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Edited by Yet Again: 12/19/2014 7:59:28 AM

IGN slams Destiny and TDB Hear that Deej, Bungie... That silence is the sound of shrinking market share. I can only assume investors are already jumping ship. If that happens, or is happening, what happens to that $500 mil budget dedicated to the Destiny franchise. I guess the angry voices do indeed outweigh the fandoys you were hoping could save a sinking ship. Edit: So I've sat back after posting this to watch the waters churn. I'm impressed with the feedback, but I'm not shocked this thread got a lot of attention, positive or negative. People can bash me, the article, or the game as much as they like...point is, I didn't post it to start an argument! I posted it more or less as the hopes the attention this thread MIGHT receive gains the attention of someone we've ALL been longing to hear from. Keep the chatter"white" coming y'all.

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  • My only problem with the rating is that they spent the entire review ripping TDB and bungie a new one.. to the point one of the reviewers says that he is at a point he doesn't even want to play any more but they still give the game a 6/10. The reason it's a 6/10 according to them is the core game play mechanics are still good... but that was not part of the changes for the Expansion so why should it be considered when scoring the expansion? From the wording of their review I would have expected to see a 4 or 5 at most.

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    • For people saying "it's only ign" Gamespot - 60 eurogamer - 60 destructoid - 65 polygon - 50 There isn't some conspiracy here. The expansion just isn't good enough. You shouldn't feel the need to defend a company like it's a family member, frankly it's weird.

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      • Just blows my mind "recycled content, no story" uhhhhh okay you give that a 6.0 and you give CoD a 9.0... Okay I understand they are different games, but the biggest complaint about the CoD franchise is that they just add better textures... And the stories are never good (maybe a few of em, but only a handful) if they are going to start giving out sixes for those reasons, then they need to do that to other games too... Ugh game websites nowadays make no sense to me at all...

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        11 Replies
        • It's IGN. -blam!- them and -blam!- you for reading the trash they put out.

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            I am enjoying the DLC this is the best game I have played [spoiler]don't game alot [/spoiler]i do feel it lacked cuz again story was way to eazy had it done in less then a hour love the raid and new wepons HATE MY FATEBRINGER IS STUCK AT 300 DAMAGE!!!!!!

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          • Destiny needs more playable real estate and content. That's not news to anybody.

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          • At this point even the complete lack of content and extremely half ass "story" missions they patted themselves on the back for aren't even as disappointing as the way the just reset all progress and made everything even more of a grind.

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            • They nailed the review IMO

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            • Should have got a 5/10 tbh. It's a fun game till u have done everything like ten times. After that it's utterly annoying.

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            • 1
              For those slamming IGN it doesn't really matter.. TDB has gotten lukewarm to seething reviews from major gaming sites to personal blogs (although almost all of them praise the raid): [b]The best of times, the worst of times.[/b] [b]The Dark Below makes Destiny's mistakes all over again[/b] [b]‘Destiny: The Dark Below’ Review Roundup: Thin On Content[/b] (Short comments by other reviews and links to the full reviews) [b]Destiny's Dark Below expansion punishes the game's most important players[/b] [b]DESTINY: THE DARK BELOW REVIEW: NO LIGHT ABOVE[/b] [i]" Dark Below is the perfect expansion for Destiny — it's just as grandiose and ultimately shallow as the main game."[/i] [b]The dank between[/b] This goes on and on.. So yea slam IGN if you want, but all the reviews pretty much say the same thing. Despite its flaws, Destiny still has things to offere and I'm still finding ways to have fun. Crucible/IB is always fun when played with your friends, and I haven't tired of the raid yet. But while they've gotten some right 'right', there's no denying Bungie has fallen short in many areas.

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            • 0/10 ign article. Not enough cod

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            • Said it once, I'll say it again. It's pretty funny watching Destiny apologists put in more work than Bungie has on defending the situation. Deej can't even get his thupdate out on time.

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            • Truth be told a lot of my friends abandoned the game due to this the point I can't gather 6 people to do raid with. Repeating the same content for some extra loot is not enough to keep you playing anymore. Also it is very discouraging for people with only one character to reach lvl 32 as it is need at least 63 radiant shards in order to get there, and since there are only 3-5 drops to Crota's End so far, it can take more than a month to gather these stuff. Problem is that not many people have the same amount of time to play and grind, and TDB did just that... Now in order to compete you must play at least 3 hours per day and some don't have that luxury. Bottom line is no matter how fun this game can be, the lack of story and content will eventually drive away all the casual gamers that still play it.

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            • Dont get me wrong. i've enjoyed the DLC. The raid was awesome. But none of it feels right. The progression feels backwards. The lack of story/cutscenes to explain in depth is a Major fall off. A game like this should make you feel some type of way. Giving you motive time and time again. But all we have is a hope that we might get some exotic or w.e. I still feel like an empty character with absolutely no history. Some weird random cube revives me. A random person in a field. To follow this cube around lead into the dark with no rhyme or reason why what im doing really matters. I still plan on Buying Destiny 2. I just pray and have faith they correct everything .

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            • This post failed when you used IGN as your point of reference on anything game related .

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              10 Replies
              • I love that people responding to you are using a logic based on some idea that the reviewer for every game at IGN is the same person. Anyway, this seems like a very honest review. I agreed on many points.

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              • IGN? The ones that scores crappy games like CoD Ghosts with a 9.4 (And community score was 4.6) ??? IGN makes the reviews and score the games based on money, they can't say shit about any game, they are ALL facking paid bitches. Is not trustworthy anymore. Anyway, the DLC yea, it's not even close to an expansion.

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              • The 6 from IGN was too much, this dlc deserves a 3 or 4 for what new content it offers. Anybody remember the larger Skyrim (areas), Drangon Age (story) type dlc, that's what this game needs.

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                • lol IGN and any number of game reviewers gave this game shit ratings and thats because of one simple fact. This game was made for casual gamers who dont care about potential, competition and monotony.

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                • I think IGN's review was pretty accurate. Certainly doesn't mean I hate Destiny but that doesn't mean we can't be disappointed by a crappy first DLC :(

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                • > IGN That place and other "gamejournalists" are hacks.

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                  • I am sure Bungie will be very upset at this while they count their next hundreds of millions over the holidays.

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                  • Edited by Terryeh: 12/19/2014 3:40:07 PM
                    Guess IGN has been reading these forums more than the devs. They seem to have repeated everything you scrubs want to hear and repeatedly post on these forums. I believe the reason the designers added a new materials progression system in the new raid is to give incentive to those raiders out there to keep doing what they like to do in Destiny, which is Raid. You need rank 4 Eris in order to trade in materials... Of course you do, otherwise people would have been 32 the first week (someone probably hit that anyway). The reviewers in the video want it at rank 1? Who raised you needy people?! It's a reward system; for playing you get rewarded. I guess you people don't want to even play the game, you just want some intangible digital trophy handed out to you for spending money that was probably also handed out to you. If that's the case, go play with your smartphones, there's no IGPs here for you.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Shareholders don't care about reviews or amount of players online every day. They care about those sweet hundreds of millions of dollars this game has made already. They care about the fact that even if Destiny 2 sells like ass it will be pure profit because they already made up the entire $500 million they invested in the franchise the first week. I'm pretty sure their shareholders are ecstatic.

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                    • He lost when he used the lack of matchmaking in the Raid as a negative.

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                      57 Replies
                      • Wow some people are a bunch of whiny bitches, if you don't like the game then don't play it... Simple enough, don't come on here spilling your life story moaning and telling everyone how the game should of been. I guarantee you'll all still play it. You won't be missed

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