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11/10/2014 5:51:27 AM

Marked for Death

Here's an idea that might mix things up a little bit. Borrowing this idea from the game Warframe, lets say you've gone and killed Mega Turtle, or Phogoth, or Bupkis Prime one too many times and their related faction gets really pissed about it, so they send a hit squad after you. The hitman (or squad) would appear at random, at any given time, any given place (patrols, missions, and strikes) to attack the targeted player. DO NOT just slap together a few majors or uber bullet sponge enemies as the hit squad. Create unique enemies, with unique weapon sets and strategies that specialize in combating guardians. Inflict fear into the player. I remember when I got marked by the stalker in Warframe. Got a message in my inbox from him, was a little unsettled but didn't think too much of it. Then came the screen flickering during a mission, and the in game messages from him during the mission. I about pooped myself. Point is, this is just an idea for Bungie and the community to build on. The more suggestions you post about it, Hopefully DeeJ can convince the devs to actually make something of it (we can only hope for the best).

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