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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Liam Styler: 12/18/2014 10:50:02 PM

Are you losing interest in Destiny?

Has anyone else lost interest in Destiny since the expansion? I can't be the only one who feels like this, especially after all the time we've all put in. I absolutely love playing Destiny. I truly do. I'm not into many games at all, but I'm incredibly competitive. Regardless of what game I play, I like to put in the effort to be the best. So when it came to Destiny, I just had to be level 30. I enjoyed leveling up three different characters to 30. I enjoyed playing all three classes to their full potential. Now with Destiny though, I've just lost all interest after the DLC has launched. With all these idiotic changes that they've made to the new gear, re-leveling exotics, radiant materials, commendations, etc, I've just lost all interest in what little enjoyment I still had left. Everyone is getting screwed left and right and I just don't see the point in the grind anymore. I actually deleted my 30 Hunter to make a second Warlock because I knew there was no way in hell that I was going to re level more gear for a different class after the ludicrous ideas that Destiny are calling "patches". Why would I anyway? All I have to do is wait for the House of Wolves and then I can make a new class right up to where I left off (Hint: I can already do that). I can't be the only one who sees the insanity that Destiny is consistently producing. I'm not here to complain. Again, I love playing Destiny, I just won't be playing as much as I have when my progress will consistently be undermined without warning. Please tell me more of you out there feel like I do. By the way, the new Raid shotgun is an EXACT replica of the new Vanguard shotgun. I can't remember the name at the moment, but it has the EXACT same stats, lol. Why is my reward for beating the new raid just a regular shotgun that I can buy from the Vanguard armory? [b]Edit 1. Thank you for all your responses. I love reading how everyone feels about this game, regardless of it being positive or negative. Seems like I'm not the only one! Edit 2. I honestly can't believe this took off as much as it did. I wrote this late at night and I completely forgot I wrote it until I stumbled upon it in the morning. I'm so glad so many of you agree. These are your dedicated fans, Bungie. They're speaking up. Please take note of what we're trying to achieve with this feedback.[/b]

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  • Edited by DonCarr89: 12/19/2014 11:06:46 PM
    As someone who loves space based sci fi, I completely bought into the concept, the aesthetics of the game and the incredible potential in it. The first couple of weeks of playing were incredible, I had finally found a slice of video game escapism in an awesome setting with exciting team/co op game play. The game has given me some truly enjoyable and memorable moments. There were several places however, where it did feel like a game that had its wings clipped and the repetition level 20 onwards soon set in. Despite this though, as a new game and one that seemingly had a promise of long term development I was happy to run with it and to see the universe expand and develop over time. I didn't think twice about ordering the expansion. I was so stoked to load the game and see the new content, the new areas.. but nothing, everything was the same. I actually had to double check to see that it had updated properly. I was hoping the expansion would include at least a new planet to set the new missions in. It felt pretty cheap to discover that the 'expansion' was just re hashed missions/bounties tagged on to the same environments, making The Dark Below practically indistinguishable from the core game. To me , only the new raid felt visually tied to the Dark Below's trailer. A real anti climax. Sure there are new PVP maps which are cool but its pretty concerning that despite the volume of feedback since launch from players regarding the lack of content that the first expansion is so water thin. This combined with all the other numerous and legitimate concerns about the RPG mechanics such as grinding, levelling, loot and value of players gear etc is causing me to loose interest. From reading commentary across the net and talking to friends, it really feels like people have fallen in love with this game and are pulling their hair out in frustration at seeing it fall short of its true potential.

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  • Yes.

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  • No. But I am losing interest in these forum posts everyday,

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  • Not even a little.

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  • I was pretty thrown off when I realized that, after the expansion, my level 20 alt was in the same position as my lvl 30 main. It would literally take the exact same effort to get either one of them to lvl 31. It was a strange decision by Bungie to make the vendor gear better than the VoG raid equipment.

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    • Yes

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    • I love this game. Love it. But implementations like commendations, having to redo exotics from scratch (only when a vendor that comes around once a week says you can), making VoG raid gear obsolete, the whole 'light' system, yet MORE currencies... Some of these decisions are questionable at best. Basically, the more you have put in, the more you are being punished for it as things stand. Still play every day. Still love the game. But beginning to feel like I'm getting screwed for my dedication, which isn't cool.

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      6 Replies
      • Yeah I am fast .. Zzzzz good job bungie you lazy game designers

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      • Edited by Honorable Sniper: 12/18/2014 9:39:45 PM
        Lost interest? Yup. its gone. When I played the Beta, my friend and I loved it. Of the small bit of content provided in the beta it gave us a good idea of what we could [b]reasonably[/b] expect. Especially since they were the creators of Halo. I expected a thrilling campaign that would have me going from mission to mission wanting and waiting to see more. Then leaving me with an ending that would either create a massive cliffhanger or open the door to a ton of potential to look forward to. Then the rest of the game would be similar to Spartan Ops from Halo 4 (im aware it was from 343i), releasing side stories within the same world, to flesh out factions and side characters. Slowly releasing cutscenes and story running up to dlc, where we could expect more. In the beta, the PvP was alright. With the availability of supers, it changed how FPS multiplayer had to be played... a lot more sneaking and shotguns. But I was sorta ok with that since it felt like the Hit Detection was good. After the beta the entire month of August was pure Destiny withdrawal. I was even a pain in the ass asking Bungie and everyone related to destiny if there was going to be a Digital Guardian Edition for the Xbox One since they had said nothing about it until the very end. Wanting to make sure that both I and other forum goers could get the version they wanted. [url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url] ....Since the game came out I kinda regret buying the $90 Digital Guardian. Not that its a ton of money, more that after playing the full game, I dont feel like the expansions are worth it and wont be playing them (like regretting buying 2 sandwich after the 1st gets rid of your appetite to continue). When playing the game with friends the story was all over the place. the missions didnt seem to connect and what ever story was presented was done so with 0 enthusiasm. Going from 1 boring Dinkle Bot Defense mission to the next to then find out that I wasnt a high enough level to continue the main story missions.... and had to grind pointless bounties or missions I already did to get back to the story was disappointing. Reviews were coming out, and they seemed to have similar lack luster experiences. My friends, who ive played with for years, either sold the game or deleted it off their hard drive. I was going back and forth getting 3 characters through the story to level 20+ and building a clan in Warframe (our dojo is baller btw). Then the Queens Bounties came out and I thought maybe the game was super boring and not explanatory because it was going to pull a Halo 4 Spartan Ops move and slowly explain it through short story missions. But it quickly became apparent that I was just going to be playing the same missions over and over getting the same 2 pieces of armor for however long it lasted. It was kinda only until the last 3 days of it did I find out there were other rewards and Destiny's RNG system became an annoyance (only getting helmets and chest pieces, until i got the Supremacy the last day), and that Bungie patched out the ability to destroy armor for ascendent shards. This is also when I noticed that bungie's weapon balance and hit detection went to -blam- in PvP since the beta, when trying to complete Queen's bounties in Crucible. I could camp a door from 50 feet away with a sniper rifle and watch people walk straight at me as a tried to blow their brains out. And players would shrug it off like I was shooting one of Bungie's bullet sponge NPC enemies. After testing different weapons and strategies... the combat felt as.... all i can think of is Competitive Lego Star Wars. Which I cant take seriously or will myself to spent time playing. (i used a lot of Scout Rifles and Pistols in pve, which her bounties were for, i gave up on pvp after that. i delete exotic bounties when they require pvp.) Was still holding out some hope that maybe bungie would deliver eventually. I still hadnt done the raids, so I started trying to level up all my characters to 29. Walking in circles for hours collecting materials to exchange for marks, so i could buy Faction armor with the right stats, and receive more marks than would normally be rewarded in a week. Got all my characters to around 27-29. spent countless hours grinding strike playlists to raise my cryptarchy rank and hopefully get weapons I needed but lacked the marks to buy. Eventually I got those weapons too and leveled them up with bounties and more strikes. These werent things I liked to do. Most of the time I had a podcast or youtube video snapped, and had my xbox set to Mute the primary screen since Destiny didnt come with volume controls. But I saw the tasks as necessary if I had any intent to play the Raid and finally see the Challenging content they had prepared for "hardcore" players. When I finally found a group of randoms to do the raid with, my interpretation of what the game was trying to do was make us rub our bellies while patting our heads all while sending wave after wave of bullet sponges. The tasks werent hard because they were difficult or complex, the tasks were difficult because they had placed damage reductions on your level. Making a skilled player as useful as they would have been if akf all for not having had passed the artificial difficulty threshold. To make matters worse the netcode and simple glitches were horrible, many of which still seem to pop up and ruin smooth runs. It was a huge kick in the face. To even play the raid you had to invest a lot of time, then when you get there its broken. And for the first few times all I got was shards and chatter white. The people I played with had similar lucky. 1 person in particular had been doing the raid since it came out, on multiple characters and hadnt gotten 1 piece of armor. a lot of effort for a bad experience, which you got piss poor rewards for completing (i still feel my best gun is a scout rifle i bought from the vanguard). After doing it many more times on hard, it became quite clear that the raid was actually very easy, as long as glitches, netcode, and/or the thousands of natural born -blam-ups in this game, didnt ruin it. Leading people who didnt know what they were doing, through the raid, was a bit of fun, but I can do that in any game. And with Destiny in particular, it was 1 small bit of fun that a few people will have, with the entire rest of the game being devoid of any purpose or challenge. I used to have fun leading people around Fable 3 to find flowers in the desert. That was my Destiny experience. And after getting all my characters to level 30, pointlessly grinding for those 1 or 2 guns that game didnt feel like giving (Bungie I dont need 7 spects of glass), noticing i was just going through the motions hoping for more, the dlc releases. cool, 1 more strike playlist to do over and over for guns and armor i dont want or need, playing the same missions ive played hundreds of times before, with 1 more mission thrown in. And 1 more raid, which quite nearly invalidated all of my progress up to that point. Placing me once more behind another artificial difficulty threshold so I can kill the brain dead ai that thinks it a great idea to poke their head out at the same intervals or simply stand there and bullet sponge it. I took my Vault of Glass raid armor off and put some cheap Vanguard armor on. Once again grinding bountys across 3 characters to hit level 31 to effectively play the new raid. And it hit me while summoning Crota... So this is their 10 year plan, what's the point uninspiring bland game, which has you do the most boring aspects of it if you intent to get near its end game content before the next dlc puts a new pointless hurdle for you to grind over. To any non-level 30s, it doesnt get better in destiny. but if you did what i did and love it, we have a huge unbridgeable difference of opinions and expectations. now place your uninspiring non-witty trolling responses below, who knows you might get a job as a writer for Bungie, or agree. I tried to get everything i could out of the game, to see and play all of it. Its simply not worth the time.

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        2 Replies
        • I've lost interest in these types of posts more than with Destiny.

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        • Ditto

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        • I'm not sure what Bungie is thinking with half of the things they keep doing to this game. This game, which has all the possibilities of being absolutely Amazing... and they keep dropping the ball. Who the hell is making the decisions over there? I have literally read over 10 well thought out arguments, listing detailed plans on how this game could be 10x as awesome right here on the forums. With a plethora of ideas that would keep Any gamer occupied for a good long time (or at least until a new DLC of some sort came out) and what do we get? We get Iron Banner which is just a shoddy PVP aspect. We get the Queens Wrath event... which was just shoddy extra bounties. And now with the new DLC, we got a few mission (all completed in under an hour) and 1 (2 if your on PS4) Strikes that don't really bring anything at all new to Strike mechanics. Plus a raid that seems, if all the reports flying out are accurate, is easier by far then the first raid and takes a fraction of the time to complete. Now I know that the first DLC to drop was probably (see; almost assuredly) completed before the game actually released and thus they couldn't really change much about it aside from some minor tweaks. But that begs the question of, who signed off on it's content being 'enough to keep players completely satisfied'? The missions aren't really in any areas that are actually New. So... this begs another question of 'If they were just going to re-use levels and mobs, why couldn't they expand on the whole Dark Below story with some more re-used locations and mobs? Why is it so very short if they didn't actually add much into the game? The utilities are there, so what gives? Did the story crew just crap out and wrap it all up because they didn't care? Or, again, did someone at Bungie actually think that this was a deep engaging plot line with enough depth to keep players interested? PvP is shallow, there are only a few maps and fewer game mods. Which is a joke compared to the other FPS PvP games (coughHalocough) that Bungie has put out where they pretty much set the benchmark for FPS PvP game modes. How do they fail at something they have proven to be Great at? I've personally only played two games of Crucible before I decided to just get my FPS PvP fix from BF4 until something in Destiny changes. PvE is shallow in that much of the games actual information is on G-cards that you can't actually access in-game but must log onto this website to READ. Note, they were too cheap to get someone to even narrate these, unlike how BioWare gave us great orations on their expanded story and universe from the Codex. And that was How long ago? Not to mention that once you do bounties... patrol is nothing but empty grinding with very little in the way of change to keep the player from getting bored fast. It's still a pretty game. Still handles like a dream. It's just... that's it. The depth is missing and that's hurting Destiny day by day. And the longer it takes Bungie to fix this, one way or another, the more fans will become bored and move onto other titles. Which is not something a game that's supposedly going to last 10 years needs, if it does indeed want to last even 2 years. Sorry, wall of text. Kinda rambled there for a bit. I just really love the potential in this game and I don't want to see it fail.

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          2 Replies
          • I'm just getting tired of all of these game design decisions that either don't make sense or just promote continous grinding. The game itself looks great and is fun to play, its just certain design decisions that just make me question the game itself.

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            2 Replies
            • I've had no internet connection for the past two days and I'm kinda going crazy that I can't play Destiny. I still love the game.

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            • This is how MMOs and persistent world RPGs work. Bungie and Destiny didn't invent this. For as long as this game lives, the level cap will go up with each expansion. New weapons and New armor will be added. The gear you strove to get during the previous ititeration of the game will no longer be the "best gear" in the game....and there will no longer be anything special about being the PREVIOUS level cap. The game moves on and presents you with new challenges to conquer. If you are playing this game for any reason OTHER than to have fun, and always have somethign new to work are playing not only the wrong game. You are playing the wrong TYPE of game. ALL of these kinds of games do this. If you need to have STATIC accomplishments to feel good about your gaminng experience, you will never be happy with this entire CLASS of games.

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              26 Replies
              • Yah, barely playing it.

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              • Bump

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              • Never

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              • Never.

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              • Yes. I'm spending more time at the gym than ever because of the expansion.

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              • *Goes to Google. Googles "Antonym of no"* Yes.

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              • Lost it long ago..

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              • No. Still playing and having a blast.

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              • Nope not at all. Playing since launch, haven't raced through any of it and am still 31. Didn't play every day for like 1st month, maybe 6-8 hours a week. I set goals to get a certain gun and then go after it. I'm talking about legendaries as well, like the ones you can get buy from the factions. I'm also always leveling something up, and I love just chilling on patrols chest/mat/event farming. There's no need to rush through everything, takes the out of it and then disappointment sets in. Too me, that's just bad gaming by killing replay value.

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              • Edited by Kiyoshi-Prime: 12/17/2014 12:28:11 PM
                Love it, Love it, Love the end of the day you have to take the current game for what it is, i never play Destiny with my fingers crossed praying for legendary or exotics...that way I'm never disappionted, for me, I get the most fun & satisfaction assisting my clan members in anything from bounties to completing raids...everything else is secondary or a nice bonus.

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              • Oogod look at all the little rentboys posting. That is keep sacking bungie off. DESTINY IS SHIT. After getting to 20 I lost interested Soooooo boaring. No story. Pvp is what bungie cares about but it just shit. Mindless idiots running round. Ooooooo shoot

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