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Edited by MGS_2Hollywood4u: 11/25/2014 3:59:18 PM

PROOF of Fake 30's

At first I didn't really care about the whole REAL and FAKE 30's discussion until I played the raid today with a FAKE 30. He had 2 pieces of Raid gear and exotic helmet and IRON BANNER Guantlets. Everybody in the fire team seemed to know what they was doing until we got to the Confuxes he didn't even know you couldn't be revived! So I asked have you done the raid on hard? His answer was no when they said you could get to level 30 from iron banner gear I just felt no need to do the hard raid. We did finally finish but we had to carry him through. I don't believe every 30 that had to do Iron Banner to get there is fake or bad but I finally see why people call them fake. What are your opinions on the FAKE and REAL 30's?

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  • Wait.... Imagine he did the raid on normal and got the raid gauntlets. Would he be level 30? yes. and a fake one? nope (Iron banner are not fake 30, some people prefer pvp over pve).

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  • He's a lvl 30 for pvp not pve This game has both, depends on your preference

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  • Edited by AntonWintercold: 11/26/2014 12:40:47 AM
    You know, this kind of players, so called now 'fake 30', exists even before IronBanner 8) Just give them a hand and some time to learn whole read

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  • What if he just liked the style of the IB gauntlets? What if he don't Kare bout his Levo? What if he don't Kare bout chu? Why do you care so much? It's a digital world!

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  • Actually u still need either a raid helm or chest to hit 30

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    1 Reply
    • Translation: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah durpy subject waaaaaaaaaaah derpy post

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    • Everybody has a first hard raid, but with that being said you should know normal raid inside and out before you attempt hard.

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    • See if u haven't done hard raid and ur 30 its weird but most people have raid and ib i only managed to get the boots because i decided to buy the rank 5 shader

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    • Ha Ha Fake 30's you are a comedian.

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    • I think that there are no fakes! It has always been possible to get to 30 without the hard raid! So the dude saying he didn't know you couldn't be revived doesn't make him a fake 30! Maybe you should ask the noobs if they have done it on hard before you start!! Ever think of that?!?

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    • I think people need to get a life

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    • I think everyone who takes sides on this are idiots. Use of the word "fake" implies that the individual is not actually level 30. The system however does not distinguish this. You are ether 30 or you are not. There is no "30 who isn't 30". There is no place in combat for use of hip and trendy misconceptions such as use of the word "fake" to describe something that is undeniably fact. It is undeniably fact that if someone is level 30. They are level 30 because the system declares they are. It does not care what you think of the person's ability, their combat algorithm is no less effective then yours... provided both of you actually hit the target. If anything you should be accusing these people of simply not having raided before. And that's still your fault. By propagating that "best" rewards come from doing hard mode and then denying access to those under level 30, you refuse to allow anyone who isn't 30 to get the gear they need to become level 30. "You cannot get experience unless you have experience" paradox. The system does not care how you got to 30. Therefore nether will I. The system only cares if you hit your targets. Therefore in my eyes you've ether run the raid or you haven't. Accept that just because someone is 30 does not mean they are the best at anything. Working with people you don't know is always a risk. Are you willing to take it or are you just going to sit there in the corner and cry about something that shouldn't even be an issue?

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      3 Replies
      • 30 is 30. Scrub is Scrub. Now that THAT'S established, let's look at other threads.

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      • The word fake used out of context. His level is in fact 30 obviously. Now when you do a raid just ask or look at grimore score. That simple. Alot of people haven't even seen inside VoG. Be a nice person and help out. If you pick up randoms then assume they don't know the raid. No need to bash and or continue talk like this. We all once had to be carried/taught parts of the raid.

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      • Your poor insight is to blame not a "fake" lvl 30. You should've asked the player if he'd played hard mode before. If you people can't do a simple information swap that's on you, don't come to the forums and start making trouble and indulging this misguided argument.

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      • You can't just assume that every IB 30 doesn't know how to raid.

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      • You could always be level 30 without stepping foot in the hard raid

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      • 0
        The IB part of that story is irrelevant. In fact it probably helped. Everyone is new to it at some stage. Would you rather have a level 29 who's not sure what they're doing or a 30?

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      • The proper thing would have been to just explain the hard version of of the raid to him, and guide him through it, not "carry" him. If he is new to 30, show him the ropes and help him out. Don't criticize him as I'm sure you were in his boots once as well.

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      • See it's frustrating right?

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      • I would have kicked him out of the party.

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      • I'm a 'fake 29' and I carry people who are real 27+

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      • Maybe if all the current 30s weren't being elitist pricks he could've been taken through the hard raid as a 29. All you have to blame is yourself.

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      • Edited by Prime: 11/25/2014 8:33:34 PM
        [quote]What are your opinions on the FAKE and REAL 30's?[/quote] There is no such as a "real" or "fake" 30s. It's all about how experienced that player is. That's all it boils down to. The rest is just bullshit.

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      • You could specify experienced level 30 in your lfg. The issue of inexperienced raiders also occurred right after the Aethon "fix". There was a plethora of level 30s who had never touched the relic or had never killed Aethon without pushing. The good news is more 30s means more available raiders. The bad news is it will be a few weeks before they are competent. If you have a solid raid leader you should be able to talk them through it. In my experience players who excel in PvP transition well into PvE end game content.

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      • There a bunch of people that haven't done the hard raid that are lvl 30..... Not just iron banner

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