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Edited by Prometheus25: 11/25/2014 4:26:09 AM

Endgame: Space Survival

You are stranded in space, freshly awakened by the life support capsule that has just entered a shutdown phase due to the ship going into auxiliary power. You have no memory and looking out of your ship you can see you are in a debris field orbiting a small celestial body. Inspecting the ship reveals it is a small transport-class cruiser with no weaponry and a water purifier, there is also a standard EXO Suit in the cockpit. Your only goal at the moment is to ensure your survival through any means necessary. [b]Transcendent Prometheus subverts spawn closing by traveling through sub-dimensions, closing it behind him. The spawn is currently closed. New players may be able to join later.[/b] To spawn in simply post your chosen class and first action, there will be a time where I directly give feedback before it becomes open world and you may interact with other survivors. Story details will be influenced by the players and major plot events will be posted in the OP as spoilers. Also death is permanent. Classes: [spoiler][b]Engineer[/b] Human Average strength Average speed High capacity with machines/electronics [b]Space-borne[/b] Jauncian Average strength High speed Telekinetic Powers [b]Arms-man[/b] Cyborg Superhuman strength Slow speed Weapon modifying [b]Stealth[/b] Vanisian High strength Superhuman speed Invisibility [b]Explosives-Expert[/b] Human Average strength Average speed Complete understanding of explosives [b]Transcendent[/b] ??? Below average strength Superhuman speed ???[/spoiler] Species lore: [spoiler]Humans have reached the neighboring galaxy Andromeda, having developed warp drives in the early 30th century and having found no life in the Milky Way branched farther out making contact with highly intellectual alien species. Humans were tolerated as a younger life form but tension between other races are common with the unruly nature humans are known for. The Jauncian race is a mixed species with a complex genome from many interspecies mating that mainly has colonies in deep space preferring null-g rather than on a planet. Their appearance varies greatly from clan to clan due to long frames of time where outside contact is rare. The Vanisian race is a species of high intellect that evolved from a reptilian-like creature that could blend into the environment. Due to being advanced intellectually they survived on their harsh planet of Vanishnor where the indigenous wildlife is highly aggressive. Transcendents are a big unknown in both galaxies at the time, having just appeared in the past century there are rumors that they are immortal creatures descending from the creators of the universe themselves. (Although myths are commonly blown out of proportion). Cyborgs are a common lifestyle in this new era and are utilized by all races but the transcendents. A person usually loses any touch they had with special powers when they undergo the process of becoming a cyborg in favor for upgradable system machinery.[/spoiler] About the OP: [spoiler]I sleep in.. A lot... Early postings will not be seen until about 11 or 12 est. Also if I miss a post by you or I haven't given you a reaction for what you're doing for a while, feel free to send a PM to remind me. There are quite a few of you so sometimes it's hard when 5 people post at the same time![/spoiler] Known Weaponry: [spoiler]This space will be dedicated to known weaponry and upgrades in the game that I approve of. [b]Light[/b] Plasma Pistol- single shot, 10 rounds, clip fed Energy Pistol- single shot, 12 rounds, fusion battery fed Crossbow- 1 bolt, bow draw required [b]Medium[/b] Plasma Rifle- automatic, 20 rounds, clip fed Stun Rifle- Infinite ammo, prone to overheating, non-lethal Rail gun- 2 rounds, breach fed, charge required before each shot M23-Falcon Shotgun- Pump action shotgun, 8 shell chamber capacity Mk. 3 Arc Launcher- single shot grenade launcher, 3 shell capacity, fires electrically charged grenades EVU-45 Assault Rifle- 3 round burst, 30 rounds, clip fed [b]Heavy[/b] Detached Pulse Canon- Single Shot, long charge between shots, Fission core pack provides ammo, 10 Shot Pack Capacity [b]Exo Mounting[/b] Arms-Men and Engineers can mount regular found or built weapons, however mountable weapons can be found and attached by all other player types. When mounting the mounted weapon receives an ammo loss of 25%. Weapon modifications before mounting are nullified after mounting. [b]Approved Upgrades for Arms-Men[/b] *Light Weapons and Medium Weapons may have 2 upgrades, Heavy weapons may have 3 upgrades* Extended mag/clip- Increases ammo capacity by 10% Charge Shot- Adds charge function with small explosive properties at the cost of 25% available ammo. (Medium Weapons only) Rifling enhancement- Increases damage output/penetration of projectile. Sturdy Bayonet- Adds a sharp bayonet 1 foot in length that is difficult to break (non arms men can create a weak bayonet attachment) Weapon mount- Small and medium weapon mounts to add secondary weapons. [b]THERE IS NO PLASMA CUTTER! DON'T EVEN TRY TO CONVINCE ME OF ADDING IT![/b][/spoiler] EXO Suits [spoiler]This section is dedicated to known EXO types and their abilities/functions. All EXO's have a HUD that displays wearer's biometrics and atmospheric properties of immediate area and are capable of withstanding the vacuum of space. [b]NO MODIFICATIONS BEYOND THE SPECIFICATIONS I LAID OUT MAY BE PERFORMED TO THE EXO SUIT[/b] [b]Standard EXO (S-231 Mk. 1)[/b] -Magnetic Greaves mounted to feet -Comms System Mount -Small Wrist Weapon Mount [b]Military EXO (M-EXO 375)[/b] -Wrist Mounted Grapple -Medium Armor can withstand hard impacts/traditional projectiles -Short Wave Radio -Leg Mounted Nitrous Thrusters -Medium Weapon Shoulder Mount [b]Advanced EXO (S-231 Mk.2)[/b] -Magnetic Greaves mounted to hands and feet -Short Comms System -2 Small Wrist Weapon Mounts -Extended Oxygen Pack -Light Armor can withstand typical impacts. [b]Hard Exo (ND-H2 Suit)[/b] (With the extra attachments to this EXO it makes maneuvering difficult and slow) -Dense Armor can withstand the hardest impacts and penetrable only by energy projectiles and heat. -Heavy Weapon Shoulder Mount -Short Burst Nitrous Boosters mounted to the back (limited use, low fuel) -Claw Gripping on feet (damaging to surfaces deployed on) -Short Wave Radio [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by foxhound: 11/25/2014 8:44:35 PM
    [b][i]ACCRETION POWERED PSR-0072[/i] DEEP SPACE EXPLORATION CREW/ BRAVO DAMASCUS (ship name, was stolen specs: Military Trans-light ability at 1.04 seconds/yr) .[i]WARNING[/i]:DUE TO THE ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF X-RAY RADIATION EMITTED BY THIS STAR ONLY NON-HUMAN CREW PERMITTED[/b] [b]ship captain is Dreamland (race: Vanisian home somewhere/when Fornax cluster class:stealth)[/b] [b]CURRENTLY BRAVO DAMASCUS IS STILL WITHIN TRANS-LIGHT TRAVEL LOCKDOWN ETA 4 GENERAL HOURS[/b]

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