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12/12/2004 8:56:48 AM

Halo 2/3 Book Posted, Pages 342-345. Page 351: Sequel Revealed

September 9, 2006- Halo: The Ark is officially available online for everyone to read. There will be several websites hosting them, and each additional one will be added to this list here. The Ark is also in this thread, from pages 342-345. Feel free to read them and post in this thread. The cover/concept art is also available for anyone who wants to see it. Just follow these links: [url=]Cover art by JoeSlayer[/url] [url=]Back cover art by JoeSlayer[/url] [url=]Concept cover art by Dan Donahue[/url] [url=]Concept art by Paul[/url] [u]Here is the list of websites hosting Halo: The Ark[/u] [url=]Game Spectrum[/url] Nov 17th, 2005- by now, there are 30 chapters of the book posted. if you dont want to look through this entire thread for them, click the link in my signature, it will take you to my official site, where all the chapters are posted. May 17, 2006- Work on the book has come to a halt as all editing (professional) has been done. There is work currently being done to get The Ark published, hopefully by TOR. Any questions about the book can be asked here, and i will answer them as promptly as possible. This is not an official bungie project. Click [url=]Here[ /url] to download a pdf version of it. Actually, right click and save, otherwise it won't work. The following material is the original post from way back when, so if you're looking for the more recent stuff (that has been modified from reading the beginning works), please visit my website, which is in my signature, or click the link above to download a pdf version of it. Please do not ask for the last chapters, as i will not send them to you. Any and all news will be posted whenever it comes up, and i will say so in the subject heading, with the appropriate page number and date. Chapters are generally posted weekly, though i discuss each chapter's release date beforehand so confusion does not ensue. If anyone knows anything about the Halo 2 book, or what comes after it, let me know. Cause if nothing's happening with it, im gonna write it. Here's the prelude to halo 3(?)... Prologue Ninth Age of Reclamation/First age of Rebirth Yielding Righteousness/ Current Flagship The doors opened as the Arbiter walked into the Grand Chamber, seeing rows of his brethren. His Sangheili. They all uniformly bowed down on one knee, their heads to facing the ground. The Arbiter turned to his Spec-ops captain, now the general of the armies, and said, “You never told me there would be this many.” “I thought you would like being surprised, Arbiter.” He showed a grin, at least as best a Sangheili could. They started walking through the main aisle, with an honor guard walking behind them as protection. The Arbiter felt that the presence of the honor guards was not necessary, but understood the honor they must feel to be here, especially now. Walking past each new row allowed all to stand in that row, which alerted the Arbiter of some discrepancy. He turned his head left, and saw several rows of Lekgolo, their massive bodies gracefully rising as he passed. And further ahead, even more rows were filled with the small Unggoy, who fidgeted even while trying to keep their composer. And they all were bowing. He looked back at the Lekgolo, shocked at the amount of them in one room. He had never seen so many, and they could easily overpower the entire ship if they wanted to, but they also didn’t carry their normal weaponry, which attached directly to their arms. The Arbiter forced himself to look away so not to draw attention to himself in any negative aspect, for it could ruin his purpose here today. They climbed the ramp up to the stage, where the honor guard behind them went to the right side of him, and to the left he saw another waiting for his arrival. The Arbiter went to the front of the stage, and the Captain/General stayed behind several steps. He looked upon the crowd, understanding that the future may rest upon their shoulders. The chamber had fallen dead silent now, and the Arbiter scanned the room once more. He stood tall and came to the very edge of the stage. “As you all know, I am the Arbiter. I have been chosen for this… this honor, by our previous leaders. However, there may be those among you who believe that their word is heresy, regardless of when it was said. And because of my rank, my position, I will become the leader of our group, our new covenant. If anyone disagrees with my appointment as the Arbiter, speak now.” The chamber stayed noiseless, but faces animated and expressions came to color. The Arbiter looked back to his Captain/General, who nodded to him. Suddenly, one Sangheili stepped out of his row, and yelled, “Long live the Arbiter!” As the Arbiter turned back to his audience, he found that he was deafened by the cheering of his name. A wave of relief struck him, and he held his hands to show silence was required. Moments later, it was so. “You all honor me with this privilege, yet I must postpone our celebration for another time. This meeting is one of urgency, where three important things must be discussed. The first of which being the creating of a new Grand Council. After this meeting, all not stationed upon the Yielding Righteousness are to return to their home planets to decide on the council members.” “Our next goal will be to secure as many Huragok as possible. They are a necessity on every ship, world, and army. If we can take many away from the Prophets, it will give us a strategic advantage against them. They will undoubtedly be attempting the same, but we cannot allow them to take any Huragok, or the upper hand will be theirs. Do not forget their usefulness, even in the heat of battle.” The Arbiter sighed, and looked up at the lights, then directly into the holocron monitor, which was projecting his face among countless worlds. “The final article is something that has come into my thoughts several times during these past few days, something I would like express to you. The Prophets have always asked each race to join the covenant, or even allow them honorable submission, but not the Humans. These Humans are a strange race, yet nothing about them is notable in any sense with the exception to the demon. Regardless, it makes no sense for the Prophets to ‘fear’ these Humans. But I understand why they do. I have fought and killed them, as well as fought beside them as allies.” Whispers appeared throughout the room, and the Arbiter raised his voice to overrun them. “Wait!”, he yelled, and the chamber’s only sound was the Arbiter’s echoing voice. “Through my experience with these Humans, they fight with the same honor we would, use clever tactics as we do, and will die for victory if necessary. And now that we are not at the prophet’s side to protect them, they have much to fear of the Humans!” Cheers wailed throughout the room, and a group of Unggoy began jumping up and clapping. The Arbiter allowed the crowd to settle down by themselves before speaking again. “From now on, if you should see a Jiralhanae, Yanme, Kig-yar, or a Prophet, you are to conquer them, and show them who truly is strong.” He smiled as best a Sangheili could. “Even more so for the Kig-yar, if you know what I mean.” Laughter broke out, especially through the rows of Unggoy. The Arbiter walked off the stage, followed closely by both honor guards and his Captain/General. Suddenly the laughter turned to applause, as the Unggoy yelled, and the Lekgolo and Sangheili bowed again to one knee. The Unggoy followed suit quickly. With each passed row, the rising covenant would chant “Long live the Arbiter!” The Captain/General whispered gently to the Arbiter as they walked down the aisle, “ It would seen that you left a good impression with the covenant.” “No, we are not the Covenant anymore. We are the Preeminent." If you guys like this, let me know, I have about 10 more pages written, in no partucular order, and can post them if anyone wants to read them. [Edited on 12/17/2006]
#Halo #Halo2

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Homer Time dam thos cliffhangers[/quote] lol, you gotta hate em, and you gotta love em.

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  • dam thos cliffhangers

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  • well done Brilliant for making it to a sticky,but i guess it took patience

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  • I was waiting for when this thread got stickied.

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  • that was awesome

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  • Great chapter sir!!!!

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  • [quote] He kept a steady eye on the Prophet, but quickly glanced over to the position of the movement, which stopped momentarily. A green helmet came into view, followed by a Sangheili’s white helmet. It instantly registered in the Arbiter’s mind whom had arrived and a grin came to him, but he dared not show it.[/quote] Awsome chapter once again Sir.Brilliant. Truth is a Fool.

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  • Truth marveled in the ignorance of the humans, as they had been unable to grasp the power behind the two crystals they had found. Incomprehensible, he thought to himself. But he also thanked the Lords, for if they had used the crystals, he may never have been born. One of the crystals gave a slight vibration, and upon inspection, Truth’s eyes widened. “Halt. The opposition lies ahead.” Truth couldn’t explain how he knew this, but the crystal found on Earth had somehow directed him to the conclusion, and he was fully confident in it. “Excellency, are you sure? Perhaps I should send a drone to investigate?” The commanding Brute, Diretrus, had originally come to Truth to be the replacement for Tartarus. To find whether he was worthy or not, Truth asked one question: “What makes you believe you will fulfill his duties better than he could?” His reply was simple. “Tartarus was a weak fool, who merely found himself at the right place at the right time. His faith stemmed from ignorance and his strength from the Fist of Rukt, which he wielded like a child. Now he has failed, where I will not.” This answer had great meaning to Truth, who agreed that Tartarus’ faith was not from intelligence, and promoted Diretrus immediately. From that point on, everything had moved much more smoothly than he had anticipated. Now, however, was no time to question. “No Diretrus, they are there. And sending anything may cause them to search faster, and possibly find the secrets before we do. This cannot be allowed. Find a path around them.” Diretrus held an electronic map, programmed by the ship itself. They had used it to navigate to the control center, and Diretrus tapped it several times. “A new course has been plotted. I will lead the way.” “Excellent. Bring us to it before them, and rewards that cannot be comprehended will be yours.” “Of course, Excellency,” he said bowing slightly, then running ahead. The rest followed suit, and soon they would reach their destination. ****** “Oracle, how soon until we reach the control center?” “We are almost there. Only a few more corridors to go.” The Oracle sounded genuinely worried, which hadn’t changed from the moment they first encountered the additional Demons. Humans. The Arbiter was still adjusting to the change of nomenclature used for his old enemies, his new allies. He knew that they were much more powerful than either the Unngoy or Lekgolo were, or at least the ones they called ‘Spartans’. They had overcome every obstacle placed in front of them…killing the Prophet of Regret even with the Honor Guards present. It was a dazzling display of tactics and power. Regardless, he still felt that they were just as powerful as any Sangheili, although most they had fought against lacked the training to defeat such a foe. He held no doubts about himself, but this was not the time or place to think of such things. A large room came to his vision in the distance, extensively illuminated, and their target. His legs began to push harder, picking up speed and bringing him to the room first. But awe stopped him, allowing the others to catch up. And when they saw the room, the same feeling grasped them. It was much larger than he thought from the distance he originally saw it from. But now inside it, the full depth of the interior had taken over him. One Spartan made its way to the front, and didn’t stop when it reached it like the rest had. He recognized it to be one of the original ones, but only from a slight color differentiation. “Humbling, isn’t it?” “Quite.” Everyone turned to see where the oddly familiar and sinister voice came from, and was shocked when they saw. In a hovering chair sat the Prophet of Truth, surrounded by Jiralhanae, Kig-yar, and Yamne. All the Preeminent forces opened fire on them, and a wave of plasma burned the air to reach its desired target. It splashed in an odd semicircular path around the opposition’s location, but all continued to fire. After a period long enough to cut through the crust of certain planets, the Arbiter called for a ceasefire. A few moments passed while the last of the plasma attached to its target, when they were all greeted with shock. The Prophet and his minions stood just as before, completely unharmed, with a strange yellow glow surrounding them. “I’d suggest you forego wasting more ammunition, for nothing will pierce this energy shield. It was built by those Lords who have designed this magnificent place.” They continued to venture farther into the room, but the Arbiter stayed put, watching the Prophet move like a God across the enchanted room. “They call this place the ark. Do you know why? Because this is the one place our Lords kept sacred from the Flood infestation, the one place they may survive in until the reign of those disgusting beasts would end. So they waited here, for years. Thousands and thousands of years…” “But time was against them, just as it was against you now. Because there is nothing that can be done to stop me, as long as I hold this in my possession.” The Prophet waved a large crystal, about the size of his hand. “Don’t worry, there is no way to reach it unless I deactivate the protective field around me, which I have no intention of doing. The only question on my mind is this: Should I allow you all to stay and watch the most glorious of all ceremonies take place, or has becoming traitorous animals taken that honor away from you?” As the Prophet continued his monologue, motion sensors detected movement to the immediate left of the Arbiter. He kept a steady eye on the Prophet, but quickly glanced over to the position of the movement, which stopped momentarily. A green helmet came into view, followed by a Sangheili’s white helmet. It instantly registered in the Arbiter’s mind whom had arrived and a grin came to him, but he dared not show it. “Believe it or not, this quandary has been a difficult one, and much time has been spent debating it. However, I do not come unprepared, and have an answer ready for you. Therefore, prepare for the-” A shadow loomed over the Prophet’s head, and when the Arbiter looked at it, memories had piled high. How can it be? Halo was destroyed?? The Prophet of Truth looked up to see what was happening, but the expression he displayed was not seen. “Oh dear,” said 343 Guilty Spark. “I believe it’s started.” Only then did the Flood come.

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  • ok, its here earlier than i stated, but here nonetheless. Chapter 30. enjoy Chapter 30 2021, Oct. 22, 2552 (Personal time)/ Onboard unknown Forerunner Structure Johnson? Looking back at the Spartan III’s, Kelly was almost too shocked to speak. “Hold your fire. They’re human.” They kept their aim until the Master Chief nodded. “Cortana, confirm.” “There are several humans there, but I also detect a large number of Covenant forces with them. I don’t know what could be causing them to keep the humans with them, but it could be a trap.” “Noted. Stay here, watch my back. If anything goes wrong, give ‘em hell. Otherwise, wait for the all clear.” Receiving the acknowledgement signal from the Master Chief, Kelly stood from her cover and walked towards the intersection between the two encampments. Golden light shined bright over the area, illuminating a large area only from reflecting off the walls. Even though they did not appear metallic, the placement of each pillar had to be ingeniously done; making a small light source spread to an area at least five times what it should. Sergeant A.J. Johnson made his way to Kelly, who stared in disbelief. In the back of her mind, questions formed faster than she could handle. How did you get here, did you reach Earth, what happened there…She struggled to keep her mind focused, and reminded herself of the one most important question for the moment. “Glad to see you, Chief,” Johnson said as he stood straight and saluted. She returned the salute, and peered closer. “Sergeant, what are those Covenant soldiers doing with you? Have you been taken prisoner?” “Not at all, ma’am. There’s a truce at the moment, and as far as I know, a treaty should have been written out and signed by now. We’re at peace with the Covenant. Or at least a part of them.” His words struck like a bullet, but in a good way. Taking a moment to let it sink in, she realized that there had to be proof. Without her external speakers on, she asked Cortana, “What do you think?” “Bio-spectral analysis shows that he’s not lying, but he could be a very good liar. In either case, I doubt he’d want to hide that from you. As for the Covenant making peace with us, I’d also be pretty skeptical. Nobody starts wars and fights them for over twenty years, then shows up at your front door and decides not to finish the job.” “Agreed.” Taking a half step around Johnson, Kelly threw him another question. “Can you prove it?” “Indeed, he can.” The deep voice rumbled behind Johnson, as a huge shadow loomed forward. It picked up its head and showed a foreign helmet, one Kelly had never seen before. The silver armor reflected light in all directions, and completely covered the entire upper body of the Elite. Between the cracks of armor was a black undercoating, blue lines streaking down certain parts of the suit. It obviously had some intense meaning behind it, although this was neither the time nor place to worry about such things. “I am the Arbiter, leader of the Preeminent. We mean no harm, and wish for you to join us.” Kelly stared hard at the Elite, trying to determine whether it spoke the truth or not. She waved her hand back to the Spartans briefly, making sure they didn’t fire. “Cortana…?” “Well, if it is their leader, then he’s probably telling the truth. We’ve never encountered any mind-alterations or anything that could result in the change in the sergeant’s behavior, but other than that, I have no idea.” Thinking gave her no justice, so Kelly looked for guidance from somewhere, anywhere. John would have known what to do, she thought. But glancing back at Johnson, he gave her a reassuring nod, showing her that he understood the situation from her perspective. “Alright. I believe you. Spartans, all clear.” After a few seconds, they started to pile out, all heading towards the center but still carrying their weapons pointed and ready. She looked back at the Arbiter and stared into its large brown eyes. An overwhelming feeling of strength seemed to emanate from them, and Kelly immediately trusted him. The Master Chief came right up to the three of them, lowering his assault rifle and switching it to his left hand. “I am the Master Chief, leader of this operation.” “Wait, what are you talking about,” Johnson cut in. “The Master Chief is on Earth.” “No sergeant, this is the Master Chief of the Spartan III project.” Dr. Halsey came out from the shadows with the last of the Spartans, giving Johnson a face that was confused, excited, and shocked. His eyes widened and wrinkles appeared on his forehead, leaving a gaping mouth. “Don’t worry sergeant, it’ll all be explained in good time. Master Chief, I suggest we make this a walking conversation.” “Agreed. Arbiter, it’s an honor to meet you, although we’ll have to cut introductions short. We’ve been running from Flood that managed to follow us here, and we don’t have any time to spare.” “I can’t understood Elite facial patterns,” Cortana whispered to Kelly, “but if I could, I’d bet that he’s making the same face as Johnson.” Snickering briefly, the entire Covenant force began piling out, all moving at top speed after another floating orb, like the one she’d seen on the Halo ring. This one was blue, and stopped to look at her and the rest of the Spartans for a moment, then continued on. Interesting… “Come, if the Flood have followed us here, then two forces will be fighting against us. The Prophet’s are behind us, and may catch up if we do not move with haste.” The Arbiter clutched his energy sword, obviously enraged by the thought of Flood and the reminder of another enemy, but eased off after a few seconds. The Master Chief began to send his Spartans to various portions of the larger group, mainly keeping them at point. They all knew that the Hunter’s and Grunt’s would be able to hold off any attack long enough for the Elites and Spartans to give support, so it was there where they were needed. “Kelly, stay with Dr. Halsey. Make sure she’s safe.” “Yes sir. Dr. Halsey, if you will…” Kelly lent a hand and led her to the center of the newly formed strike team, where it would hopefully be the safest. Wit the amount of firepower surrounding her, if it wasn’t, then there was no safe place to be. ****** Surrounded by Brutes, the normal wonder Truth felt for them was dulled by the magnificence of the crystal. Its power was unmatched; truly the greatest of all the Lords’ creations. Rummaging through the folds of his holy garments, he brought forth a container carrying the remains of the last crystal. They both began to brighten and dull weakly, showing a connectivity they held to each other. Astounding. The shattered crystal carried certain properties which allowed for an intensified travel through Slipspace, where the time to destinations not only decreased, but also turned back. It enabled the user to go back in time through Slipspace, thus giving a power like no other. Unfortunately, the human filth had managed to destroy or otherwise dispose of a large portion of the holy crystal, thus disabling its function and Truth’s original intent. No matter. If the scriptures are true, then I shall soon see the past. Teachings of the holy crystals were found by the Prophets on several worlds that had been investigated, giving the locations of the holy worlds and directions of using the crystals. One had already been lost by the hands of the Demons, while the second only left a small portion. Truth made sure that the last one was not compromised, and made sure to find it before the Demons could. If they did, all might have been lost.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prophet of Spite dude we are past the weekly whats update i never thought i'd see the day[/quote] Same. Anyway, I think it would be awesome if you actually wrote the halo book, because I know that you're definitly good enough to. The [i]only[/i] problem I could see would be that some people would already know the story line, but it doesnt really matter.

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  • dude we are past the weekly whats update i never thought i'd see the day

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  • can i have 10% of what bungie gives u? :P

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  • well goliath, my word document for the entire story straight through is around 160 pages, and in the book format (yes, i've gotten so bored that i've actually figured out the exact book format) its around 270ish. with 5 chapters to go, none of which i would make shorter than 5 standard pages at least, i'd say i have a book around the same size as the first three. whether i'll get anything from bungie or not is the question. I'm searching for that answer as i speak...but it just takes too much time.

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  • what he ^^^^ said

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  • I dont think he did that bad on the flood. It was just that The Flood was destined not to do as well since it was based off of the Halo 1 Story. So we already knew most of what was going on.

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  • the reason i say eric nylund is cuz william C. dietz sucked a$$ on the "the flood"

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  • hey man, i can tell that you have a detailed description in your head of how the first and 3rd book went. that reads just like eric nylund. i think thats nice that you are able to manipulate that style and reproduce it, that takes skill, i personally dont have the patience to write that, but i can read it (i guess that doesnt make to much sense especially since i like to write). you might even be able to write you own unofficial title, maybe even your own official title granted you have the qualifications and bungie gives you the ok. write about a hundred or so pages and then see what bungie says if you contact them. you could get mad money if they are accept. good luck to you man, ill definetly enjoy reading more if you get published.

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  • cooool u still there?

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  • well, i've been kept pretty busy these last couple of days, but some progress has finally been made on the next chapter. I expect to finish it by tomorrow...its the prelude to the largest battle of all time. be prepared.

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  • i am quite sure he did fight sentinals in one of the levels but who would want to use the sentinal gun it sucks yay first [Edited on 7/21/2005]

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  • yeah, i was trying to remember if he ever used the sentinal gun throughout the game...that's kinda weird. its like the arbiter went through everything mc did in halo1, while mc went through new stuff. dunno, just wondering about it.

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  • now i see where your goin brilliant i just didn't get it at first. that would be very interesting (put gangsta grunts in it plz). By the way i don't think mc did fight sentinals, wierd i didn't notice it. [Edited on 7/21/2005]

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  • yay we a sticky finally... sweeeet chapter they should force feed ackerson crow after him saying that they were not very successful in one of the earlier books anyway i think we would all like a comedy and that u would be the perfect person for it, i think also do u EVER sign on xbl bc i sent u a friend request ages ago and u haven't accepted btw my gamertag is WartyMilk i thought i could change it when i made it but xbl screwed me over but o well it gets some humorous comments

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  • the elite name all have mee at thr rnd of it for it example Zuka zammamee or Nosal Mortamee you kow stuff like that. [Edited on 7/20/2005]

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  • brilliant the last few stories were my favorite and i was thinking why wouldn't the elites color their ships the same as their plasma rifles, and i know they haven't had that the time yet but once they do wouldnt it stop friendly fire from humans? it was just a thought.

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  • sir brilliant you rock i cant believe you got up thier i mean at the top of the should speak wit bungie or eric nylund or someone. you rock ass man all ass you rock. i think that a compliment(me no spel goode)

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