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Edited by ZEE THE CEO: 12/19/2014 1:26:48 AM

Tough Anonymous Racists in Destiny

I had to deal with this idiocy in Call of Duty, and seemingly I also encounter this same ignorance on Destiny. It seems that many people are tough when anonymous online and loosely let the word "ni**er" fly out of their mouths with the sole purpose of trying to offend someone. It is truly sad that those of you who do that or have done it think you're hurting someone. You're actually ruining your own character and becoming someone who lacks integrity. I was just with a group of guys who I won't put on blast on these forums (nor their clan), but these guys are rude and racists. If you see this post, realize that I could expose you right now, by linking your accounts and your clan page. But I'll refrain. Grow up and recognize the day and age we live in. Edit: And no, I DO NOT use the word. Not even casually around African-Americans. Please don't make that assumption or case. Edit 2: LOL! It's so funny. Many of you don't recognize how ignorant your responses are. Funny that you think I'm offended, angry or something. Uhm, no. Shoutout to all of the respectful and mature guardians of ANY color out there! Because of you, the world is still a great place to live in! :D Edit 3: [spoiler]Call of Duty Racism Experiment[/spoiler]

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  • People are super tough behind mics and with no name or face. It's always been that way on the internet - always will be.

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  • Edited by DelOroRules: 12/20/2014 8:52:15 AM
    Humanity is a race as a whole. Just so you know. Like dogs are a race or cows. I'm racist against snakes. Also, btw, African American is a dumb term if they ain't from Africa, so they are just Americans. Black people is better, white people don't say I'm a German American or French American. That just sounds stupid. I'm black im white. I'm part of the human race.

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  • [b]I'm white and I think black people are okay.[/b]

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  • People are shitty. Don't play with them. Add me if you want to pvp Gt: The CammyCakes

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    5 Replies
    • Dont take anything personal simple as that.

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    • Edited by RooeeZe: 12/20/2014 7:29:08 AM
      my naga chill out.

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    • Edited by somuchnotes: 12/19/2014 5:01:52 PM
      I'm black as ever. i use the n word sparingly. Never really in a racist way. I could be like "Yess!! my n**** just got on who's trying to raid"? Or I'll say "Wow my n**** (some random player name) just dropped 40 kills and topped the leaderboards". Doesn't mean he's black..could be white, black, hispanic, cuban, mexican, asian. Idc.

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      3 Replies
      • I feel like in todays culture racial slurs no longer carry any meaning. I had to go to a middle school the other day to install phones and hearing the kids talk was astounding. Black kids calling white kids N***** and white kids calling black kids the same and NOONE GAVE A SHIT. I was so taken back. Also the amount at which younger kids know and talk about sex and drugs disturbs me. To any parent guardians out there make sure your kid stays straight and learns proper manners and stuff otherwise this next generation will be worse off than this current generation.

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      • Sticks and stones

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      • Well I say get over it I'm sick and tired of seeing black ppl get pissed about the n bomb yet it's ok to call white ppl honkie and white boy here's food for thought we don't like that shit either most of us don't get all offended when we get called that but it's annoying that it's looked at as ok but once -blam!- with the r it's time for world war 3

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        5 Replies
        • A word is a word is a word is a word. The only component that single handedly gives a word power is people. If people CHOOSE to be offended by certain words or allow it to be a word that hurts them, they give it power, and therefore in doing so give power to those who wish to hurt them. If people stop allowing these words to be taken in such a light, the power is gone, and thus the word reverts back from a powerful heavy word to a word that's just another piece of a sentence. Personally, myself and those whom I know use ever colorful word under the sun whenever we feel like it and often refrain from letting a word keep one constant definition. Examples you say? Splendid! Take "bitch" for example; female dog. Other uses are plenty and vast! -Disapproval of someone: "What a bitch." -To claim someone is hurtful: "She's a bitch" -To belittle someone: "Don't be a bitch, do it!" -Show excitement: "YEAH, BITCH!" -A greeting: "Hey bitch", "Whatsup bitch" -A farewell saying: "Later bitch", "Peace bitch" -Frustration: "I died! Bitch ass game!" -Compliment: "Shit bitch you fine", "Bad bitch" -Expressing anger: "SON OF A BITCH!!" -Disappointment: "Ain't that a bitch...." -Pride: "Now THATS a meal. Look at that bitch." -Casual: "Yeah this phone is quick, bitch downloads instantly to stream" There are a hundred different ways to use and apply a word, you can use it in so many ways for so many things that the main meaning of the word gets lost in the mix and it just becomes another everyday part of speech.

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          17 Replies
          • I think the politically correct term is "Basketball-Americans"

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          • "Hands up, don't shoot"

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          • You should probably do the same yourself. Realize what day and age we live in. Who cares about the word -blam!-? Though it DID have a racial background, you people have to let it go. I don't see how anyone, white or black, finds anything wrong with the word. Every race of people uses it towards each other. The people who get emotional when the word -blam!- is used are weak-minded and dumb. Grow up people.

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            24 Replies
            • Racism is kept alive by things just like this post. The same people saying that crap are reading this and have a big smile that its working! I think racism will die with the last few hardcore baiters such as sharpton and Jackson they have made a very nice living for themselves by keeping racism alive! And thats exactly what this post is doing!

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              3 Replies
              • That's like telling someone their gay. Wake up people! It's 2014 not 1814.

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              • You should report these people.Sorry Ignorant Racist People. There's no place in present day society the ongoing Racism that is coming from these ignorant people. When I hear remarks like those your saying, Iiimmediately will speak up. Either the offending party recanted or are booted and reported.

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                2 Replies
                • Put a controller in a kids hand and he becomes very strong. Take it away, and he swears he had nothing to do with it.

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                  • Edited by Andrenden: 12/20/2014 4:16:44 AM
                    Nig*er is a term for an ignorant person. Feel free to look it up instead of insisting a word stay bastardized. As for ignorant persons? You'll meet a lot of them in Destiny.

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                  • Using that word should come with an insta-ban. Add me on PSN if you want mate, discrimination has no place in the world. Ever.

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                  • Just report. Bungie has no problem swingin the ban hammer on trash.

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                  • This is why I rarely play online with anyone. I can't shit like this... People talking about what they did to your mom, using racial slurs and so forth. Grow the hell up.

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                  • who cares... its just a word, and if you haven't learned to shield yourselves from base word play such as N bombs well... the real world is really [u]really[/u] gonna tear you apart before you're 50. people suck... accept it, find some people who dont suck to be friends with and live your life. Sage advice for the times right there :D

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                  • Most people as kids were taught not to take candy from strangers. Online gaming is that exact thing. The second you join in a game, you are getting into that strangers car. Whether or not the people are good or not in the game is a toss up but how you take what they say is controlled by you. Be better than others and realize only reason words have meanings is cause society gave it that meaning. Now you can be your own person and have your own reactions and word meanings

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                  • The guy in that video is just baiting people

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                  • Edited by LJ: 12/19/2014 11:28:39 PM
                    Who gives a shit man, just suck it up because no one is going to listen to you. And I'm not trying to be mean, it's just really you won't stop people from saying it.

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