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originally posted in: Science is fake!!!
11/18/2014 9:56:31 PM
[quote]Science is fake!!! Want prove? Science says that heat rises right? Then why does ice form on the top of water first? And on the same point *if the earth is filled with magma, why is the ground so cold? [b]Ice is less dense than water[/b] Brian OA Well, Science, if we're facing a food crisis on several countries, why can't we bring cheese from the moon? [b]because we haven't been to the moon since 1970, we are waiting for the cheese fields to cultivate [/b] TheHawk62; Since Oil floats on top of water, how come If I fill my shows with oil, and leave small holes at the bottom of my shoe, I don't float? YOU GOT SOME EXPLAININ' TO DO SCIENCE. [b]buoyancy [/b] [i]Matter cannot be created nor destroyed[/i].. Then how did it get here? Asplain that one, [i]science[/i] BitesizeCrayons [b]not sure, me and god have been trying to figure it out for years now[/b] Why doesn't a cat with some toast taped to it, buttered side up, spin in the air? Neither can do what science says they'll do. A cat must always land on its feet, and toast must always land buttered side up. Science is wrong once more. [b]because cats are not effected by the laws of physics, but they can choose to follow them if they want[/b] EnragedAUSTIN11 If matter can neither be crated or destroid than how[b][/b] come someone can just pull a quarter out of my ear. I KNOW I didnt have one in there and the guy said he didnt have one in his hand UNTIL he pulled it out of my ear! EXPLAIN THAT [b]your ear is the US mint. [/b] RedXRulez Hey, here's one for you science! [i]If nothing can go faster than the speed of light, how come when I run with a flashlight the light goes as fast as I do?[/i] [b]because you will eventually trip and fall and die, light knows this, so at the time being "it's just like nah it's cool bruh"[/b] Rahm Emanuel If gravity exists then explain bubbles. [b]bubbles are ancient examples of dark matter, they are very dangerous and you should alert the local authorities every time you see one. [/b] OPs Dad Why can't I put torches (Flashlights) on the back of my car to travel at light speed? [b]fûck yea it will after I rear end you[/b] sargent shade; How does the moon glow if it doesn't run on electricity or have a power supply? [b]it does, you just can't see the plug[/b] If the earth isn't flat how can I place a marble on the ground and it won't roll? [b]because the earth is so tiny, that the marble is actually rolling around the entire earth so fast that it looks like it's just chilling there[/b] Assassin 11D7; How come when I pee it's yellow? I never drank anything yellow! [b]it's your bodies way of saying you have aids, it's just really inaccurate [/b] Since says that plants run on electricity but that's fake we all know that plants run on magic. [b]electricity=magic[/b] Captain Richards; If evolution is true how come my testes are located outside my body? [b]for aggressive ball dipping to let bitches know who's alpha[/b] bagan bodies 2; If the moon has no gravity, how did people walk on it? [b]the cheese is sticky[/b] HOW DO WE KNOW PEOPLE WALKED ON THE MOON???? [b]bad cheese[/b] RECON828; So, [i]Science,[/i] why is it that glue doesn't stick in the bottle? [b]it doesn't like the bottle[/b] Don't get comfortable, [i]2nd law of Thermodynamics,[/i] I have a question for you, too. If everything tends towards disorder, why is my room always so tidy? [b]your mum likes cleaning after I give it to her güd [/b] bagan bodies 2; If the Earth isn't the center of the universe, then why does everything revolve around it? [b]because it's a racetrack[/b] Did you know there is no actual proof that there was color before 1910? [b]no u[/b] Before 1910, everything may have been in B&W.( MyNameIsCharlie) Modified Bear; If magic isn't real then how did Harry Potter do all that stuff? [b]it's really just a story about a traumatized schizophrenic who got -blam!- as a child by mr clean[/b] If the universe is over 13 billion years old then why is it only 2012?(Modified Bear) [b]aids[/b] If the Earth has a magnetic field, why don't my magnets stick to the ground?(bagan bodies 2) [b]Aids[/b] If there's no oxygen in space then how does the sun burn?(Modified Bear) [b]it doesn't burn, it just [i]feels[/i][/b] "Gravity' says that what goes up must come down. Well let me tell you a story. Once when I was a child, I had a balloon. One day I accidentally let go of it in a supermarket, and the balloon floated up to the ceiling. I waited in that store for three whole days. The balloon never came down. The balloon never came down.(SonOfTheShire) [b]sticky ceiling[/b] Another thing. When I put the bag in the "Microwave" it magically fills with popcorn. I can see the bag inside, no one is in there putting the popcorn in. Where does it come from? Answer me THAT science.(Thank you 'My name is Charlie') [b]cats[/b] Hey scientists If Darwin was so smart how come he's dead?(Modified Bear) [b]aids[/b] BIGGEST PROOF TO DATE The amount of water on Earth is 1.386 x 10^21 litres Let's assume that people will only use 2 litres of water per day. This is less than people actually use but we'll just use the optimal drinking volume for simplicity. there are 6 billion people on earth (it's more like 7 billion now but let's be generous to the scientists). This means that we drink 12 billion litres if water per day (12 x 10^9 litres). The bible says that the Earth has only existed for 6000 years. In that time we would only have been able to use 0.0012% of the world's water supply. Compare that to what scientists say - that life has existed for around 3 billion years. This would mean we would have drunk [u]9.5 times the amount of water on the planet![/iu] This is obviously impossible since our oceans are not empty.(Modified Bear) [b]why do you think mars is so dry? We stole water from them obviously[/b] YOUR MOVE SCIENTISTS The truth, it just spoke to you. [Edited on 05.21.2012 6:53 PM PDT][/quote] I was going to answer everyone seriously but I think 3 questions down I realized most of them would be illogical

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