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11/24/2014 11:39:58 PM
Again, u aren't black and haven't experienced shit. What you think you know you don't.There is no hidden law that will lock your white ass up when you say it. So what is your argument? Say wtf you want to, Just know if you say it around the wrong people you may get -blam!-ed up. I find it funny ib only hear arguments like this online. Ain't nothing stopping you. When I use -blam!- it's different than when you do. Period. Enough time hasn't passed for it to be any other way, and I are it staying that way until white America like you gets your head out your asses.

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  • Edited by Crimson: 11/24/2014 11:52:44 PM
    See, that doesn't help ANYTHING. You haven't addressed any of the points I've put forth. All you can say is "you don't know" and "it's different", and then insult me... for... what? Actually TRYING to understand. Here I am, "WHITE AMERICA" (as you call it), trying to understand and there you are, either unable or refusing to explain it to me. I WANT TO UNDERSTAND. I really, truly do. But your constant insulting and lack of reasoning and explanations get this conversation nowhere. Honestly, all you've shown me that YOU hate ME, for no other reason than I'm white and that you don't care about racism, unless it's directly applied to you, and even then, you aren't actually willing to do anything to stop said racism.

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  • Edited by The Mannikin: 11/25/2014 4:51:56 PM
    And none of my comments eluded to me hating white people. What I hate are white people like u who are to scared to admit their bigotry and bias.

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  • If u truly wanted to understand u would've just reread my comments. This isn't up for debate u stupid pos. This is common consensus. Idk where u get off feeling like being white u have the right to argue with a black person whether u should be allowed to say -blam!- or not. Guess that's why I only hear these arguments on the internet.

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  • Edited by Crimson: 11/25/2014 5:21:33 PM
    Right... except your comments don't explain a thing, other than "you don't know" and "it's different" and that's why you're allowed to say it but another person can't. You've also straight up admitted that you KNOW it furthers racism, and that you DON'T CARE. You only hear this arguments on the internet because of YOUR reactions to the situation. Telling me that I'd get f*cked up, calling me a POS, telling me I have my head up my ass... In all reality, this conversation wouldn't happen in real life because of your intolerance for me trying to understand the situation. And sorry if I see your name-calling and threatening as a dislike of be being white... especially when you keep saying things "white america" and how much at an advantage "white people" are and how I'm not black, so I won't understand. Oh, not to mention that you also said that since I'm WHITE, I apparently don't have THE RIGHT to argue with a BLACK person about the racist connotation of a word. Can you NOT see as how that comes across as hateful? My bias is that NO ONE should be allowed to use racial slurs, because it does nothing but promote racism (which you've agreed to and don't care about). My bias is against people who ENCOURAGE the separation of races and PROMOTE racism. ALL I've asked for is for you to help me understand, and you can't even -blam!-ing give a REASONING as to why behind it, but instead throw insults and "because I said so". I'm not -blam!-ing 5 years old, that BS answer doesn't work anymore. PS: It's obviously NOT common consensus, since there are a TON of people out there who say n*gga, hence the entire reason for this thread. DUH.

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  • And the white people who say -blam!-, don't so so in person around black urban kids were the use of the word is much larger. U talking about urban kids using it, I live in an urban city where racism happens everyday, and yes I experience it every other day one way or another. U have no experience on the fact out side of what u hear on tv or walking to ur car. I call u names because I dislike ur ignorance. If I truly wanted to learn something I wouldn't debate with the professor would take notes. Which do u think you're doing?

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  • Racial slurs only apply to members of the opposing race you -blam!-ing moron. Wake the -blam!- up. That's what ur dumbass doesn't understand. I can call another person a -blam!-, because I am a -blam!-. But if a white person calls me a -blam!-, it's totally different context behind it. U have no experience with urban lingo and the true meaning behind the slang. It's a culture u clearly have no understanding of and for me to explain it to u on a forum space where u are clearly not trying to understand the most basic part of that culture than that's ur fault. If I call my cousin a bit cheaper than I'm calling him a bitch. But if I call him a butch ass -blam!- then I'm not calling him a bitch, or a -blam!-. -blam!- is a place holder word for us and often takes the edge of words. -blam!- has many many different uses in urban dialect, all of which will take too long to explain to ur ignorant mind. U only know the English language as u learned in school. Urban dialect isn't based on Traditional English. That's wtf u don't understand. There are rules in the streets and rules in the workplace. All I want to see is the video of u having this debate live in person with another black person. U wont ever attempt to do so, me and u both know this. U want simple answers but the other uh that u and me both know is that racism in America has grown way over complicated. Deny it all u want, only shows ur ignorance.

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  • So you just up and ignore all the black slavers that existed? They used n*gga just as much as the buyer did. So that part of history doesn't matter, because....? And you're right, it IS a culture that I am completely ignorant about.... WHICH IS MY I'M ASKING. How do you expect me to know and learn without asking some f*cking questions? Perhaps if you'd have some tolerance for my ignorance and some tolerance for the fact that yes, I DON'T know what it means to be black in a predominantly white culture. And that yes, I don't know the discrimination that you've faced head on.... BUT HERE I AM, ASKING YOU FOR HELP SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND. So instead of calling me names, how about helping the person who is asking for help? And yes, I'm LISTENING to you and I'm absorbing, but if I have questions in a class, the teacher doesn't expect me to keep my mouth shut, he expects me to ASK MY QUESTIONS. Which is what I'm f*cking doing! I'm not trying to DEBATE. I am trying to f*cking UNDERSTAND, because I don't. And I'm not going to do something that a random stranger says that I should do "just because".

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  • [quote]So you just up and ignore all the black slavers that existed? They used n*gga just as much as the buyer did. So that part of history doesn't matter, because....?[/quote] Black slavers don't exist today, racist whites and uncle Tom's do. Black slavers didn't create laws to discriminate against blacks and target minorities, whites did. Just off u typing -blam!- instead of typing nword shows me something. U don't see it, but I do. In a debate against a black person in rl u would say nword not -blam!-. U are debating, the quote of ur post was a bait question, and was halfway sarcastic. U think ur points are valid, but they're truly irrelevant and if u closed ur mouth and watched u would know, stop challenging a culture u don't understand and just listen. It's as simple as that. U admit u dont have the experience, then why argue with someone who does? I'm telling u, I told u already, it's used as a brotherhood word. U my white friend are not my brother. U have not experienced the shit I have, thus I won't ever feel comfortable with u calling me it. U have never been called a -blam!-, I have. My mother has, my brother has, my whole family has. Thank ur white brethren for -blam!-ing up that right for u guys, a white person using the nword paints a picture and no matter what u say, I can't feel like it's ok for a white guy I know to use the nword, but when a white person I don't k ow uses it I'm offended. Hence not comfortable with ANY whites using it, and I know white people who feel the exact same. I have grown immune yo the word. Meaning idc if u say it or not, It won't hurt my feelings, but It will change my opinion of the white person who said it. I know you've heard white suburban kids scream -blam!- at some black kid on xboc, I experience they su leeway once a -blam!-ing week(was once every couple hours when I played hard core). U think that's cool? So because this white person called me a -blam!- I should tell my black brethren to never use that word? Or would it make more sense to change the meaning of the word to something less harsh [when we use it of course] to take the Sharpness away. My own -blam!-ing teammates have left their -blam!-ing party to say racist shit to me even though I was at the top of the -blam!-ing team, just for the shit and giggles to annoy me. Ur right u don't have the -blam!-ing experience stfu and stop going back and forth and just listen.

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  • Oh, good lord. It wasn't a bait question, it was a legitimate question based off of your response of saying that ALL black people say the term in a "loving and brotherly manner". Going back and forth? Because I'm asking questions that you don't want to hear, or because I'm not saying "Oh, of course you're right!" immediately when there are still questions that I have. I do appreciate your explanations, but stop telling me to stfu for trying to understand. I'm sorry that the logic behind 'one race can use a word, but if the other race does it's offensive and we'll beat your ass for it' doesn't make sense to me. Just like how if I were to use the term "white brethren" in a sentence, I would be labeled as a white supremacist.... but for some reason, it's perfectly legit for you to say it (I think that assuming someone is your 'brother' based on race alone is ridiculous and racist). Again, I'm not arguing with you... perhaps I am being argumentative, but that's simply so that I can have a better grasp on how you view things. I don't have the experience (as I've stated) so perhaps you could curb your anger for someone who is attempting to grasp an ENTIRELY NEW situation/thought process.

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  • Sign I really want to explain to you but u have to stop seeing this as something that can be argued. That's a huge problem I only see with whites more so with American whites. Some cultures are just that, cultures. Of course you won't understand as long as you are being argumentative, even in the slightest. Thame why I tell u to just stfu. Ur views on the nword are warped by media. My views come from EXP since birth. This will be my last post on the subject l, N****r(used by whites and uncle toms, see Dave Chapelle Clayton Bigsby for what an uncle Tom is)- derogatory. Used as an insult for centuries. Originally meaning black, but made to mean "less than" by the years of inflammatory remarks made before or after the use of the word. Now on to N***a, Used by blacks as as term of endearment. Doesn't have to be used in a polite manner, I could call my brother a b***h a** n***a and he'd be ok with it because of the tone I say it in. When a black person uses the word -blam!- is usually used in a friendly tone, even if the words are used with it are "unkind". We learn growing up that when I white person calls u a nigg*r, is means they don't like u or our color. I don't think u understand that there are still white people who call us -blam!- and discriminate and do AWFUL things just because of our skin. Thus we take the edge off by calling each other n***a instead, and when we use it, it doesn't hold the same meaning as if a 2hite person uses it. Don't get me wrong, there are white people out there who grow up in poor neighborhood around alot of blacks and eventually they get comfortable enough to say it, but when they do is only with black people they know. But those handful of poor whites aren't the ones I dislike, is the ones who live in the suburbs and are saying is just because they think it's cool or some hip trend. When it's alot more struggle and feelings attached to both versions of that word. It's not a matter of fairness(unless you're ignorant). It's a matter of are u using it to be cool/fit in (which is offensive), are u using it be little someone(also offensive) or are u using it because u are USED TO IT. This is something thats not easily explained because the history is so long, and our cultures have different versions of history(remember there are 2 sides to every story). It's even harder to explain on a forum to a person who wants to argue each point as not being a valid enough point. This is why I say u wouldn't argue this in person, because u would be corrected quickly and most likely look very foolish for even arguing. I've heard all the arguments about the topic, people even go so far as to bring other ethnic groups into the argument. (Side note, Irish slaves WERE NOT treated the same as blacks, ESPECIALLY after slavery was abolished). I grow tired of having back and forth debates about this with white people on the internet, I feel the conversation wild be more fruitful if u were to just listen. I'm giving u answers u just need to just listen to them.

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  • Black slaves were in a much smaller number than white slavers for 1, for 2, black slaves weren't the ones who implemented laws that explicitly targeted minorities. Wtf are u talking about?

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