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12/12/2004 8:56:48 AM

Halo 2/3 Book Posted, Pages 342-345. Page 351: Sequel Revealed

September 9, 2006- Halo: The Ark is officially available online for everyone to read. There will be several websites hosting them, and each additional one will be added to this list here. The Ark is also in this thread, from pages 342-345. Feel free to read them and post in this thread. The cover/concept art is also available for anyone who wants to see it. Just follow these links: [url=]Cover art by JoeSlayer[/url] [url=]Back cover art by JoeSlayer[/url] [url=]Concept cover art by Dan Donahue[/url] [url=]Concept art by Paul[/url] [u]Here is the list of websites hosting Halo: The Ark[/u] [url=]Game Spectrum[/url] Nov 17th, 2005- by now, there are 30 chapters of the book posted. if you dont want to look through this entire thread for them, click the link in my signature, it will take you to my official site, where all the chapters are posted. May 17, 2006- Work on the book has come to a halt as all editing (professional) has been done. There is work currently being done to get The Ark published, hopefully by TOR. Any questions about the book can be asked here, and i will answer them as promptly as possible. This is not an official bungie project. Click [url=]Here[ /url] to download a pdf version of it. Actually, right click and save, otherwise it won't work. The following material is the original post from way back when, so if you're looking for the more recent stuff (that has been modified from reading the beginning works), please visit my website, which is in my signature, or click the link above to download a pdf version of it. Please do not ask for the last chapters, as i will not send them to you. Any and all news will be posted whenever it comes up, and i will say so in the subject heading, with the appropriate page number and date. Chapters are generally posted weekly, though i discuss each chapter's release date beforehand so confusion does not ensue. If anyone knows anything about the Halo 2 book, or what comes after it, let me know. Cause if nothing's happening with it, im gonna write it. Here's the prelude to halo 3(?)... Prologue Ninth Age of Reclamation/First age of Rebirth Yielding Righteousness/ Current Flagship The doors opened as the Arbiter walked into the Grand Chamber, seeing rows of his brethren. His Sangheili. They all uniformly bowed down on one knee, their heads to facing the ground. The Arbiter turned to his Spec-ops captain, now the general of the armies, and said, “You never told me there would be this many.” “I thought you would like being surprised, Arbiter.” He showed a grin, at least as best a Sangheili could. They started walking through the main aisle, with an honor guard walking behind them as protection. The Arbiter felt that the presence of the honor guards was not necessary, but understood the honor they must feel to be here, especially now. Walking past each new row allowed all to stand in that row, which alerted the Arbiter of some discrepancy. He turned his head left, and saw several rows of Lekgolo, their massive bodies gracefully rising as he passed. And further ahead, even more rows were filled with the small Unggoy, who fidgeted even while trying to keep their composer. And they all were bowing. He looked back at the Lekgolo, shocked at the amount of them in one room. He had never seen so many, and they could easily overpower the entire ship if they wanted to, but they also didn’t carry their normal weaponry, which attached directly to their arms. The Arbiter forced himself to look away so not to draw attention to himself in any negative aspect, for it could ruin his purpose here today. They climbed the ramp up to the stage, where the honor guard behind them went to the right side of him, and to the left he saw another waiting for his arrival. The Arbiter went to the front of the stage, and the Captain/General stayed behind several steps. He looked upon the crowd, understanding that the future may rest upon their shoulders. The chamber had fallen dead silent now, and the Arbiter scanned the room once more. He stood tall and came to the very edge of the stage. “As you all know, I am the Arbiter. I have been chosen for this… this honor, by our previous leaders. However, there may be those among you who believe that their word is heresy, regardless of when it was said. And because of my rank, my position, I will become the leader of our group, our new covenant. If anyone disagrees with my appointment as the Arbiter, speak now.” The chamber stayed noiseless, but faces animated and expressions came to color. The Arbiter looked back to his Captain/General, who nodded to him. Suddenly, one Sangheili stepped out of his row, and yelled, “Long live the Arbiter!” As the Arbiter turned back to his audience, he found that he was deafened by the cheering of his name. A wave of relief struck him, and he held his hands to show silence was required. Moments later, it was so. “You all honor me with this privilege, yet I must postpone our celebration for another time. This meeting is one of urgency, where three important things must be discussed. The first of which being the creating of a new Grand Council. After this meeting, all not stationed upon the Yielding Righteousness are to return to their home planets to decide on the council members.” “Our next goal will be to secure as many Huragok as possible. They are a necessity on every ship, world, and army. If we can take many away from the Prophets, it will give us a strategic advantage against them. They will undoubtedly be attempting the same, but we cannot allow them to take any Huragok, or the upper hand will be theirs. Do not forget their usefulness, even in the heat of battle.” The Arbiter sighed, and looked up at the lights, then directly into the holocron monitor, which was projecting his face among countless worlds. “The final article is something that has come into my thoughts several times during these past few days, something I would like express to you. The Prophets have always asked each race to join the covenant, or even allow them honorable submission, but not the Humans. These Humans are a strange race, yet nothing about them is notable in any sense with the exception to the demon. Regardless, it makes no sense for the Prophets to ‘fear’ these Humans. But I understand why they do. I have fought and killed them, as well as fought beside them as allies.” Whispers appeared throughout the room, and the Arbiter raised his voice to overrun them. “Wait!”, he yelled, and the chamber’s only sound was the Arbiter’s echoing voice. “Through my experience with these Humans, they fight with the same honor we would, use clever tactics as we do, and will die for victory if necessary. And now that we are not at the prophet’s side to protect them, they have much to fear of the Humans!” Cheers wailed throughout the room, and a group of Unggoy began jumping up and clapping. The Arbiter allowed the crowd to settle down by themselves before speaking again. “From now on, if you should see a Jiralhanae, Yanme, Kig-yar, or a Prophet, you are to conquer them, and show them who truly is strong.” He smiled as best a Sangheili could. “Even more so for the Kig-yar, if you know what I mean.” Laughter broke out, especially through the rows of Unggoy. The Arbiter walked off the stage, followed closely by both honor guards and his Captain/General. Suddenly the laughter turned to applause, as the Unggoy yelled, and the Lekgolo and Sangheili bowed again to one knee. The Unggoy followed suit quickly. With each passed row, the rising covenant would chant “Long live the Arbiter!” The Captain/General whispered gently to the Arbiter as they walked down the aisle, “ It would seen that you left a good impression with the covenant.” “No, we are not the Covenant anymore. We are the Preeminent." If you guys like this, let me know, I have about 10 more pages written, in no partucular order, and can post them if anyone wants to read them. [Edited on 12/17/2006]
#Halo #Halo2

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  • Nice chapter. there was alot of good dialouge. Some funny jokes made. These Pilots are funn. i am glad they get some credit. i think your th first to do. NICE WORK cant wait for more

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  • Great -blam!- chapter man. Nice details. Are you going to finish the rest of his little section first or are you going to continue on some other character. [Edited on 5/15/2005]

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  • (Continued) The man was somewhat disappointed because he couldn’t see the faces of the Spartans who wielded his weapons, but he knew better than to question them. “So, what do you think?” Fred held the gun with his right hand and looked up to the man, who held a hopeful look in his eyes. Although they were all excited about the new weapons, this man was excited about giving them out, in seeing their use by serious military personnel. It was probably a dream come true for this man, and Fred didn’t want to let the man down. But he was quite pleased with his weapon as well, and could easily tell that Linda was as well. Will, on the other hand… “They’re excellent sir, and we’ll be using them as soon as we get into battle. But right now, we’ve got to go. Thank you for the weaponry.” The man’s face lit up, and a smile overtook his face. “It was my pleasure, sonny. Now go and kick some ass.” The Spartans saluted and the old man returned it generously, and they exited the room. Each one fondled their weapon gently, searching it thoroughly when a communiqué came through. “Spartans, the first Covenant have hit ground just two clicks south of your position. We’re sending you a Warthog, so be ready.” “Acknowledged. Now we’ll see how good these things are.” ****** The entire station rumbled as another Covenant boarding party latched onto the hull of the Cairo, cutting into it to spread out and take over the station. “Admiral, we’ve got hostiles on levels 23 and 24 in sector 5!” “Send firing teams down to deal with the problem. I want a status report on the Détente and Necromancer and I want it twenty minutes ago.” “Sir, both ships have too much damage to continue fighting. All weapons systems are down, as well as propulsion and life support. They have another couple of minutes of airtime, but with the openings in the hull all over them, I don’t know how much longer they’ll last.” “Tell them to evacuate immediately, and get fighter squad 14 to cover their safe return to the closest station. Get two squads of fighters to get those boarding ships off our backs. Send out any additional pilots we have and get them out there to give us cover. Have we got levels 36 and 38 locked down?” “Yes, but their breaking through them too fast. If we don’t flush out the air or open the hull, they’ll be around the station before we know it.” “If we have no personnel down there, suck out all the air. Cut off all access panels to it off limits to everyone and make sure that they all are dead. Any news from the division seven fleet?” “None sir. ONI hasn’t initiated any use of it, and for all we know, it doesn’t exist. But if it did, they may be waiting for something to happen before entering the battle.” The Cairo rocked from another ton of depleted uranium being shot out at one tenth the speed of light, the shot cutting through the shields of a Covenant vessel designated 48. The shields died and the round made a clean circle right in the heart of the ship, killing it and taking out the bridge. The ship floated dead in space. “Send delta fleet over to sectors 1321-1325 to assist gamma fleet with the capital ships. Have the Albany and Quebec coordinate their fire to take down the capital ship within that cluster. Do we have enough power to-” “Sir! Three heavy capital ships are on an approach vector directly towards us. We won’t have time to take them all out!” “All available ships, we need immediate assistance. Three heavy capital ships are engaging to our position, and will be in direct firing positions before we can eliminate them. I repeat, all available ships, attack the registered vessels to be destroyed.” ****** Pivoting the Ulysses fighter into a direct line of fire towards the Seraph fighter, Helstrum let loose a barrage of bullets from the .30 caliber chaingun attached to the bottom center of his Ulysses. The rounds ate through the ship like it was hot metal on butter. It turned hard left then right, the pilot inside must have lost control. Slamming on the afterburners, the enemy vessel was only 200 meters from him, and he pulled the trigger again once he had a lock on it. This time, it wasn’t getting away. The finished Seraph floated dead in space when Helstrum turned his ship back towards his squadron. It felt emptier without Ramirez, who took a direct hit after going inside his second choice of targets. Thankfully, it didn’t completely destroy his ship, and he was able to activate the rest of the nukes, damaging every Covenant vessel within a mile radius of the blast. And all the UNSC vessels were kept well informed and scattered very quickly. What a way to go out. Now Helstrum only had one nuke left, and there were way too many ships around to choose from. Nor did he care to spend the next hour and a half thinking about which one would be it. He needed to find a Covenant battle cruiser that was close to any UNSC vessel or orbital platform where he could go for refuel and reload, which was exactly what he needed. There was enough fuel to make it anywhere and back, but not for long, and with only 400 bullets and one nuke left, the breeze was feeling cool on his bare ass. The comm. broke open relaying a message on all frequencies. “All available ships, we need immediate assistance. Three heavy capital ships are engaging to our position, and will be in direct firing positions before we can eliminate them. I repeat, all available ships, attack the registered vessels to be destroyed.” Recognizing the voice instantly, he set a target accordingly and opened a channel to his squad. “Alright team, we’re going to help out the Cairo. Nobody is in close enough proximity to give the necessary assistance, and I think that if all three of us can take out those measly Covenant bastards, we’ll all get kisses from the admiral. Any questions?” “Yeah, he said we have to take out two of those ships. That means one of us isn’t going in. And that’s going to be…?” “You, Jan. I need you to cover the both of us before we get inside. I know, I know, you want to get the kill, but I don’t trust Sach in keeping my ass clean of any Covenant bastards.” “I don’t trust anything that has you’re ass and clean in the same sentence,” Sach said under his breath, just loud enough to be heard but quiet enough to pretend that he didn’t mean to be heard. Jan laughed out loud and gave the go ahead. “Admiral, this is gold leader of Squadron 19. We’ll take out two of those cruisers; just tell us which ones you want out of your sky.” “With all due respect gold leader, how do you intend on taking out those cruisers?” “Sir, you may not have been informed of this, but my squad has been packing some serious firepower. Each of our ships has been holding and using nukes on the Covenant ships, and setting them off inside their hulls, cutting out the EMP blast but totaling the ship.” “I see. Fine, we’re sending you the coordinates and information now. Don’t miss, we don’t have time to evacuate, and I sure as hell don’t like seeing this crap on my screen.” “Consider it done. Set afterburners to full, we want to get there before the Cairo is seen on milk cartons.” The ship accelerated much faster than he had anticipated, but Helstrum took it like a man. Pulling a few extra g’s because he made a calculated error didn’t bother him, as long as he didn’t black out. This time he cut it close, seeing dark patches appear before his eyes, but the afterburners cut out and he shook it off. At his current speed, it was only another minute or so before he reached his target. “Ok Sach, you go for the closer target and make it quick. I’ll go farther and we’ll leave the last one to the big guns. Jan, as soon as we’re both inside, get inside the Cairo for refit and reload. And if we don’t make it out, get the hell outta there. It’ll be having fireworks like you’ve never seen.” “Got it. Just make your runs fast; I don’t want to wait too long doing nothing. I get bored easily, you know.” “Consider it done. See you on the other side.” Thirty seconds until he reached the designated target, Helstrum looked at his wall of memorabilia again, and pondered. I wonder whether this’ll do it for me…

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  • Ok here's part 2 of chapter 15. enjoy. Walking back and forth in the small cramped room, Fred waited impatiently for the new weapons to be in his hands. It wasn’t just because of anticipation for it, but because the battle ensuing overhead would soon reach ground, and he felt unprepared for it. Linda sat back across from him, twiddling two .50 caliber bullets between her fingers as nimbly as she would with her own hand, showing a precision with her armor that he lacked. The metallic room gave no comfort, only the coldness of steel. No reflective surfaces of any sort, with only a row of fluorescent lights overhead to keep the room alive. Glancing at Will, a combat knife sat between two fingers with the blade pointed down, and a bullet kept right under it, pointing to the wall away from them all. Suddenly interesting Fred, he thought he saw Will move his hand, just barely. Then the two fingers separated and gravity took hold of the knife, dropping it. The two Spartans waited for it to land, and the waiting seemed to long. On their left, a door swung open, letting in a short rush of air that pushed the knife off course, making it collapse on top of the bullet and hit the ground. Both of them looked up quickly, and a lieutenant saluted to the Spartans rigidly. “Sirs, it will just be another minute. Excuse us for the inconvenience.” With that, the marine turned just as he entered and closed the door. “Another variable I overlooked.” Will shook his head, then set the bullet in its previous position and made new calculations. Fred walked away and paced again, thinking of the battle just a few hundred miles away. How are we doing? Can we win it, or will it come down to Earth? To us? More questions came, but no answers could, but Fred kept himself from making any bad outcomes to the battle. No matter what happened, he knew that the Covenant would get groundside during the battle; it was just a matter of time. They did so on Reach and they’d do it again here. This kept him calm, the simplicity of all Covenant battle strategies that were on such a large scale. They seemed to follow a simple code on how to take a planet, and never deviated from it, with the exception of Reach. But they had good reason for doing so, to find the artifact, which the Master Chief had been able to take with the rest of the Spartans and get off the planet. And with the previous attack on Earth just a few days earlier, they knew something was here that the Covenant wanted, and would sacrifice countless lives for. What it was didn’t matter, because with all the searching and expeditions sent in the last two days, nothing was found, even with the coordinates that the Covenant used to locate whatever it was. Regardless, they’d be ready for the ensuing attack, and hopefully the new weapons will make their work easier. Nothing would make every marine’s life better than a gun that could eliminate any alien bastard twice as fast as before. At least, that’s what he was told. The door swung open again and Fred turned to look again, when in the corner of his eye he saw the knife drop again. Initially, he thought, wow, twice in a row, but the knife connected to the butt of the bullet and it shot off. It ricocheted off the wall and bounced twice, then heading straight for the marine that entered the room, Linda’s hand reached up and stopped it just two meter’s short of the man’s face. Her shield’s flared for a second, and she tossed the bullet back to Will. “I see you’re having a great time. Why don’t you let me make you’re day and give you some new toys?” The marine waved his arm in a gesture to follow, and they all walked after him. In a private comm. channel that Will opened, he said “I had it under control. The bullet was going to miss him by half a centimeter.” Linda made a fist and was about to punch his shoulder, but thought better of it, for both their suits. “You forgot to add in the wind factor after he opened the door.” “No, I added that in, and it still would have missed.” “How about the limp in his left leg that made him lean on his left side a few centimeters more than normal? And that he was inhaling just before the bullet hit, making him lean farther left?” Fred cut in. “We can worry about that later. Now cut the chatter, and let’s give the man a nice smile. It’s not every day you get a new gun made for you.” The Spartans walked into the workshop, a colorful room with every wall covered with assortments of antique weaponry, shields, and armor. Most of it came from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but there were other’s from the medieval period and from the war of 2296. Most of the material was in need of dusting, but one small portion was very clean, and also very recent. It was covered with Covenant weaponry, as well as several of the more recent UNSC standard guns. “Looks like a nice place to hide out incase of Covenant bombardment.” “Not really, my boy. You see, most of these guns are useless nowadays, and most of them don’t even have workable ammunition with them. I just keep them as showpieces and sentimental value. Come, I have the new ones here.” Walking over to a single large table that was covered with a white cloth, the Man threw it off in a clichéd fashion, which still worked quite well. Three large black guns sat silently, gleaming reflections and showing a certain grace that widened every Spartans eyes. One was obviously an assault rifle, another a sniper rifle, but the third eluded each of them. Two arms grabbed the assault rifle, and the older man hoisted it upright. “This is YDKJ-1327, or the Gritter, as I like to call it. Has three modes, all shown here on this switch. Fully automatic, semi-automatic, which gives a three bullet burst, and the SB, which is the single burst. The scope on top features 2X and 5X modes, as well as night vision. I didn’t add the heat vision because I know it would be a waste, with everyone very easily able to see any of those colorful bastards. I’m sure you’ll agree.” He handed it over to Fred, who immediately inspected it. “Uses standard and explosive rounds, although the armor piercing rounds didn’t work in the testing trials. I didn’t have the time to fix that, although I’m sure it’ll handle just fine.” “This is the GMMOR2 Sniper rifle, and this gun is definitely one of my best. I’ve improved the scope to work at 5X, 10X, and now 20X as well. It also carries night vision and has an extra bullet for each clip, giving five shots before reload. And, this is the best part, watch the shaft” he said emphatically, pulling a switch on the side of the gun. The shaft twinged momentarily, but seemed the same. “Did you see it? That’s for the .70 caliber mode, which uses these new and improved rounds that can and will penetrate any helmet or facial armor you fire at. I’ve also improved the firing rate, making it about one and a half times faster.” Linda almost grabbed the gun from his hands, but he let go with haste, knowing better than to hold it. “Last, but not least, we have the QQ22, or the fragbox. This gun lets out a high intensity blast like that of the Covenant Fuel Rod Canon, but I’ve put that in a Jackhammer rocket and increased the power on it. Can be used both with manual aim and targeted, and also features a new ‘large creature’ lock, that enables it to lock onto anything moving with a certain mass, like a hunter. The only downside to this is that the radiation does leak off of it, although I’m still undergoing tests to fix the problem, and should finish that soon. In the meantime, this is yours. But be careful, because whenever you use that, it will take about half your shields out. The radiation won’t hurt you or the suit, but only as long as your shields are up. And anyone near you will feel it too, so don’t stand to close to any friendlies.”

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  • I'm gonna join the army my grandpa want's me to and I think it would be cool

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  • Alright guys just cool down a bit. Toady Wee was concerned about his rank (no idea why, it's just a number) and wanted everyone to know that it wasn't him playing a whole lot. By the way about the military thing, how was that political? Anyway Brillant when is the next chapter due in. P.S. About me joining the Air Force to fly jets I can't because I don't have 20/20 vision. So I'm going to stay in the Marines and fly Super Cobra attack helicopters.

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  • In case some one does care now they know ok. but if you don't care don't read it. I don't like it when people think I suck. OK buddy or do you still not care?

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  • offence but no one gives a crap

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  • By the way right now anyone who looks at my stats are gonna think I'm weak but when I'm not at my dads playing my 8 year old cousin takes my place. It anger's me alot also my 6, 8, and 12 year old cousin's also play with skill. the 6 and 12 year old are the best

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  • the mtv thing sucked. In reality we saw the new box for less then 10 minuets. Back on topic maybe part 2 today

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  • sorry f im spamming.Please tell me at least one person (besides me) saw mtv with the xbox 360.It was awsome.It was so friggin awsome.Xbox 360 will be coming out this year in time for the holiday season.That thing looks sexy to me.Plus you can customize the face since its can be detatched.There is so much more stuff. but i dont feel like posting it if nobody cares.ifyou do then tell me or msg me so i can tell you.Man this thing is going to be sweet.also dont forget on the 16th E3 will be on G4 Techtv.

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  • think it should be up today or tomorrow if I remember correctly... Does anyone think that this could also be a game, if not a book? [Edited on 5/13/2005]

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  • yes, sorry for the military discussion for i was the one who started, and Sir, i cant wait till the next chapter comes out!!

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  • Thanks EAGLES5 thats true...I was searching yesterday and I was disappointed to find very little drawings/schematics of Halo if Bunige produsced some like those cutaway drawings like Star Wars did...oh man that would be cool....mmm BIG MAC......cannon

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  • I need to study more about the capabilities of ships in space...

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  • I agree with you, but GUYS END THIS POLITICAL DISSCUSSION NOW This thread may be locked, and some of you blacklisted. Talk about the story or dont talk. Not tryiong to be mean, just dont want to ruin a good thing

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  • Sorry for the double post but i dont know why everyone rags on the military so much, if it wasnt there we would all be speaking German right know. Plus loyalty, camarederie, strength, honour, disicpline and patroitism, what more could you ask for? oh, plus $1 beers just off base ;) One thing that I wish more canadains had and what you americans have is patriotism. If I got a $100 for each time I saw a canadain flag flying from a porch i'd have like fifty bucks. Sir your book rules and I hope Bungie authorizes you to write

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sir_brilliant nor would i want you in my military. probably would die quickly anyways. [/quote]Thank you, Sir.[/quote] Lol

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sir_brilliant Hey guys, i just want to let you know that its awesome to see how many people plan to enter the military. I would, although i cannot due to my parents, although i think that perhaps it is not for me, at least for this time in my life. Regardless, i will salute all of you who plan to join, are in, or have joined the military. i live in california, and without getting political, i feel that too many people don't believe in the wars america wages throughout the world now, and that we should not support them at the moment. but this is the wrong believe, and boycotting the military because of personal beliefs is trash. if you do, then you don't deserve to live in the country you live in, nor would i want you in my military. probably would die quickly anyways. but for those of you who say "screw those people, i want to go whether i agree or not", i can only give praise. that is a truly selfless act, whether or not there is another reason behind you're joining. [/quote]Thank you, Sir.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Master Chief 719 karma2343 where do you live? I live in MA.[/quote] I live in in CA. edit: wow, sir brillinat lives in CA also? cool. I live in Vista, one of the more ghetto cities. There are a lot of gangs... [Edited on 5/13/2005]

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  • Hey guys, i just want to let you know that its awesome to see how many people plan to enter the military. I would, although i cannot due to my parents, although i think that perhaps it is not for me, at least for this time in my life. Regardless, i will salute all of you who plan to join, are in, or have joined the military. i live in california, and without getting political, i feel that too many people don't believe in the wars america wages throughout the world now, and that we should not support them at the moment. but this is the wrong believe, and boycotting the military because of personal beliefs is trash. if you do, then you don't deserve to live in the country you live in, nor would i want you in my military. probably would die quickly anyways. but for those of you who say "screw those people, i want to go whether i agree or not", i can only give praise. that is a truly selfless act, whether or not there is another reason behind you're joining. Anyways, thx for the info on fighter pilots and dogfights, but i've been searching for a good game, which i have, that shows different sayings, formations, dogfight situations, etc. However, i cannot use them because i cannot find the drivers for them because they were made for windows 95/98/ms-dos. if anyone knows where i could find the driver to fix that, it'd be a great help, but i'll simply find a way around using it until then. Lastly, i've been looking for someone who could possibly make a new website for the story. The last one was canceled due to angelfire's cancellation of all free websites, and i've been locked out of it. if anyone can, just pm me, and we'll discuss it. As for the next chapter, plan for tomorrow, maybe late, but i might finish it saturday. but right now, the aim is friday.

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  • Thanks hellmunky

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  • I was thinking about joining the U.S. Navy like my father did, but I am not sure. My father retire's this year because he was made to. He is an E8 and the only way he could stay in is if he became an E9 but since they are not promoting anyone high up in Navy he has to retire. He has been in 29 years, if he became E9 his title would be....Master Chief. Good luck to anyone going into any military. Brilliant your last chapter was awesome, keep it up. karma2343 where do you live? I live in MA.

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  • Hey everybody. Schools almost over its pretty cool. Anyway, good story sir, keep up the good work. Since I cuaght up w/ all of sir's stories a week ago it feels like I have to wait ages to see a new chap.

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  • great srory sir.once again i havnent posted in a while because but this time its because of xbox live.besides today there hasnt been not one bay i missed of xbox live action.,Also my gamertag isnt Spartan J13.Its ZEALOUSTITAN.send me a friend request if you last thing today at 9:30 the showing of the xbow will be on mtv.just to clarify things its 5:24 where i live so it might be different where you live.Check for more information

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  • Acuately that was [b] Navy [/b] pilots. I want to be [b] Air Force[/b] It was a horrible friendly fire incident. Sorry about your troops. [Edited on 5/12/2005]

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