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Edited by MGS_2Hollywood4u: 11/25/2014 3:59:18 PM

PROOF of Fake 30's

At first I didn't really care about the whole REAL and FAKE 30's discussion until I played the raid today with a FAKE 30. He had 2 pieces of Raid gear and exotic helmet and IRON BANNER Guantlets. Everybody in the fire team seemed to know what they was doing until we got to the Confuxes he didn't even know you couldn't be revived! So I asked have you done the raid on hard? His answer was no when they said you could get to level 30 from iron banner gear I just felt no need to do the hard raid. We did finally finish but we had to carry him through. I don't believe every 30 that had to do Iron Banner to get there is fake or bad but I finally see why people call them fake. What are your opinions on the FAKE and REAL 30's?

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    This is -blam!-ing stupid

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  • Oh no. Another post crying about something in this game. How surprising.

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  • He's level 30, how can he be fake? There's no possible way to achieve "fake" level 30. All he did was go about it in a different Manor to obtain. Instead of bashing people, teach them how to do it and be a god damn bro about it. I remember the first time I played the hard raid and it wasn't a pleasant surprise when I figured out that I couldn't be revived lol

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  • like i said before....pvp players might have or do have better reflexes on dodging enemies and simply surviving so i would rather have a new pvp raider that a shitty old raider

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  • Hey you beat it right? That's good enough. I'm sure him being 30 really helped. You veteran raiders should be happy to help a "fake 30" who hasn't done it on hard yet.. Way better then helping a 29 who hasn't done the hard raid.

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    2 Replies
    • Like I said in another thread there is no real or fake 30's there is only experienced and inexperienced. I run people who have never done it through normal. And I warn people when I do hard if they haven't done it before they will get booted. But I am always willing to go through normal with them so they can learn.

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    • Edited by Birdy: 11/25/2014 5:11:09 PM
      Is it just me that judges how good I think people will be from their weapons and not their armour? Too many 30s "real or fake" haven't invested any time in upgrading weapons and still think they are the best thing since sliced bread. If you haven't got a weapon with oracle disruptor on, you are a total liability in the hard raid.

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      • its basically a new raid person.....if you 30 with iron banner try to watch some vids on the raid.....normal raid is not big deal as a 30 but hard is another game so just be prepared and speak if you have questions on strategy

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      • The Problem is finding 5 people for raid. I think i'll never see the raid from inside :(

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        • I think the bigger point is honesty... I've played with level 30s that admit when they don't know something AHEAD of time. This makes life easier because then I can explain how to do a certain part. I've also played with 30s that say they know everything and then don't know what to do in certain parts and then say they didn't know. That annoys me and causes teams to bicker. Now for the IB 30... The easiest way to solve this is to just ask, "hey, do you know what to do in all sections of hard raid?" To all IB 30s, knowing what to do on normal doesn't mean you know what to do on hard. Hard requires more tactful playing, and standing in strategic spots in order to not die. There's no fake or real 30, we are all 30s. It just takes honesty in expectation to solve the debate.

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        • There is no such thing as a fake 30. Stop whining. Noobs exist at all levels.

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        • Edited by Some Black Guy: 11/25/2014 5:07:59 PM
          Raid helmet, raid chest, raid gauntlets but I COULDN'T GET THOSE RAID BOOTS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD; so i had to grind to rank 3 to purchase iron banner boots, JUST to FINALLY hit level 30. However, I just achieved rank 3/4 in the raid grimoire, so i have 35 completions now. I wouldn't consider myself fake, or real though.

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        • Some people are newer to the raid than others. There will always be good players and bad players. It's great that more people were able to reach 30 last week. I'm so sick of these posts... Does anybody think that this community will ever improve? It's the first that I've really followed.

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          • IB gear does not mean experience. I can be a lv30 without raid experience. Don't judge the armor for a players knowledge.

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            Everyone is a fake 30 because you can't level to 21 with xp.

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          • Same can be true for people who have three raid gear and an exotic helm. But I do agree people should be very experienced in normal before attempting hard.

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          • Anyone can reach 30 without doing the hard raid as long as they have an exotic helmet

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          • I was level 30 before I ever did the raid on hard, had 3 raid pieces and an exotic helmet. I only knew I couldn't be revived because someone on a previous raid team mentioned it. I've since done the raid on hard several times and now have the raid helm too. I don't think there's such a thing as a fake 30, sounds to me like the guy you had in your team just has to learn the difference between normal and hard raid. Everyone has to have a first time once.

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          • I had 2 lvl 30s in hard raid. They didn't have any weapons maxed, not a single one. Didn't know what to do at the gatekeeper, use relic, no revive in hard. We didn't finish the raid.

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          • You know you can make it to 30 without IB or the hard raid? There are plenty of 30s out there that haven't done IB and are crap at the hard raid.

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          • I have two 30s that have almost all raid gear except helmet because they haven't dropped for me but then I have a 28 that just needs some upgrades to be 30 but it has iron banner gear to be 30 so it doesn't really show how good they are

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          • I, personally, bought IB gear (gauntlets and boots) to get to lvl 30 with a raid chestplate and an exotic helmet. Many people aftrr hearing this immediately assume I have only done the raid once or twice and don't know what I'm doing... [spoiler][u]I've done the raid 10 full times including once on Hard[/u][/spoiler] My luck was so bad when it comes to raid gear that I got three chestplates but no other pieces of gear. So I bought IB gear. I wanted the raid gear, but I got this instead. I'm still a real 30. Signed, One unlucky bãstard

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          • I am the same exact alignment as that player you mentioned. I had raid boots and chest, IB gloves and an exotic. I ran the hard mode with 3 30's and 3 29s. No issues at all. I just needed the ticket of admission to be given a chance instead of being written off immediately because I was a 29 and RNG luck did not favor me. The reality is that even before IB you still had 30's that would perform worse than 29's. That percentage isn't going to change. The level number doesn't dictate skill. It just says how much damage you can give and receive. Nothing else. Now, more former 29's get to jump in and PROVE they can do it and yes, there will be a percentage that need to be carried. It will be no different than the 30's before. Oh, and by the way, the loot I got? Shards, energy, and a VoC I already had maxed out. Still no raid gear. It's RNG luck that keeps them from being 30. Nothing more.

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          • Anybody can be bad regardless of level or gear. Replace/carry/teach Those are you're options

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          • I think there are people that are level 30 with raid gear only that still don't know what they are doing in the raid. Thats what they get for always cheesing the whole thing.

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          • And all of the Atheon/Templar cheesers are real 30's? Think before you put your foot in your mouth. There are crappy noob Iron Banner 30's. There are crappy noob VOG 30's. There are crappy noob level 29's. There are crappy noob everything in this game. Just because you encountered one, doesn't mean that the entire gaming population is defined by that one player. Yeah you ran into a scrub player. I ran the raid last night, and the IB lvl 30 didn't have any issues. It was his first town on hard raid. He had completed normal multiple times, but he didn't want to attempt hard until he got to 30.

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