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12/12/2004 8:56:48 AM

Halo 2/3 Book Posted, Pages 342-345. Page 351: Sequel Revealed

September 9, 2006- Halo: The Ark is officially available online for everyone to read. There will be several websites hosting them, and each additional one will be added to this list here. The Ark is also in this thread, from pages 342-345. Feel free to read them and post in this thread. The cover/concept art is also available for anyone who wants to see it. Just follow these links: [url=]Cover art by JoeSlayer[/url] [url=]Back cover art by JoeSlayer[/url] [url=]Concept cover art by Dan Donahue[/url] [url=]Concept art by Paul[/url] [u]Here is the list of websites hosting Halo: The Ark[/u] [url=]Game Spectrum[/url] Nov 17th, 2005- by now, there are 30 chapters of the book posted. if you dont want to look through this entire thread for them, click the link in my signature, it will take you to my official site, where all the chapters are posted. May 17, 2006- Work on the book has come to a halt as all editing (professional) has been done. There is work currently being done to get The Ark published, hopefully by TOR. Any questions about the book can be asked here, and i will answer them as promptly as possible. This is not an official bungie project. Click [url=]Here[ /url] to download a pdf version of it. Actually, right click and save, otherwise it won't work. The following material is the original post from way back when, so if you're looking for the more recent stuff (that has been modified from reading the beginning works), please visit my website, which is in my signature, or click the link above to download a pdf version of it. Please do not ask for the last chapters, as i will not send them to you. Any and all news will be posted whenever it comes up, and i will say so in the subject heading, with the appropriate page number and date. Chapters are generally posted weekly, though i discuss each chapter's release date beforehand so confusion does not ensue. If anyone knows anything about the Halo 2 book, or what comes after it, let me know. Cause if nothing's happening with it, im gonna write it. Here's the prelude to halo 3(?)... Prologue Ninth Age of Reclamation/First age of Rebirth Yielding Righteousness/ Current Flagship The doors opened as the Arbiter walked into the Grand Chamber, seeing rows of his brethren. His Sangheili. They all uniformly bowed down on one knee, their heads to facing the ground. The Arbiter turned to his Spec-ops captain, now the general of the armies, and said, “You never told me there would be this many.” “I thought you would like being surprised, Arbiter.” He showed a grin, at least as best a Sangheili could. They started walking through the main aisle, with an honor guard walking behind them as protection. The Arbiter felt that the presence of the honor guards was not necessary, but understood the honor they must feel to be here, especially now. Walking past each new row allowed all to stand in that row, which alerted the Arbiter of some discrepancy. He turned his head left, and saw several rows of Lekgolo, their massive bodies gracefully rising as he passed. And further ahead, even more rows were filled with the small Unggoy, who fidgeted even while trying to keep their composer. And they all were bowing. He looked back at the Lekgolo, shocked at the amount of them in one room. He had never seen so many, and they could easily overpower the entire ship if they wanted to, but they also didn’t carry their normal weaponry, which attached directly to their arms. The Arbiter forced himself to look away so not to draw attention to himself in any negative aspect, for it could ruin his purpose here today. They climbed the ramp up to the stage, where the honor guard behind them went to the right side of him, and to the left he saw another waiting for his arrival. The Arbiter went to the front of the stage, and the Captain/General stayed behind several steps. He looked upon the crowd, understanding that the future may rest upon their shoulders. The chamber had fallen dead silent now, and the Arbiter scanned the room once more. He stood tall and came to the very edge of the stage. “As you all know, I am the Arbiter. I have been chosen for this… this honor, by our previous leaders. However, there may be those among you who believe that their word is heresy, regardless of when it was said. And because of my rank, my position, I will become the leader of our group, our new covenant. If anyone disagrees with my appointment as the Arbiter, speak now.” The chamber stayed noiseless, but faces animated and expressions came to color. The Arbiter looked back to his Captain/General, who nodded to him. Suddenly, one Sangheili stepped out of his row, and yelled, “Long live the Arbiter!” As the Arbiter turned back to his audience, he found that he was deafened by the cheering of his name. A wave of relief struck him, and he held his hands to show silence was required. Moments later, it was so. “You all honor me with this privilege, yet I must postpone our celebration for another time. This meeting is one of urgency, where three important things must be discussed. The first of which being the creating of a new Grand Council. After this meeting, all not stationed upon the Yielding Righteousness are to return to their home planets to decide on the council members.” “Our next goal will be to secure as many Huragok as possible. They are a necessity on every ship, world, and army. If we can take many away from the Prophets, it will give us a strategic advantage against them. They will undoubtedly be attempting the same, but we cannot allow them to take any Huragok, or the upper hand will be theirs. Do not forget their usefulness, even in the heat of battle.” The Arbiter sighed, and looked up at the lights, then directly into the holocron monitor, which was projecting his face among countless worlds. “The final article is something that has come into my thoughts several times during these past few days, something I would like express to you. The Prophets have always asked each race to join the covenant, or even allow them honorable submission, but not the Humans. These Humans are a strange race, yet nothing about them is notable in any sense with the exception to the demon. Regardless, it makes no sense for the Prophets to ‘fear’ these Humans. But I understand why they do. I have fought and killed them, as well as fought beside them as allies.” Whispers appeared throughout the room, and the Arbiter raised his voice to overrun them. “Wait!”, he yelled, and the chamber’s only sound was the Arbiter’s echoing voice. “Through my experience with these Humans, they fight with the same honor we would, use clever tactics as we do, and will die for victory if necessary. And now that we are not at the prophet’s side to protect them, they have much to fear of the Humans!” Cheers wailed throughout the room, and a group of Unggoy began jumping up and clapping. The Arbiter allowed the crowd to settle down by themselves before speaking again. “From now on, if you should see a Jiralhanae, Yanme, Kig-yar, or a Prophet, you are to conquer them, and show them who truly is strong.” He smiled as best a Sangheili could. “Even more so for the Kig-yar, if you know what I mean.” Laughter broke out, especially through the rows of Unggoy. The Arbiter walked off the stage, followed closely by both honor guards and his Captain/General. Suddenly the laughter turned to applause, as the Unggoy yelled, and the Lekgolo and Sangheili bowed again to one knee. The Unggoy followed suit quickly. With each passed row, the rising covenant would chant “Long live the Arbiter!” The Captain/General whispered gently to the Arbiter as they walked down the aisle, “ It would seen that you left a good impression with the covenant.” “No, we are not the Covenant anymore. We are the Preeminent." If you guys like this, let me know, I have about 10 more pages written, in no partucular order, and can post them if anyone wants to read them. [Edited on 12/17/2006]
#Halo #Halo2

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  • The only Group page with Pwnage:

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  • Sir B, I've got to tell you that I've played Halo and Halo 2, but was never much for the forums, so I only found this thread the other day when I was bored at work. Since then I've taken some time and read your story. It's been great and I've been very impressed. I've even sent the link to a few friends of mine that are into the game and books. Anyway, I got to chapter 30 today and came back in the thread to find out when the next chapter would be released. After reading a bit I find that we won't be seeing those new chapters until you see about trying to publish what you've written. I just wanted to say, absolute best of luck. You've written an absolutely incredible story. It reads a lot like 'The Fall of Reach' and you've done an tremendous job of weaving the storylines with a lot of things that have happened in the other books/games. I've got my fingers crossed that things go well with your attempt to get it published. I certainly look forward to reading the ending no matter if I have to buy it off the shelves or just wait for it to get posted. The story is definitely worth waiting for and you definitely deserve to get your stuff published. No matter how it works out for this particular story, I think you can see in this thread that you'd got one heck of a following. That tells me we'll all be seeing a book with your name on it before too long. I know I haven't been here from the beginning like a lot of these folks have, but I wanted to say good luck with your upcoming meeting and I'll certainly be checking in on here to see how things go. I know I'm a noobie on these boards (and boards in general) so flame away guys. :) [Edited on 8/9/2005]

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  • GT: karma2343 AIM: Evil D 100 I'd like to talk/play w/ anyone here. Btw, minywheats, have you ever been to vista? Because that is where I live. You know, the place where 4 shootings have occured in the last 6 days or something. Even the other day when me and my friends were driving home, we saw cops surronding a house and they all had M16s and similar guns. It was crazy.

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  • 27 GT: Minywheats love to play with any of you any time

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  • got 27 thanx to playin wit Sir B.

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  • Thank you. And btw luke, anti prophet was talking about one guy, not panther freak. so please dont 8it(h at me about it. please. And please dont -blam!- at me about this. You might be wondering why i only did the effects on one of those. its because i dont care enough to do the second. [Edited on 8/9/2005]

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  • hey I have seen this post sticky for a couple weeks and just thought , eh , but now that i have read every page of this forum I have to say that those of you that have stayed at SB side tis whole time and supported him have my respect. oh and this story is great by the way. some where I read SB is from South Cal. me too Oceanside here . anyways Sb great work will buy the book someday and I will be posting here from now on. Thanks for the great read

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  • 21 And Brilliant get on AIM!! 'I have that stuff u wanted

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  • Hey i know this is off topic and i know i double posted, but what is all of you guys highest levels in any of your accounts. ill say my level once u say urs.

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  • The new project is definitley halo 3, it has already been confirmed to release in June to intercept PS3's launch, and their not telling us because they dont want whiney brats and inpatient noobs demanding halo 3, so they can have enough time to perfect halo 3, unlike halo 2, dont get me wrong halo 2 is an amazing game, i play it all the time, but they could of improved alot of things, like more campaign missions, and fix the gliches prior to the release, this is what they hope to accomplish with halo 3. [Edited on 8/9/2005]

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  • [quote] Sorry to tell you though that electromagnetic forces would not make the oracle seem in perfect equilibrium as an atom of such high number would be disproportionatly composed of neutrons and neutrons are electromagnetically nuetral hence there name. You may have heard of a neutron star or maybe even a magnetar; both have extremely strong magnetic fields that do not effect there density. The electromagnetic force does not effect matter based on mass as gravity does; particles are sorted in a way in extremely dense objects preventing "normal" matter from forming. Large atoms break down at the comparatively low density of the sun and atoms do not exist at all at the density of a nuetron star which is far less than that of a black hole. This is due to the sorting of the particles that atoms are composed of. The higher the density, the more apparent charge discrepencies become, and the more powerful the sorting effect. Sorry to break apart your interesting explanation. [/quote] wow. that was a really long explanation. and if i wasn't up an hour earlier to get to work earlier, i would understand what you were talking about. but i don't even know how i'm typing this answwer on the keyboard, especailly with my eyes closed. i guess i quoted it so i would look it up later, cause i remember there was an explanation for it. wait, waht am i talking abouT?

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  • I don t care if its published I need more chapters. I just found this book and read the whole thing. It is great except for the ending, being there is none. I need closure this cliffhanger stuff drives me crazy. When are you releasing more chapters??? I guess I do care if its published. As long as it dosen't take time away from the keyboard. keep on it day and night man. Some name suggestions for the "new covenant": the revelation, geni-ahadi, (swahili for new covenant; halo 2 contains a lot of african references), the credence, the coruscation, liberation, new light. Just some new suggestions, don't know if they have been put forth yet or not. Keep up the good work. Is that old man master chiefs dad, maybe thats why he fakes a chinese accent so master chief wont recognize him. Were the sticks he pulled out of his pocket chopsticks. Please answer I must know. Chopsticks are pretty hard to break when there all bunched together. Break one at time and all will break though. waapahh!! Will there be any super muscular sex?? Sorry to tell you though that electromagnetic forces would not make the oracle seem in perfect equilibrium as an atom of such high number would be disproportionatly composed of neutrons and neutrons are electromagnetically nuetral hence there name. You may have heard of a neutron star or maybe even a magnetar; both have extremely strong magnetic fields that do not effect there density. The electromagnetic force does not effect matter based on mass as gravity does; particles are sorted in a way in extremely dense objects preventing "normal" matter from forming. Large atoms break down at the comparatively low density of the sun and atoms do not exist at all at the density of a nuetron star which is far less than that of a black hole. This is due to the sorting of the particles that atoms are composed of. The higher the density, the more apparent charge discrepencies become, and the more powerful the sorting effect. Sorry to break apart your interesting explanation.

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  • It is great to have a new fan! Thnx for the support towards Sir Brilliant and his great story. If it gets published, it [u]will[/u] sell. P.S. - If no1 noticed, I seem to edit [u]all[/u] of my posts [Edited on 8/9/2005]

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  • btw this is the first forum i ever been in, and i'm lucky i found it! ya! [Edited on 8/9/2005]

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  • sir brilliant i just came here today and i love your story, and i think your on the right track, and your doing the right thing just followin the storyline instead of opening new ridiculous plotlines like most others do any you guys have made quite a community and its pretty awesome, and i really respect your decision for re-write the beginning, although you should some time in the future fill in the gaps of the book 0 during halo 2 like deitz did for the flood book, i haven't read it all yet but i think your doing good and if nobody else is writing the new book, it seems you have. PS: the names for the new covenant are pretty bad, preminant??? wtf? the crusaders is a pretty good one tho, but i guess it doesnt fit elite style...i dont kno really, but i think its a hugly important small detail. [Edited on 8/9/2005]

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  • Thank you Sir B for that update! That is the kinda update I was talking about in my previous post on pg 202. Thnx and G/L Wed. [Edited on 8/9/2005]

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  • Ya I read SBs since about pg 8 or so but I never made an account until later and this was one of the first places I posted...

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  • who cares he spammed take a chill.... THIS story is the BOMB i felt it like it was goin off in MY head i love it!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • I know, Im really sorry!

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  • aahhhh u triple posted

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  • oops sry for the double post! :-(

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  • Thank you very much Dark assassin for ur answer, i already feel better... so do u think this "awesome" prject is Halo 3 or not?

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  • THank you very much for ur answer dark assassin, i already feel better... so do u think that "awesome" project is halo 3?

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  • well, i added i believe 5 weapons, although all of them were human. but truthfully, there wasn't much battles seen in the book from the covenant POV. only 2 or 3 chapters showed any battle scenes with them from their POV, so it didn't seem worthwhile compared to the 15 chapters of human battles. plus i really didn't know what the covenant would need extra. i mean, the whole book takes place in about 1 day's worth of time, not including james' adventure. ok, i've also got some news about the story. Nothing in stone yet, but i'm having a meeting with one of the publishers reading it on wed, which could either be a good or bad thing. hopefully, he'll like it, and i'll move on from there, but i really don't know for sure.

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  • Hey, you made all these cool new weapons for the book. Why where none of them Covie weapons? And what if Bungie doesnt like the new weapons? Halo 3 comes around and the book is way different from it. I mean, what if bungie doesnt want all this stuff to happen. What if they want The Ark to be a super huge Halo Ring? I just thought of that. That might get your book to not be published. You write it this way and bungie wants the game to be totally different from it. PS. I love the sniper. But can Linda just use the .70 cal once? I would love the Prophets head(the torso might come off to from the power of it) be blown to bits from a .70. ok if u have read the first book by Eric Nylund the fall of reach there are a bunch of different weapons in the halo universe its just that there are only a certain number of weapons they can put in the game

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  • dont worry halo 3 is there major project they just dont want to say so because last time they announced halo 2 everyone was damanding it and they ran out of time to make it a better game, they dont want that to happen to halo 3

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