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originally posted in: Stoned gamers
12/19/2014 10:19:34 PM
Idiot low lifes smoke/do drugs get a -blam-ing job and a life. I'm 14 and I know people younger than me who smoke it sickens me so much. It smells discusting too.

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  • Next time a high driver hits and kill a family member of mine I'll let that one slide sounds fair druggie?

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  • Lol. Just like all the drunk drivers. Lmfao let's see some statistics on how many drivers only smoking weed killed families versus the drunk drivers. Or hell let's see how many old people have killed families while driving. Dude wow just wow do you see the holes in that argument. I don't like resorting to this but you sir are just plain stupid. Lmfao. Now. Move on king fail you're terrible at this.

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  • Ok druggie. Continue to amount to nothing, seem to be doing just fine at it. Usually when people are defeated they change subjects like you did. I never said drinking was better or worse that's a totally different topic. Keep letting your family down, mom and dad must be proud, when I talk to my dad it's to a headstone, thank your pot smoking brethren for that.

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  • Edited by iLLahGorilla: 12/22/2014 11:28:46 PM
    Wow. Someone is definitely grasping at straws. Move on means move on... you started the driving argument by bringing it up I provided other examples of things that kill families yet they still exist and get none of your attention. People are people there are good and bad. One of the bad people who smoked weed took your father one the irresponsible people took your father. Not me or anyone else that smokes so you need to find your way past that and stop hating an entire group for one idiots mistake. That's wrong and also a terrible way to exist on this planet. Think about what you're actually saying that's all I wanted to explain to you. But no you want to throw a big fit just because I do something you disagree with and it doesn't make me a horrible person. Hating a specific group for something one person did does though. By your logic though you could hate everyone who liked rock music just because your dad's killer listened to it. It's flawed and wrong deal with it.

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  • Didn't even read druggie. Sorry you wasted your time. Actually nah I'm not, you have so much of it to sit around and get high

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  • Yeah I do on my day off. Lol have a good one although you actually should read it says somethings you need to learn.

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  • Nah druggie keep on keepin on druggie. Keep on draining and leeching off the good people

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  • Whatever you say all knowing. Lmfao sad so sad you are.

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  • Finally some respect, I am all knowing. Keep on peasant, and keep on doing filthy peasant things.

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  • Lol. Why do you keep replying then. Can't prove a point you can only fling insults and I'm a problem lol. Your ignorance impresses me there's some more respect for you.

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  • You're the one that's living in a one room apartment on an old couch upset because others have gotten farther then you in life despite being "hopeless drug morons" so I'd be careful with who you call dumbass, dumbass. I bet you believe 9/11 was an inside job too, you -blam!-ing weirdo.

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  • Hey that what I said about you, how can you expect to recycle old content like that so fast and expect it to hurt my feelings. Must be a retarded druggie advocate thing, so stupid you can't think of something new to try and "burn" me seeing as you lost the pot is ok argument like 100 posts ago Save yourself the embarrassment and stop posting hahah

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  • Oh man, you've really lost it. The illuminati must of gotten to you and now you can't form audible sentences. Next you'll be telling me the pope controls the world and you've been abducted by aliens. I think you should consider getting off your computer (note: your computer is not edible stop trying to eat it) and find yourself some help. I truly am concerned for you.

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  • K I'm bored of this there is no more arguing going on about the fact that pot is bad and druggies are idiots. So you keep on doing what your doing thinking pot is ok, and in going back to work, peace

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  • How sad, he thinks staring out his window is a job :(

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  • Damn you still commenting, grow up and go do something child, this has been over a while now

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  • Oh no, his brain has regressed to the point he thinks we're all children. This poor man, maybe we can get him some prescription drugs, Pot wouldn't be strong enough to fix his brain.

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  • You are so creepy......

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  • The schizophrenia is settling in :( he's starting to think we're all out to get him.

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  • Out-trolled the troll. +1 respect point

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  • Edited by LeBren: 12/21/2014 5:54:27 AM

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  • Ya this is all fake though, come on don't be like that . Admit your life is garbage and your grandpa is not a CEO lets get real here

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  • Druggies are the scum of the earth and always will be, pot smokers are not the worst but they are lazy as hell and talking to them is annoying with there, "ya maaaaaaaaaaan" drawn out speech issues they tend to develop when stoned. Reading some replies are hilarious too, especially the guy that says, "I make more than both your parents combined" which we all know is bullshit on the Internet, fact is he probably works at a grocery store or some other dead end job because he's a low life pot smoking leech.

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  • I don't know where you get this Ill minded idea of pot smokers. Your just plane ignorant if you honestly believe that

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  • You sir are a master at generalizations. [spoiler]Not a complement.[/spoiler]

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