousy assumptions, I've been coding for 30 years now. I know very well how critical one miss placed character is to the entire code. That is why more time is needed to be even more careful. Thank you for being an idiot. My standards don't decline over time. I hold myself, and those under me, to the same, high standards now as I did 25 years ago. Mute.

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  • I made a gif image move in a square formation once on visual studio. Yea I'm kinda a big deal in the coding community.

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  • Edited by MortarGrunt06: 12/20/2014 8:58:25 AM
    Sweet, get me a copy. Then I can say I knew you before you made it big. I only said that because it was assumed, incorrectly, that I knew nothing about, nor had any experience in, programming computers (and yes a game console is just a specialized computer). I don't develop games, which are a rather forgiving medium, I write simulation programs. One bug could invalidate entire collections of data or lead to catastrophic failure of experimental apparatus. I'm by no means a big shot, but I do know what sort of meticulous and tedious work it can be. Which is also why I believe there are only two ways to do a job, right and again. Bungie seems to be doing a lot of things again.

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  • Edited by RageBahamut66: 12/20/2014 3:09:26 AM

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  • Edited by MortarGrunt06: 12/20/2014 3:21:31 AM

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  • Wrong guy lol had a wtf moment

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  • Oh, sorry. My bad. You're alright then. I also had one of those WTF moments.

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  • Wow, the real Deadpool plays Destiny... awesome!! And I agree if I was a Destiny employee I'd be eating cheese off of some girls titty right now.

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  • Funny. I thought the same thing.

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