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Edited by ZEE THE CEO: 12/19/2014 1:26:48 AM

Tough Anonymous Racists in Destiny

I had to deal with this idiocy in Call of Duty, and seemingly I also encounter this same ignorance on Destiny. It seems that many people are tough when anonymous online and loosely let the word "ni**er" fly out of their mouths with the sole purpose of trying to offend someone. It is truly sad that those of you who do that or have done it think you're hurting someone. You're actually ruining your own character and becoming someone who lacks integrity. I was just with a group of guys who I won't put on blast on these forums (nor their clan), but these guys are rude and racists. If you see this post, realize that I could expose you right now, by linking your accounts and your clan page. But I'll refrain. Grow up and recognize the day and age we live in. Edit: And no, I DO NOT use the word. Not even casually around African-Americans. Please don't make that assumption or case. Edit 2: LOL! It's so funny. Many of you don't recognize how ignorant your responses are. Funny that you think I'm offended, angry or something. Uhm, no. Shoutout to all of the respectful and mature guardians of ANY color out there! Because of you, the world is still a great place to live in! :D Edit 3: [spoiler]Call of Duty Racism Experiment[/spoiler]

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  • In reality it's the context on how the word is used.

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  • There are some pretty terrible people out there, and pretty ignorant people as well. I am sorry you have to deal with this.

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  • It's disgusting. If people start being racist, I call them out and then I'm ghost.

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  • Yeah racism is pretty annoying but that racism "experiment" was atrocious. He was basically asking them to say something racist or homophobic, and he didn't even have a control group to compare.

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  • Level 40. I want that long grind

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  • Wow the ignorance and stupidity in the majority of these responses is otherworldly. But should I expect anything more from a forum probably comprised primarily of over privileged suburban teenagers? I doubt it. OP... I commend you and you're valiant effort. Unfortunately your words are for the most part falling upon deaf ears.

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  • I hear alot of black guys (dont call them African Americans-they actually don't like that ya racist, they are native born Americans) call people (white and black) N***ERS. While I wont use that word out of respect they can't expect to use such a blanket term (offensive, funny, or a term of endearment) and expect noone else to use it. Thats selfish

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    3 Replies
    • Racism is so 2000 Late, shouldn't you be calling everything Sexist to prepare for Hill Dog in 2016?

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    • Keep your peasants with you, master of this man

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    • Im not saying racism is okay by any means online, but how long does it take to hover over their name and click mute, maybe 2-3 seconds? They put that in there for a reason

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by F2B: 12/19/2014 3:48:42 PM
        its 2014, everybody is a ni66er according to the ndaa bill*

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      • Seriously just confront them and ask them why they keep saying Nigella...them ask them about cooking confuses and annoys them....

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      • You need to stop taking everything random people say so personally. Some people are ignorant assholes you can't change them, there's a mute button for a reason... I'm unless you're straight from Africa or you were personally a slave I don't think you should really care if someone calls you a ni***r. Your a person born in the US or wherever and just happen to be black, congratulations. Hell whenever someone makes a racist joke about I usually go on by saying more jokes.

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by I Insane I: 12/19/2014 11:20:12 AM
          Black guy getting mad at white guys lol stfu

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          4 Replies
          • So so many ignorant, people... One would assume they are all foolish children. Sadly, I've heard this garbage coming from grown adult voices online. I always find myself hoping that these people don't have their own kids in the room (or even plans to have kids period). It's crazy how absolutely certain some of them are, too. No, you don't get to drop out of school/college, form your aesthetics from a mish-mash of whatever nonsense reality television you watch without much discernment, and then expect to have a credible, well-structured view of society.

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          • You should oust these idiots. It's all well and good telling people to be the bigger person and ignore them but this kind of thing is not acceptable. It's the same issue as wailing on female gamers or women developers in the industry. Any kind of bigotry, fascism, prejudice, hate, religious prejudice, racism just doesn't belong where you've got kids playing. Please oust them.

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            1 Reply
            • If someone is racist so what? How do you think white people feel when you call them "whiteboy" and "cracker"? I tell you, I've met some really racist African Americans that say I'm the racist one just because I mentioned the color black when talking about colors. After that I was insulted and said I should be made a slave and all

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              7 Replies
              • I don't understand why people use words like these.... total scumbags

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              • Try being a well spoken English guy pwning people on COD. I will have you know that whilst i often enjoy assam tea with my crumpets I have at no point, ever met the queen. So your opinion on how ugly she is does not directly impact my mood or ability to layeth the smacketh all over you jabroni.

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                5 Replies
                • Why is it every time when something has to do with whites hating on blacks, or when whites are using the n word. Everybody starts freaking out, racism is thrown out and we start arguing about it.

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                  7 Replies
                  • I play with a clan of black guys. They drop the N-bomb constantly. Big deal. It is their word. When I play with others that say it it does bother me. It is not cool, now matter how hard you try it doesn't meen the same if you're not black.

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                    1 Reply
                    • I block these ignorant -blam!-s from being able to see I'm online. There should be a community rating system so everyone will know these people are not to be associated with. Like a star by their name, and if it's red, they have been found rude, uncooperative, selfish, racist ET cetera. I feel it would truly make the game more fun for those of us who are here to have fun.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Can you show me Africa-America on a map? I can't find it

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                        3 Replies
                        • Black Americans. How many white do you call 1. Irish American 2. British American 3. Scottish American 4. Armenian American

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                          • only time I hear that word is when its obviously a black person saying it.

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                          • I hear the word every time I play with Americans , not that it's ever intended to be used offensively but they use it so so casually its a bit sad.

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