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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Yet Again: 12/19/2014 7:59:28 AM

IGN slams Destiny and TDB Hear that Deej, Bungie... That silence is the sound of shrinking market share. I can only assume investors are already jumping ship. If that happens, or is happening, what happens to that $500 mil budget dedicated to the Destiny franchise. I guess the angry voices do indeed outweigh the fandoys you were hoping could save a sinking ship. Edit: So I've sat back after posting this to watch the waters churn. I'm impressed with the feedback, but I'm not shocked this thread got a lot of attention, positive or negative. People can bash me, the article, or the game as much as they like...point is, I didn't post it to start an argument! I posted it more or less as the hopes the attention this thread MIGHT receive gains the attention of someone we've ALL been longing to hear from. Keep the chatter"white" coming y'all.

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  • Game cant be that bad. You are still playing it.

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    3 Replies
    • Ok Bungie you have your feedback. The sites have spoken, YouTube has spoken, and the community has spoken. Now fix this...

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      6 Replies
      • I haven't actually played in weeks, outside of the one day when the DLC came out. I don't have any desire to play the raid really, especially since I don't see a point to grind a raid to grind a raid. I keep popping back on here to see if there is any new news, which there hasn't been. But, this review is a solid example of what is wrong with the game; all style, no substance. It is disconcerting to see so many people support the game so passionately still. How can they not see what is wrong with the game? Do they not want something better? Calling it what it is doesn't mean you can't play anymore, but it could mean getting to play something more. Post every negative review and keep highlighting the disappointment, or the game will continue to be a husk of greatness.

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      • My only problem with people posting what video game journalism sites say is that it shows they are not forming their own opinion about the matter. Either that, or they don't articulate the issues they have well enough for companies to be able to fix what's wrong. Gaming journalism does not need to lay out how to fix an issue, they just need to post on what's wrong. Bungie knows their game has become a grind, but there hasn't been an over abundance of people saying "hey, here's how to fix things being a grind" they just repost and revive what these sites are saying. I'm not saying "your opinion has to be that you love Destiny," but you should be able to find at least some redeeming qualities and maybe if people picked out more of those good qualities, Bungie will be able to shift the game for the better in that direction. I know the game has flaws, but so far I've been having fun when I play. If that ever changes, I won't be saying "Destiny sucks," or "Destiny fails," I'll just bow away and go about my merry way to the next game that catches my attention. That being said, with one more announced dlc, and possibly more content beyond that, I should be pretty entertained for quite a while yet.

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        8 Replies
        • IGB :D Good one, any links to Kokatu or Polygon while we're at it X-D

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        • I think that IGN messed up on their rating of the expansion. In the verdict section they have 5 points that they point out. Three of which they have listed as negative. If you want to do an "X" out of 10; one would think that based on their verdict that they would of given it a 4 out of 10.

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          2 Replies
          • I'm so glad I stopped playing. This game turned into nothing but a massive unfufilled grindfest. The only reason I'm on these forums is to see wether or not destiny sinks, or manages to fix it's shit in time before I simply discard it. I wont even turn it back in gamestop, I'll simply throw it away. where it belongs

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            • Ign also said pokemon oras was bad because there was too much water.

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            • I will bump the sh!t out of these

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            • I just hope the second half of the so called expansion is worth it. I have played LOTRO for five years and been thru three expansions. You know where you where you actually get new territory and etc. I was let down with with Bungies attempt at it. I was looking for Destiny not to be a grind like LOTRO has become. I believe the grind in LOTRO was created so they could say look at our servers we have lots of people online. Sadly I see that beginning to happen here. Dont get me wrong trolls and supporters alike. I like the game but when the word expansion is used the game should expand. I have a feeling we have all ready seen The House of Wolves with the Queens missions which hasnt returned yet far as I know. Also just prior to Destinys Launch the Community Leader for LOTRO left my hunch is that person is our DEEJ becuase its the same song and dance. I dont think a community leader should be on the payroll becuase honestly who interests are really going to come first.

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            • Dont know about that read. Just seems like a bunch of opinions.

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            • I think from where i'm sitting I would say this game is superb. Not because i'm a fanboy but simply because i'm still playing it. Yes its not perfect but 3.5/10???? Do me a favour.

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            • All of your credibility flew out the window the second you used IGN as your source. IGN is purely in it for the cash and have, in the past, been proven to sell reviews for cash and use fake sources. They make sure their "opinion" is in sync with the general opinion of the gaming industry in order to generate the most clicks and views, which gives them cash.

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            • Lol reviews are funny cause they are all retarded don't listen to any reviews if they say bad then it's usually good

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            • IGN was generous... They didn't even mention the exotic upgrade debacle or the ascendant shard early release snafu.

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              1 Reply
              • Funny how deej hasn't said a dang word since the patch, oops I mean DLC (waste of money pos) release. Liars, greedy bastards.... Disappointment Bungje. And still I grind....

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              • No offense but IGN only knows Crap. Craigg and the others are sore losers who rate games only on what they like. Thats basically it. Not hating IGN Reviews: some are good but giving this game a 3.5/10 proves that they didnt play the game enough. For F-sakes these ppl play only Demos/ based Trial games ( betas ).

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                7 Replies
                • I feel like puting in my two cents...I'll say this I enjoy the game for the most part. It's fun because I do like grinding. However for anybody to say this game doesn't have many crippling flaws then they either haven't played it very much or are true fanboys because there is no story, which disappointed me but I moved on. Alot of effort can go into events or the raid and be completely Unrewarded. Man I spent so much time on the last iron banner...rank on one character and rank 3 on one timur's lash but I moved worked for all of xur goodies. Then the doc came out and it did kinda fck over ppl like me who spent a lot of time getting to 30... I'm pretty unlucky took a very many raids to finally get the gear and then it was useless. ..not saying the time was wasted but the key to grinding is reward...achievement. ...which I had then it was taken since anyone could hop on too lvl 31 without doing any of the difficult things in the raids the rest of us endured specifically for that gear, but yet again I moved on. The point I'm trying to make is ppl are upset...upset b/c they do enjoy this game, but, we keep having to move on and overlook or even work through a lot of peoblems (especially glitches in raids....always taking away our 'cheeses" but never fixing the problems that make them necessary) I will play this game til I don't enjoy it...If they would stop messing up I could play forever...sadly I know there will be a point where I have to move on from destiny as a whole....hopefully someone gives a dam that a lot of people like me..dedicated players, just want them to care that we are having problems instead of only caring about taking our money.

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                • Edited by Crimson Thomas: 12/19/2014 6:42:31 AM
                  [b][i]"All this game has become is grinding."[/i][/b] Pretty much sums it up. IGN, of all places, nails it. There are so many things that could be said about how Destiny is collapsing in on itself, but really, when it comes down to it, Destiny is simply a reflection of Bungie at this point in time. More recycled enemies, more recycled environments. More hollow, empty promises of "story" and improving the game. The Dark Below is a testament to Bungie's dishonest and outright arrogant design philosophy. Whoever is running the ship at Bungie studios, you've run the game, Bungie's reputation, everything, into the ground. Destiny's lead writer for the supposed "Ten-Year Plan" [i]left,[/i] and you fired one of the most iconic audio directors and music composers (a man who had been with Bungie for [b]twenty years![/b]) in gaming. Apologists will defend you fervently (by the way, how is this new "loyal" community suiting you? You cast away the loyal fans you had for over a decade for people who believe vitriolic response is appropriate for anyone who disagrees with blind adoration and unwarranted praise), but you know as well as they do that your ship is sinking, and it is because of your own doing. [i]All of this could have been avoided.[/i] You started down a path, and now you are spiraling head-first in a nosedive. Your legacy was used to swindle your loyal fans, and now those same [i]people[/i] are turning their backs on you. The trust that sold Destiny will be rightfully absent at the release of Destiny 2. This isn't the Bungie that made Halo. I don't know what you are. I never would have imagined that I would be typing these words regarding Destiny or Bungie four months back.

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                  33 Replies
                  • This game is not perfect, but I don't know any games that are.

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                  • Inb4 IGN's cashgrab of a review gives CoDAW's first 'map pack' (at pretty much the same price as Dark Below) hugely high scores, citing "fun gameplay" as basically the only good reason. IGN - along, unfortunately with a lot of other 'high-profile' review sites - are nothing but a way to buy 'good' reviews.

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                    16 Replies
                    • I watched the IGN vid and it's a fair review. I really like Destiny but one of the biggest flaws is not having match making for the daily, weekly, and raids. also, the game is just a grind fest with no story line or new characters/enemies to justify the grind. Grind, grind, and grind some more. Last, I feel for all the folks who put the time into completing the VOG. The weapons you earned there before the DLC are now under powered and worth less then vendor weapons.

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                      11 Replies
                      • Reads more like a +20 guardian tears forum post than an actual review. Isn't this the same website that frequently gives call of duty and assassins creed games excellent reviews?

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                        1 Reply
                        • I think if you people dedicated half the time to playing Destiny, or any other game, as you do bitching on the forums, you might actually enjoy gaming for once.

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                          • The problem you have is, destiny doesn't share its time with other games. Which means that anyone that has to play other games will find destiny annoying. So most journalists will auto hate destiny.

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                          • Woohoo! Makes me happy that some of these reviewers ARE noticing the total BS that is happening here. I didn't even read the article, because I'm already positive that it points out the crap that I already see.

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