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12/4/2014 6:08:43 PM

The Dark Below Launch Trailer

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12444]The Dark Below Launch Trailer[/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • Lol. Necro bump?

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    • zoo wee mama!

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      • I remember when I thought this would be cool, but HA OH HELL NO!

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      • [u][b]Stop Wasting Time Posting & Searching The Forums.[/b][/u] Lord of the Raids [LOTR] Welcomes You To The Xbox Destiny Raid Finder. [b]Xbox One Raid Finder [X1RF][/b] "The Official Xbox One Destiny Raid Finder" [b]Xbox 360 Raid Finder [X3RF][/b] "The Official Xbox 360 Destiny Raid Finder" [b]Become a part of the alliance![/b] - Exclusive Xbox Matchmaking (PvE & PvP) - Prison of Elders - Crota's End & Vault Of Glass Raids - Trials Of Osiris & Iron Banner - Daily Story / Weekly Heroic Strike / Nightfall - 25,000+ Members/Followers - Clan Membership Available [b]Host or Join A Raid Today.[/b]

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          • Dis gon be gud

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          • Can't wait, a new challenge!

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          • this will be so much better than ttk

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          • Can't wait

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          • Nercocasmbump

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          • Party

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          • Is it true? There will actually be story?

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          • I can't wait to get to the Nechrochasm. And the new sparrow is gonna replace my TimeBreaker.

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          • Necrobump

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          • Bump

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            • Bump bump

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            • NechrBump

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            • Crota checkpoint. Looking for 4 lvl 30+ ppl to do it with. Currently 2 ppl. Message GoldenKr0n1c

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              • Bump!!!!!

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              • What time is it released ?

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              • Edited by Pinkwerewolf: 12/4/2014 10:02:47 PM
                Vane Stratos couldn’t believe his luck. As he sat huddled in the darkened cargo hold, he could feel the soft, rhythmic thrum reverberate through the ship’s hull. This wasn’t the nauseating pulse wave that accompanied hyperspace travel, so their destination had to be close. He had crept aboard the ketch, a massive Fallen warship, as he fled the lunar work camp several hours earlier. He had feared that the ship would be bound for deep space, but now there could be no doubt: they were headed for Earth. His fellow stowaway seemed oblivious to the revelation. He sat cross-legged and unmoving as he had for the entirety of the flight, quietly muttering to himself as he rested his head against a large metallic container. The cavernous cargo hold was mostly empty, save for the three coffin-sized casks the pair now huddled behind. The only light came from a thin recess that ran along the upper walls, and its faint yellow glow played off the iridescent blue of the young man’s skin, twisting his features into a sickly masquerade as he whispered incoherently. Vane suddenly felt very uncomfortable with his new companion, something about him just seemed so entirely…alien. Shaking off his temporary revulsion, Vane rose to his feet to survey their surroundings. He had chosen this particular ship in the hopes that it would be largely unoccupied, an empty cargo vessel making the return trip to Earth. He casually thumbed the crude knife at his hip, a trophy taken from a lone dreg unfortunate enough to discover them as they had made their escape. Now, in the belly of a Fallen warship, it seemed little comfort. At that moment, a door slid open at the far end of the hold, and a vandal sauntered through the opening. He froze in place as he spotted Vane, the glowing eye slits of its horned helmet seeming to convey the shock and surprise it must be feeling within. Instinctively, Vane flung his blade at the creature, a flash of silver as it hit its mark and buried itself in the soft tissue of the vandal’s throat. The beast let out a sickening gurgle, its four spindly arms clutching wildly at air. It fumbled against the wall, just managing to depress a small lighted square before collapsing in a heap, two of its limbs still feebly searching at its throat. A blaring siren immediately echoed throughout the ship, and the tomblike cargo hold erupted in a deafening cacophony of sound. The previously catatonic humanoid’s eyes fluttered open, a puzzled expression on his face as he looked up at Vane. For a brief moment, the two simply stared at each other, and then turned to face the open door as they heard the distinctive yips and barks emanating from deep within the ship. In a panic, Vane looked frantically around the room for anything that might be of use in the coming onslaught. The dying vandal had carried no weapon. Vane threw open the nearest container, and felt his heart rise in his chest. A single rifle lay inside, improbably huge and bristling with science. He hefted the ponderous weapon, a sly smile spreading across his face. Surveying his surroundings, he realized this room provided little opportunity to make their stand. He strode for the exit, and his Awoken companion followed sheepishly behind. The room beyond served as an antechamber, with corridors leading off in all directions. A row of electronic terminals nearby could serve as a makeshift sniper’s nest. Vane leapt behind them, raising the weapon as he peered down its sights at the largest corridor at the opposite end of the room. “Rubik, get down!” he barked at the young man, who nervously clambered over the terminals to join him. Once barely audible over the riotous alarm wail, the sounds of clawing and grunting from the other chambers grew louder as the Fallen crew closed on their location. Rubik chewed on his lower lip, wide-eyed and clearly terrified. “Wh-what if…what if we just talk to them? M-maybe they aren’t, um, bad…” his voice trailed off as his gaze darted around the room. “Sure, they just want to chat” muttered Vane, as he focused his attention on a pair of dregs that had just appeared at the end of the long hallway. They looked nervously back and forth, searching for the source of the offending sirens. “Alright then”, Vane whispered to no one in particular, as the charging core of the rifle spun to life. “If you want us to introduce ourselves, allow me to do the honors.” The muzzle of the rifle exploded in his hands, its monstrous recoil driving into his shoulder. At the far end of the room, one dreg fell lifelessly to the ground as its head and shoulders were vaporized by the blast, and a split second later a secondary explosion engulfed the other in a ball of plasmic fire. “How’s THAT for an ice breaker?!” Vane exclaimed, rubbing his sore shoulder. The victory was short lived, however, as Fallen began to scramble into the antechamber from all directions. Vane fired repeatedly, dropping a vandal as it lifted its weapon, and another as it emerged from the left. As the alarm sirens continued to ring in their ears, both men struggled to stem the tide of alien soldiers before they were overrun. Rubik had resorted to throwing pieces of the computer terminal at his attackers, and a dreg nearby recoiled, briefly stunned by the electronic panel as it connected with his skull. Vane seized the opportunity and fired again, the dreg’s body flailing as it careened through the air from the force of the blast. Fallen continued to spill into the room, and realizing the hopelessness of their situation, Rubik curled into a ball on the floor. A captain clambered over the body of his compatriot, and unleashed a bloodcurdling roar that echoed throughout the chamber. He flexed his four sinewy limbs, eager for battle. “If you’ve got some of that space magic up your sleeve, this might be a good time to use it!” yelled Vane at his companion, as he leveled the rifle at this new threat. Still more Fallen of every shape and size poured into the room, spitting curses in alien tongues at the two invaders. Vane took aim at the brutish captain’s head, and held his breath as he squeezed the trigger. A dull click was the only response from the weapon in his hands, as the lights along its barrel shroud fell dark. Enraged, the captain charged towards them, its hands clawing at air as it approached. “Not now, baby, not now” Vane whimpered at the now-useless rifle in his hands. He glanced at Rubik, who was shuddering in fear at his feet. Out of desperation, he vigorously shook the weapon, begging for it to come to life. The captain vaulted over the row of terminals, its body quivering with rage. Suddenly, a single light flickered on within the rifle’s display, and Vane pulled the trigger, not bothering to aim. The captain was thrown back several feet, and appeared shaken by the concussive force. A dull shimmer of radiance spread around his body, and he rocked back on his heels as his suit’s energy shield dispersed the power of the blast. The rifle once again fell dark and cold in Vane’s hands, its charge drained at last. The captain, unharmed, threw back his head in a deep, guttural laugh. Vane stepped back, reaching for his companion. He turned to see the man floating in air, his eyes blank as he appeared to recite some sort of incantation. The room flashed with a blinding violet light, and a massive explosion rocked the ship as Vane was thrown to the ground. As the ringing in his ears subsided, Vane blinked to clear his vision. The destruction was incredible. All around him sparks from damaged panels fizzled and cracked. The ceiling had partially caved in, and exposed wires hung in great tendrils, draping the scene as smoke billowed down from above. Rubik stood beside him, expressionless. Vane staggered out of their ruined alcove, still dazed, his eyes adjusting to the haze. The shattered bodies of Fallen soldiers lay all around them, the captain’s face frozen in a contorted snarl as the remains of his armor lay smoldering nearby. Taking Rubik by the arm, Vane clumsily climbed over the wreckage to survey the room beyond. It was the ship’s bridge. Here, the devastation continued. The bodies of several dregs lay sprawled across the consoles. A few of the display monitors showed manically fluctuating graphs, while others were silent and dark. At the far end of the bridge, the large transparent viewscreen showed the earth rapidly rising to meet them. “What did you do?” he growled at Rubik, who merely shrugged a response. The floor beneath them trembled slightly as the main engines powered down, and both struggled to keep their footing as the massive warship listed starboard. Adrift, the battle cruiser gently collided with the atmosphere, and Vane staggered as the ship lurched once more. Looking out from the viewscreen, he felt his stomach rise as the horizon tilted to meet him. Small pockets of flame began to streak by, and the hull creaked ominously beneath his feet. A shrill alien voice began to shriek warnings at them from the overhead speaker system. “Fre razzat! Fre razzat!” Their meaning was obvious. Slowly, inevitably, the battered ship was being pulled towards the earth below. Vane smiled to himself. He was coming home. Edit: If you like the story so far, I will post more as I write it. If you would like to read chapter 1, it can be found here:

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                • Much necro such bump

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                • Edited by Milkzerker: 7/14/2015 5:42:28 PM
                  Dark below sucks anus

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                  • XB1 need 3 for Crotas end fresh start

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                    • Why is this here

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                    • For some reason I redeemed my code of the FOCUS light and it doesn't give it to me Why? I wasted some money and it doesn't give it to me

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