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Edited by Energyking: 12/11/2015 4:53:08 PM

Exotic Weapon Ideas

Hi Community and Hopefully Bungie, Here's a thread made to post your ideas for exotic weapons. Here's mine: Brewing Storm - exotic arc Handcannon It would basically have the shape of Fatebringer but the color scheme and lighting bolts like Thunderlord "Winds can be stilled, oceans can be calmed, but none can stop the storm with in!" [spoiler]For the stats below, 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest[/spoiler] Magazine: 4 Rate of Fire: 3 Impact: 9 Range: 5 Stability: 6 Reload: 8 Upgrade tree: Row 1: Arc Fan fire (maybe, probably not) Row 2: Soft Ballistics Linear Comp Accurate Ballistics Row 3: Third eye Row 4: Send it Field scout (increases mag from 4-10) Perfect balance Row 5: (unique buff) Brewing Storm: Precision kills cause enemies to leave behind a storm cloud, causing 3 lighting bolts to shoot out a nearby enemies. Then of course, the bs damage upgrades that you put in where needed Reason for such a low mag is because it has "lightning speed" reloads. [spoiler]Tell me what you guys think! Sounds better than Fatebringer huh?[/spoiler] Edit: I changed mag size (7 to 10 w/ field scout) Edit: Someone nechrobumped this Edit: At this point i would just love a fatebringer again y bungie y!

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  • No more exotic hand cannons please just another thing everyone will cry till nerfed

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  • Fallen Captain's Shrapnel Launcher - solar exotic shotgun with max rate of fire, clip size of 15, and uncanny accuracy over great distances while hip fired. Fallen Chaser - exotic arc pulse rifle with 3 shot burst of aggressively tracking bullets, even on invisible targets. What, Reload?!? - exotic solar rocket launcher with infinite ammo and clip size, and max rate of fire, reduced area of impact. Why shouldn't we be able to pick up the enemies weapons?

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    • Weapon Type: Side Arm Exotic (duh) As you know the average reload and stability ect. With slower rate of fire and magazine is 10 Name: Slowshot First perk: rangefinder Middle tree perks: speed reload, hand loaded, snapshot (trying to be like bungie here and make some perks less wanted to force the player to aim towards a specific perk) (psn players dont hate bc this seems like a copy of the hawkmoon, and im an xbox player) Exotic perk: Stopping Power 2 random bullets suppress enemy shot at, and deal little lingering damage (kinda like khepri's sting that deals tiny amount of lingering damage) Tell me what you think about this, personally the name is a little stupid :/ if you think so than reply a name you think is better

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    • The Extra Mile- Exotic Sniper "Only a true friend would go through it." Stats: Rate of Fire- 10/100 Impact- 80/100 (you'll see why in perks) Range- 100/100 Stability- 15/100 Reload- 30/100 Magazine Size- 3 Reserve ammo capacity- 12, or 16 with sniper rifle ammo/heavy ammo capacity upgrades. Default Perks: Randomizer- Each clip has a different damage type determined randomly. Heavy Weapon: Equipped in heavy slot and takes purple ammo drops. Muzzles: 1a: Soft Ballistics- more stability, less impact. 1b: Linear Compensator- more impact and range, less stability. 1c: Smart Drift Control- Large penalty to range, large bonus to stability. Upgrade Damage-1: Firefly- precision kills causes the target to explode. Middle Perk Tree: Armor Piercing Rounds- Shots overpenetrate through enemies and thin cover. Extended Mag- Increases magazine size from 3 to 6, reserve stays same. Flared Magwell- Greatly increased reload speed. Unique perk upgrade: Extra Mile- Precision kills temporarily increase all of the fireteam's stats and user gets a temporary shield (similar to blessing or flame shield). Upgrade Damages 2, 3, 4, and 5. Weapon description- Has a similar frame to the Barrett .50 Caliber, but the barrel has been modified to hold a fusion accelerator, albeit unstable, which explains the randomized damage types with each clip. Certain parts of the gun glow and switch color depending on the damage type. While reloading, you hear a sound akin to a fusion rifle cooling down and the lights turn off. After the animation is done, you hear the charge-up sound and the lights turn back on to match the damage type. The scope is a 10x zoom with modern day crosshairs. Ammo counter is below the scope (again, changes color to match damage type). Biggest advantages: Good PvE weapon for thing like raids or triple burn nightfalls. Continuous precision kills will keep giving you and your fireteam constant stat upgrades while you can keep tanking with the shield effect. Rewards a skilled hand. Biggest drawbacks: Takes up the heavy weapon slot, meaning less ammo drops for it. Also has a scope meant for very long range, making it difficult to aim at closer ranges. Low stability means more recoil control, slow reload speed may be a problem. I've had this idea in my head for a while and I finally found a thread I can post to. Thanks!

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      • [b][i][u]Juggernaut[/u][/i][/b] It would be an exotic rocket launcher and machine gun (switchable). Rocket launcher Has 6 rockets in each round, it's full auto and it follows the enemy just like the gjallahorn, [spoiler]if I said that wrong, apologies[spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler] Machine gun Strong epic full auto machine gun and only consumes ammo when hitting a target, just like [spoiler]forgot the name[/spoiler] gun. This weapon would be obtained by doing any raid (65% chance) or Prison of elders (80% chance). Can also randomly drop by doing strikes (about 2.5% chance). In crucible it's completely random...

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        • Edited by xXwarzXxGODxX: 6/18/2015 4:40:04 PM
          The Renegade Pulse rifle Rate of fire: 65 Impact: 35 Range: 50 Stability: 60 Reload: 80 Clip size: 21 Row one: arc, solar, void. Row two: damage with this weapon increases its stability for a short time. Row three: upgrade damage. Row four: lightweight, single point sling, increased stabity. Row five exotic perk... This gun shoots arc solar and void bullets in each burst(3 shot burst) one damage type for each bullet in the burst and fires In full auto mode Row six upgrade damage. Row seven: upgrade damage, upgrade damage, upgrade damage.

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          • Name: hands up Type: sniper rifle Exotic perk- the first shot in that mag has no damage and makes them freeze for 3 seconds

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            • (Just completed bioshock infinite, was inspired to make this) Constants and variables- an exotic Scout rifle-like hand-cannon. "There's always you. There's always a gun. But you might kill with that gun in a different way." Look: A hand cannon with a built in stock. Has cracks in the frame that glow with light. Starting perk: "Constants". When you die, you have a chance (10%?) to instantly come back to life, but with random weapons and armor. When whatever you are doing ends (strike or crucible), you will go back to your first load out before you died. Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 perks are randomized (the constants and variables working) Tier 5 perk (main exotic perk): "Variables". If you dismantle an exotic weapon while having this equipped, you have a 50-100 chance to unlock a special, downgraded upgrade for this weapon (example: dismantling a thorn would give you a thorn-like exotic "perk" but it would be downgraded. No gjallarhorn perk, too.

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              • Launcher that does no damage to yourself

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                • More scouts.

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                • is more then just a clan. It's a group of people that enjoy gaming a great game but more gaming a great game together. We welcome anyone that needs help through raids nightfalls trials crucible. Anything we have players more then welcome to help. And even get on our team and spread the joy to anyone else. We're a positive bunch that admire destinys community aspect and are just trying to embrace the oppurtunity it's giving us. Please like our Facebook page and leave some comments. We want to game with you! On the Facebook page leave a comment of your Psn id and we will game with whoever. Free merchandise will also be given away very soon. We're getting supported by many outlet gaming industries and we need some more dedicated players to be apart of our team.

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                  • Name: Nothing With In Type scout /pulse rifle 1st perk killing enemies with precision shots will cause them to explode 2nd perk damage upgrade 3rd perk perfect balanceren Hidden hand Increased reload speed Special perk: this weapon shoots a 3 round burst and killing an enemy gives you extra damage for 10 sec. Rate of fire 63 Stability 72 Range 85 Reload 56 Impact 71

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                  • Apocalyptic uprising: An exotic arc launcher with the model of a shotgun. Arc damage. I don't have time to put all the upgrades but will put the main perks. 1: Surplus: Ammo more commonly found and more revived when found. 2: (Special Perk) Safety first: You have increased reserve ammo and firing this weapons warhead radius too close doesn't affect the players health.

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                  • I like it

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                  • How about a sidearm that only has 1 shot and no impact. (Only has the exotic perk and spawn with ammo perk) Name: The Eternal Pack Exotic perk: Blood Oath Blood Oath: Targets hit by this weapon become bound to wielder. If the target dies the wielder is killed as well, however if the wielder is killed he/she is healed for a portion of the targets health damaging the target for the amount healed. (Target is marked for 7 seconds)

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                  • Name: Frostmourne Type: Sniper Rifle High impact, High Fire rate, low stability, average everything else. Modest Zoom Scope Mag size: 4 Looks like: Long barrel, very .50 cal-esque, dark black-bluish metal, halo style scope Comes with bullet types that add more and more stability, at cost of range Rapidly landing precision hits will return a round to the mag. Custom Optics, skip rounds, or increased reload. Exotic Perk: Blizzard's Chill Blizzard's Chill: Shots occasionally do 7x damage and if a precision kill, refill the mag and increase damage for a short time. Bonus: bullets leave ice trails. Sounds like cold wind blowing when fired. [i]"No one can escape the blizzard."[/i] Hidden Perks: Mulligan, occasionally larger mag on reload. OP? Possibly. Want it still? Yes.

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                  • The Wrong [i]it seems right,but is always wrong[/i] Assault rifle Slow firing highly accurate slower than suros But more power and little less range Perk( The Wrong Hand) If enemy melees you to kill you,they are thrown back and frozen for a couple seconds, speed increase and agility +3 Enemy can still shoot but aiming is slowed in the frozen state better chance to escape from return fire( fire rate isn't slowed)

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                  • Name: Peacekiller Type: Auto Rifle Description: The Death of Guardians brings sadness But the Kill of an enemy that has haunted Earth brings slighter peace, kill that peace we are better in war. Mag: 36 First Tree: Linear Compresser Accursed Compresser Stability Ballistics (more stability) Next tree: Overkill Next: perfect balance Explosive rounds Volitile payloads Next: Peacekiller (when being damaged hurts enemys shooting you (slightly so Not op)

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                  • Name: the aftermath Class: hand cannon Stats Rof: 35 Impact: 74 Range: 36 Stability: 56 Reload: 48 Mag: 6 (Upon equipping this weapon does a single twirl) Kinetic damage (solar explosions) Bonus perk: sharp shooter: this weapons accuracy is the same under all circumstances, even when hip firing, while getting shot at and falling. First perk: reactive reload Perk tree: Perfect balance Small bore High caliber rounds Exotic perk: the aftermath Rounds stick to walls and targets, upon reloading all bullets currently in world detonate similarly to explosive rounds.

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                    • Name. The witch's hand Type. Scout rifle Damage. Arc Category. High rate of fire, low impact Image description. A simple weapon covered In darkness with three curved blades coming out of the barrel with one at the top and two at the bottom. The sight will be a V and the top blade will show you where the bullets will land. Description. Darkness can be made in anything through the witch's hand. First tree. Aggressive ballistics Field choke. Smart drift control First perk. Full auto Second tree. Lightweight Injection mold Braced frame Second perk. A spark of darkness Hits with this weapon have a chance of blinding enemy's. And in pvp hits with this weapon darkens a opponents screen.

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                    • Dark matter Description: release your inner dark side Weapon type: Auto rifle Perk 1: Slayer: this weapon does bonus damage to gaurdians in the crucible( this perk only if they don't buff the auto rifles) Field scout Extra stability Or fast reload Special perk: Dark Matter: this weapon slows down enemies.( think thorn but it doesn't damage them. They just glow black and are slowed down) I think this gun would be cool for the taken king seeing as that dlc looks a little bit darker than the previous two. The gun would sort of look like a mix between necrochasm and hard light. It would be all black but have lights that pulsate purple. What do you guys think?

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                    • Edited by BlueYew14: 6/19/2015 7:19:32 PM
                      My idea The Midas Touch Weapon Type: Rocket Launcher Damage Type: Solar Special perk: Midas Touch Midas Touch- Projectiles explode and turn targets within blast radius to solid gold. High velocity, low blast radius. Aggressive tracking. Magazine size of 2. Appearance is mostly gold adorned by multiple etchings and jewels. Sleek, smooth design.

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                      11 Replies
                      • The black hole Desc: no one can escape once you are within the darkness. Hand canon 1st bar: multi element:each shot does either void arc or solar 1st perk : kills with this weapon gives super energy and refills the mag :) 2nd: percsision kills explode into a scatter grenade split grenade or a (the solar version of a scatter grenade) which will track your enemy.

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                        • Primary pulse rifle Vandal's Pride (Similar to to a fallen shock rifle) Row one: soft ballistics, aggressive ballistics, linear compensator Row two: secret round Row three: extended mag, flared magwell, smallbore Row four (exotic perk): Pride and Joy; round track enemies, will stick to walls and then detonate after a short time

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                          • Too op

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                          • the Black Decay hand canon desc: at first death red and rageful but after decay it is black and unrelenting does void damage clip size: 6 fire rate : same as thorn Impact : high reload: moderate accuracy:perfect first upgrade : enemies are pulled down by the void; enemies are slowed down second upgrade: marked by the void : enemies hit become marked and are seen by all-both teams-through walls third upgrade: touch of decay ; melee does void damage over time perfect way to use this is to shoot the enemy and melee them as soon as possible if outnumbered shoot both enemies and and run and wait for teammates if in rumble shoot twice and melee

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