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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Yet Again: 12/19/2014 7:59:28 AM

IGN slams Destiny and TDB Hear that Deej, Bungie... That silence is the sound of shrinking market share. I can only assume investors are already jumping ship. If that happens, or is happening, what happens to that $500 mil budget dedicated to the Destiny franchise. I guess the angry voices do indeed outweigh the fandoys you were hoping could save a sinking ship. Edit: So I've sat back after posting this to watch the waters churn. I'm impressed with the feedback, but I'm not shocked this thread got a lot of attention, positive or negative. People can bash me, the article, or the game as much as they like...point is, I didn't post it to start an argument! I posted it more or less as the hopes the attention this thread MIGHT receive gains the attention of someone we've ALL been longing to hear from. Keep the chatter"white" coming y'all.

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  • DeeJ shouldent be bashed. I feel sorry for the guy tbh.

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  • I usually don't agree with IGN but I have to say they are spot on with this one. Another strange thing is that we haven't heard anything from Bungie since the release of the dlc. Even if they say something they are trying to stay far away from the dlc topics.

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by DetoxzStylez: 12/19/2014 10:21:06 PM
      Most of that money was used for advertising, but the game is still freaking awesome

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    • Because ign is credible.

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    • Awww, Boohoo. U no likey?? Too bad so sad. Destiny is fun, Crucible is awesome. No likey?? ..... Buy bye.

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      2 Replies
      • I think destiny is alright, but it was ruined by the fact that Bungie had already secured deals up until destiny 3. They didn't see the need and they didn't have the hunger to make a good game because the way they saw it, this was just the opening and they have 3 games to tell a story that could easily be told in one game. They didn't put in enough effort on the game because they weren't back into a corner, they have 3 games to tell one story.

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      • You know you pay ign for opinionated articles :)

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      • IGN gives CoD 9/10 every year. Why do you believe a word they say?

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        8 Replies
        • Dude honestly until better games come this is as good as it gets for an online shooter

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        • Edited by SINISTAR707: 12/19/2014 8:44:07 AM
          I've been with Bungie since Halo CE came out for the XBOX console. I preordered Destiny and bought both DLC's same day. I've played since day one, all the way up until a few weeks ago. Soon as they said they were going to force us to reset exotic unlocks in order to progress, and that they were making our Legendaries obsolete with no option but to completely replace them, I jumped ship. I haven't even downloaded the DLC I paid for, much less played it. I can't be fu¢ked to care. I had hoped the new content would break the monotony, but all there was to be had from it is more fu¢king grinding. This wouldn't be so bad, if the game actually had some substance to it. But it doesn't. The fanboys will cry and smear anyone who doesn't board the worship wagon with them, but I couldn't possibly give a single fu¢k. This game is bad, and in their hearts they know it, even if they would never cop to that truth. If I could go back in time and stop myself from spending the money I dropped on the counter for this horse turd, I would in a heartbeat. I used to love Bungie. It breaks my heart that I can't trust them anymore. They won't see another dime from me for a very long time.

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          23 Replies
          • I'm just waiting for the next DLC to come out (I bought both, yay hype-train!) and see if it's worth it or not. If not, then I'm not playing this for a while, if ever again. =/

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          • Yep, juSt another point for fanboys to argue against. This game is fun but I could be, should be much better. I seriously hope that actually listen and change course.

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          • Well, a website said the dark below is bad. I guess that means I have to quit destiny! Later peeps!

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          • People need to realize that Destiny 1 will be what it is. The feedback you give now will help shape the next DLC, but you need to be aware that it won't be ground breaking. You won't get all the story, exploration, tower people, new planets and areas that supposedly were part of the main game. This is business and Bungie will work what they can out in the DLC, but you need to be aware that Activision believes that resources are best spend on Destiny 2 which hopefully will improve on all the areas they failed. A lot of people like the game they way it is, and a lot of people dislike it due the fact that game features a half-baked story which does not make sense at all but still play it for MP and the Raid and others hate it maybe because they had different expectations. Somehow this game still lives on, most people on my PSN list and including me still play it every day. We do the bounties, daily stories, Raid weekly in the search of armor, new weapons and materials to upgrade them. Somehow the game being very grinding has a winning formula which rises above its shortcomings and keep the majority of the community engaged. Go look on Twitch right now and you see that Destiny is in the top 10 games with most viewers. That doesn't take away that we need people to voice their opinions, the real gamers in these forums, post your constructive criticism, let them know what should be improved, why you don't like the game etc. That helps, not Bungie lied, this game is Sh!t, fix this as I want the original version type of posts. You guys need to realize that it takes time and the game will evolve eventually. What you paid for the game is gone, don't expect Bungie and Activision to press a button and give you the game that should have been or promised 2 years ago. We can only look forward and help them make this game and the second one better. Besides they are well aware that if they screw up or release Destiny 2 as Destiny 1.1 people will leave, we are not stupid, believe me!

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            3 Replies
            • So yet another person taking a stab at destiny, do you think that they can't read or something at bungie cause they can. They are making a game that makes money and keeps people coming back. The fact you believe a game has share holders is ridiculous in its own right. The 500,000,000 they have is already gone and they have more than made up for it by now. Activision is the games publisher so until they see no value in destiny the game will continue. Whether people want it to or not. It needs a story and thats about it, grimoire is cool but the game needs a story line, other than that you can't tell me this game is bad. RnG is not a reason to call this game bad, especially when almost every MMO on the market uses it in some way.

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              • I don't think shareholders look at pointless reviews by ign, or reviews by anyone by that matter. Instead they look at the 3.2million players that still play everyday! Besides, someone who gives cod a 9.0 obviously can't be trusted. If no one had any ideas of what destiny "should have been", there wouldn't be any complaints. I find it ironic that the same people shouting, "no content! This game sucks! No replayability!" Also have 300+hrs invested in the game.

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                25 Replies
                • This is coming from the same guys who rated Pokemon Omega Rudy/Alpha Sapphire 7.8/10 because it had too much water. Freaking water. IGN is never a good example of anything. Except for what not to do of course.

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                • Lol if you truly think they spent 500mio dollar you maybe should look up what the 500 mio really was dude

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                  5 Replies
                  • I still can't believe that you idiots don't understand that almost every single gaming/ review website and awards will give a positive review for money and a negative review for no money. How is it that shit games that are 10x worse than Destiny get a 5 star review while others that are clearly better get a worse review, it's because of the cash. Who gives a -blam!- what IGN and every other gaming website says when the polls on here indicate that at least 80-90% enjoy this game. The latest poll I saw had over 7,000 people take part in it and still at least 80% voted that they enjoy playing Destiny. Get the -blam!- out of here OP, you are by far in the shitty minority that nobody wants to hear. Nobody wants your shit opinion. People are now realizing that the haters are just a very vocal and very small minority. GTFO

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                    70 Replies
                    • BUNGIE must not have paid the usual IGN advertising fee to "earn" a high rating from IGN. No one pays much attention to IGN's ratings anyway. Or should I say no one who is intelligent.

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                    • I don't understand why people hold these reviews up on a pedestal. No one that reviews this game has any more legitimacy than any regular gamer. Stop letting someone else think for you. Decide your own opinions. Don't base them on what reviews tell you, experience it yourself. Everything is subjective and any review that happens to coincide with any particular opinion doesn't make it a universal ruling. IMO game reviewers are doing just as much to destroy the industry as developers who can't properly handle pressure by redirecting expectations.

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                    • This is about the 50th post of this article that I've seen. It's such a lazy way to try and slam Destiny and Bungie. It's pathetic, really, that you have to use a crappy gaming website's opinion to validate your own. Still don't care about IGN or their opinion of any video game.

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                    • Just so much b1tch1ng, either way, we're still playing the game and enjoying it. And everyone will still buy the next expansion.

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                    • If anything TDB deserves a score lower than 6/10

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                    • Deej is a ghost. He is supposed to be the voice of Bungie for the community. And all he does is post what's included in the updates, which we can lookup ourselves, and post some propaganda about buying additional content that is technically already included on our disc or digital download. That's all. Deej, like Bungie, is a sham and has not lived up to their job task.

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                      2 Replies
                      • ...And yet the review sites can't stop talking about Destiny or playing Destiny. It's the strangest game. I agree with most TDB reviews, there isn't any story and it doesn't offer anything new or problem solving. On the other hand I am still playing Destiny regularly grinding for better gear.

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