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Edited by ZEE THE CEO: 12/19/2014 1:26:48 AM

Tough Anonymous Racists in Destiny

I had to deal with this idiocy in Call of Duty, and seemingly I also encounter this same ignorance on Destiny. It seems that many people are tough when anonymous online and loosely let the word "ni**er" fly out of their mouths with the sole purpose of trying to offend someone. It is truly sad that those of you who do that or have done it think you're hurting someone. You're actually ruining your own character and becoming someone who lacks integrity. I was just with a group of guys who I won't put on blast on these forums (nor their clan), but these guys are rude and racists. If you see this post, realize that I could expose you right now, by linking your accounts and your clan page. But I'll refrain. Grow up and recognize the day and age we live in. Edit: And no, I DO NOT use the word. Not even casually around African-Americans. Please don't make that assumption or case. Edit 2: LOL! It's so funny. Many of you don't recognize how ignorant your responses are. Funny that you think I'm offended, angry or something. Uhm, no. Shoutout to all of the respectful and mature guardians of ANY color out there! Because of you, the world is still a great place to live in! :D Edit 3: [spoiler]Call of Duty Racism Experiment[/spoiler]

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  • I hear the word every time I play with Americans , not that it's ever intended to be used offensively but they use it so so casually its a bit sad.

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  • Literally everyone I have played with in this game so far has been great. I don't play COD, but if I do... No head set.

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  • I think the term African-American is silly. That means that someone originally grew up in Africa and then moved to America. And that's not the case for a lot of people. Anyway, people are jerks. Even though it sucks when there is so much hatred, you just have to try to move on. Because they're stuck in their ways and they won't change.

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  • It better not have been anybody from my clans. I'm with Sniper Gang and Thorny Guardians.

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  • 2
    I'm black and I don't even use the word, yet it's thrown around loosely in almost every group I'm in.

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  • Well instead of exposing them you take out your .44 magnum and solve the problem that way! Kill the leader and the rest will scatter right?!

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  • Edited by aflame1394: 12/19/2014 1:19:46 PM
    It's like this with everyone practically. And if it's not skin colour, then people are "racist" (I realize it's not racism but in principle it's very similar) about the vehicle brand they drive, video game system they play on, phone or computer running system they use, political party they's stupid. Everyone is different and has different experiences and opinions in life and generally their beliefs aren't unfounded and we can stand to learn from other people rather than attack them. If people would just be more accepting and less arrogant the world would be a better place.

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  • Here's me thinking this would be a thread about Xur and Warlocks. How wrong was I.....

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  • You say to grow up & yet you're on the internet crying & hiding behind a keyboard.

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    • Wouldn't surprise me if they were black. Blacks whip out -blam!- more than white people do. It's apparently a-ok when they do it while evil if a white person does. It's brilliant logic by humans.

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      24 Replies
      • Edited by InfectReality: 12/19/2014 1:13:08 PM
        This topic is like Afghanistan. Bombed out and depleted. mfw you say African American but won't call whites Caucasian American. So insensitive. #pantsupdontloot

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      • Dont worry man. Realize that all people who try to act hard or say racist shit to get others mad are just some puny nerd with skinny ass arms tryna vent some anger lol

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      • I've never come across this, but why not put their names on here? Flood them with friend requests that turn into ignores. Super-duper evil.

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      • Edited by PainKiIIer_x: 12/19/2014 12:50:29 PM
        I only have problems with those that like to blow up innocent people and chopping heads off, filthy bastards, trow a fck a-bomb on that sh!t, not to mention that east european trash The world would be a better and safer place.

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      • I agree woth chang. Also when a white cop shoots a black guy who obviously deserved it for being a dip stick its racist. When a black cop shoots a white guy you dont hear shit you know why cause we grew the hell up and do t care. black people have all black colleages tv channels shows clothes etc thats not racist. If whites had a all white school thats racist as all hell but its cool for you blacks to have one sorry but thats bs. Grow up move on us whities did now your turn.

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        8 Replies
        • I remember my first internet... It is what it is man. Any social feature of any application that brings different cultures together will be filled with fear and ignorance. Your post doesnt help any.

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          • Thanks for the CoD link. Not at all surprising but funny. Even more funny is that people think calling folks names equals any form of racism (entitlement knows no bounds). Not exactly, you can call people what ever you want but when prejudice leads to denying housing and employment opportunity, then you have racism as it really matters in folks lives. Little kids and folks with stunted growth are gonna say vile things and be jerks just because of the anonymity they feel the Internet gives them. But if we have learned anything from gamergate it is that there are a lot of emotionally underdeveloped folks who live out their angst behind online personas. Call them out when you can. But don't go out of your way so as to ruin your experience. A simple "Dudes, I can't run with racists," follows by exiting the fireteam will get the point across.

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          • Now I'm not racist in anyway, BUT I'm not going to limit my vocabulary when I'm pissed off, I also think it's stupid for people to be offended by words. -blam!-, -blam!-, and Kike they're -blam!-ing words. You're a -blam!-ing human, we made words. I don't understand how people can be offended by something we created. Everyone has a peeve I guess though, my Apologies if someone got offended by one of the words I said, but like I said they're words. Nothing more.

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            • Let's be real. At the end of the day you are on the forums crying because someone was mean to you on the internet.....

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            • -blam!-ing exos. That's what I'm racist to.

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            • Little known fact, the first person to own a slave was black. The more you know.

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              • Sorry man. No one should have to deal with that in this environment. :(

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              • I'm Black and couldn't care less.

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                • African-American? lol... I don't think 99.99% of Americans who're black have a hut in Mozambique with their name on it and a welcome wagon. Whatever moron came up with that identifying monicker should be bitch-slapped. I'm not Scottish-American, I'm just an American.

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                  • I mean, you could just mute them or get over it? I've been called a lot of racist names before and I just get over it.

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                  • Didnt want to post but you immature children need to know something about this day and age. When people say African-American its quite wrong, because most (NOT ALL) so called African-Americans dont even know how to speak the languages that Africans do overseas, nor do they know the lifestyle, they are just straight americanized.( please actually think about it) What really sucks about this world is wherever you go you will find rasism, and it will never stop because thats how ignorantly people act. What everyone seems to forget is we are all brothers and sisters on this planet just trying to play destiny. Why can't we be friends? the song is stuck in my head now goodnight world!

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