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Edited by MGS_2Hollywood4u: 11/25/2014 3:59:18 PM

PROOF of Fake 30's

At first I didn't really care about the whole REAL and FAKE 30's discussion until I played the raid today with a FAKE 30. He had 2 pieces of Raid gear and exotic helmet and IRON BANNER Guantlets. Everybody in the fire team seemed to know what they was doing until we got to the Confuxes he didn't even know you couldn't be revived! So I asked have you done the raid on hard? His answer was no when they said you could get to level 30 from iron banner gear I just felt no need to do the hard raid. We did finally finish but we had to carry him through. I don't believe every 30 that had to do Iron Banner to get there is fake or bad but I finally see why people call them fake. What are your opinions on the FAKE and REAL 30's?

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  • I think it's stupid I have done the raid 20+ times and I could never get level 30 gear until iron banner and my friend did the raid twice and got full raid gear so it depends on the person but IB gear doesn't mean you're bad or good it just means you're level 30.

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  • I have all the pieces from the raid and IB. I got 2 full level 30 warlock sets because of it. Hardly fake.

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  • The raid was made to be ran with a group of 6 friends that have played together. Bungie has said that how many times? Still want raid matchmaking? Lol

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  • I feel as if 30 is still 30. I have done the raid on both difficulties but have not had the luck to pull any gear. When the iron banner came around with the new level 30 gear you could get, I was excited. I could finally earn my gear rather then testing my luck every week. When constructing a raid team, always ask for their experience with it. I have learned from this many times.

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  • I love how you say PROOF in the topic title, yet do nothing more than tell a story with no way to verify. Even if this is true, so what? That's ONE person. I'm wearing Iron Banner armor because I think it looks better than the raid gear sitting in my inventory, guess I'm a "fake".

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    8 Replies
    • So, what, the first time you did the raid, you absolutely breezed it right?

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      • [quote]What the -blam!- did you -blam!-ing say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the -blam!- out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my -blam!-ing words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, -blam!-er. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re -blam!-ing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your -blam!-ing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re -blam!-ing dead, kiddo.[/quote]

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      • 30 is 30, there is no difference. They can be wildly inexperienced with the hard mode raid, but so can 30's who have an exotic helm and the rest as raid gear. I grabbed the Iron Banner gauntlets to get up to 30 so that my damage output isn't reduced on hard VoG, though I am still gunning for the 2 missing pieces, the helm in particular as I would like to use a non-helm exotic.

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      • Cool story about shooting bots bro. Your PvE 30 means jack shit. When you get some real skills, bring it to the Crucible and quit shooting at predetermined route runners. And maybe next time, instead of being a dick, you could help the guy out or politely boot him. Or, you could quit running with scrubs that have to invite completely inexperienced players to run a Hard Raid.

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        21 Replies
        • If you want hard mode experience you should probably have asked him beforehand. It's not like there aren't level 30's with 3 raid pieces and an exotic helmet with no hard mode experience. There are also plenty of 29s with hard mode experience. The one piece of IB gear wasn't the reason you had an inexperienced player. The reason was you decided to assume what you wanted to assume instead of just asking a couple questions.

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          • Edited by RogueExile: 11/25/2014 5:32:19 PM
            Helm chest and gaunts from hard raid. Fatebringer and a maxed gjallahorn and no boots. So yes I got IB boots but my team runs hard mode 2xs a week

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          • Edited by zelorian74: 11/25/2014 5:36:26 PM
            Ok i got 30 full raid set from nvog and hvog. Also got rank 5 IB. Both gloves and boots. So what does that mean? Plus why should the PvP players in the community be penalised and not be allowed to get to 30 in their mode of choice. If your having to pick up randoms to form a group of 6 in either PvE or PvP take a serious look at the clan your in.

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          • Everyone has to run hard for the first time at least once. Fake or real. I ran at 29 on my first try and got lucky with helm drop. Been 30 since.

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          • This is not a real or fake lvl 30...30 is just a lvl...what happened here was having an inexperienced raider in your fireteam..every player has been here before unfortunately it was his first run..i have done the raid countless times on normal and hard, to only not be blessed by RNG. I was a 29 doing hard for a while but thanks to iron banner gear i got to 30..does this make me a fake 30..NO...some of us are just not blessed by RNG BTW on both my hunters all i needed were gauntlets from the raid and could never get it..Xur had gauntlets and IB came..finally got to 30 on both

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          • I've duce the raid on hard dozens of time, got nothing but helmets and 1 armor plus weapons etc, so u finished Deering to 30v with IB gear. I'm still a bad ass at the raid. In fact I did it last night with both lvl 29 characters before my warlock reached 30.

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          • Carry them? I researched your raid history, and in the past 24 hours, the level 30's in your raids have been near the top of the list with over 100 kills each. That doesn't look like carrying.

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          • Im a IB lvl 30 except I'm actually good at pvp lol

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            6 Replies
            • 0
              Do not invite iron banner gear 30s into your raid group Your gonna have a bad time

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            • Level means nothing, if you are a level 30 you can be a "good" or "bad" player

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            • Anyone who feels the need to talk down to others over their level or how they got to it has my deepest sympathies...

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            • Fake? No. I'm a 30. I have not played the hard raid but as a 30 I will be able to help out more (damage and defense boosts). Do I know how to operate in hard mode? No. That's why I will watch a couple YouTube videos and do a little forum reading before I search for a team. To be a 30 you need at least one piece of raid gear, meaning you have done normal at least once. Maybe you cheesed it, your loss as now your clueless. At least I have basic knowledge about the raid, a few weapons, and am willing to research the tactics and try. Sorry if I don't have your respect. Well I'm off to work now. I'm a pediatric oncology nurse at the local children's hospital.

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              2 Replies
              • Would it have been better if he'd done the hard raid as a 29? Everyone has to start somewhere and at least he was high enough level that there was no damage penalty.

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              • Part of the problem is that the IB gear, while it can still get you to 30 is inferior to raid gear. It might look a little better in some cases, but it has poor perks - i'd take heavy ammo raid boots any day. Also the stat boosts appear to be about 10% lower on the IB gear but that might be a rng anomaly.

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              • Edited by Entropy91: 11/25/2014 5:16:15 PM
                The only fake 30s would be someone who bought an account with a level 30 character on it. Like fake 50s in Halo 3. Yes, that actually happened.

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              • I get why people have a problem with it but really raiders arnt any better. Grind in crucible for hours V RNG.

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              • 0
                This is -blam!-ing stupid

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