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Edited by ZEE THE CEO: 12/19/2014 1:26:48 AM

Tough Anonymous Racists in Destiny

I had to deal with this idiocy in Call of Duty, and seemingly I also encounter this same ignorance on Destiny. It seems that many people are tough when anonymous online and loosely let the word "ni**er" fly out of their mouths with the sole purpose of trying to offend someone. It is truly sad that those of you who do that or have done it think you're hurting someone. You're actually ruining your own character and becoming someone who lacks integrity. I was just with a group of guys who I won't put on blast on these forums (nor their clan), but these guys are rude and racists. If you see this post, realize that I could expose you right now, by linking your accounts and your clan page. But I'll refrain. Grow up and recognize the day and age we live in. Edit: And no, I DO NOT use the word. Not even casually around African-Americans. Please don't make that assumption or case. Edit 2: LOL! It's so funny. Many of you don't recognize how ignorant your responses are. Funny that you think I'm offended, angry or something. Uhm, no. Shoutout to all of the respectful and mature guardians of ANY color out there! Because of you, the world is still a great place to live in! :D Edit 3: [spoiler]Call of Duty Racism Experiment[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by LJ: 12/19/2014 11:28:39 PM
    Who gives a shit man, just suck it up because no one is going to listen to you. And I'm not trying to be mean, it's just really you won't stop people from saying it.

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  • That's a god damn shame.

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  • It is sad bud. Truly sad to hear it.. If you play on PS3 look me up.. The only thing funny about this is that people actually think they are anonymous...

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  • Lol @ the whiny black kids. Come get treyvonned.

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  • When you mention racism be sure to mention the Irish, go ahead look it up. The vast majority of slave trade that even surpassed the Barbary routes was what the English did to the Irish. Tortured, drawn and quarter and beaten severely for the smallest of things. Men, women, children and the elderly with none being spared. Want to talk about suffering? Loss? The prevalence of -blam!- and murder. The Irish suffered the most and for far longer.

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  • So anyway, Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year everyone....

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  • The topic should be changed to "Over-priviliged White Kids" or "Ignorant People That Have Never Nailed A Black Woman".

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  • A human is a human no matter the flesh it is wrapped in or the place it was birthed. All smells like bacon when consumed by fire... Seriously, if anyone is experiencing any problem, no matter if it is racism, sexism or other, block and report if necessary. Bare in mind some people use it as a form of humour but also bare in mind that what is humour in your country or area may not be the case of the person you are playing with. The internet is not a perfect place so some give and take is required when gaming with others.

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  • Its just a word it only has the power you give it like any other word...its no different than fu*k b**CH or any other if it offends you ask that people refrain if they don't play with other like minded people as yourself

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    9 Replies
    • That Internet confidence they're p*ssies... Put this f**kers on blast screw them

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    • Internet racist are the same ppl that would not even look a black man in the eye much less drop a N bomb IRL

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      3 Replies
      • Edited by DroppnDrakes: 12/19/2014 8:32:49 PM
        Ah boy

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      • The N word originates from Latin terminology to go back on ones word or deal. Race isn't part of it. Society twisted the meaning of the word but in all actuality, ANYONE can be one. It has nothing to do with being black. Using it as a racial slur only further pushes both society and proper intelligence in the wrong direction.

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        11 Replies
        • So many ignorant people on here and this is just a destiny forum damn... And the subtle racists are just as bad, saying we need to "stop making a big deal about race" or "stop giving the word meaning" you Are just as racist as the guys online dishing out racial slurs. This is pathetic guys it's almost 2015 have some self-respect and stop being an ignorant dicks

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          17 Replies
          • [quote]And no, I DO NOT use the word. Not even casually around African-Americans. Please don't make that assumption or case.[/quote] I find that doubtful. I live in an area that has more black people that any other group. All I hear is the word "-blam!-" said by the vast majority of them. If a group feels no problem saying a word then I have no problem saying it. I'm far from a racist and there is a big difference between "-blam!-" and "African-American."

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            2 Replies
            • That's just the internet.. give people the ability to be anonymous and they typically use it to be assholes. Obviously this isn't 100% true, but you're going to hear way more offensive things in online gaming than you would walking around your town. Should've seen the WoW/blizzard forums when they brought up the idea of real ID posting, where your accounts were linked and your posts were under your real name. Not sure if that ever came to be... it was one of those bad ideas with good intentions.

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            • Edited by DRTYMcGRTY: 12/19/2014 11:44:07 AM
              SUCK IT. MUTE THEM IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM. No one cares if you are black. Take your racial agenda somewhere else- im tired of people pushing racial issues when they have no base. PUSH MUTE. They are just talking shit, get over it. Push mute and grow the -blam!- up.

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              54 Replies
              • I'm (primarily) a blue Awoken female... and I agree. No, in all honesty, I actually completely agree. I'm a white male and hate the term... Even when used in a "friendly context". I think it's bigoted and uneducated. I'm sorry that you have to go through that. And although you may not be offended, I am.

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              • Mute them then?

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              • Edited by originaljib: 12/19/2014 7:32:52 PM
                Everyone's a little bit racist

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              • I posted a topic like this once and got 900+ and the responses are fvcking ignorant. Something like "You need to learn how to take a joke" "Stop being so butthurt yo" "This happens every time you need to learn to deal with these jokes" "Why are you getting mad for?" Idk man some people are just a bunch of ignorants -blam!-s who never experience real racism.

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              • Meh,i never pay any attention to them. I mute them asap. The mute button is your friend.

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              • Edited by G Bullet: 12/19/2014 10:07:17 PM
                Blah blah blah

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                4 Replies
                • Finally someone making a good post. It's sad that those small minded idiots still exist.

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                • Bump

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