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Edited by Phantom139: 11/13/2014 11:16:14 PM

The Biggest Desires & How To Get Them.

Over the past few months, we've seen many ideas flow to these forums from the community, many of them were just exceptionally well done, others not so much. But one thing has remained constant over the course of the time we've had here. There are some things that the players just want to have in Destiny, and Bungie has either just given us a generic "We'll look into it" response, or have just ignored it completely. [b]Constructive Comments Only Thread[/b]: I will only allow constructive comments or feedback in this thread, any negativity will be met with report/mute depending on the severity of the negativity. [b]Long Post Warning[/b]: This is a warning that there's a ton of text here, but it's actually a selection of different ideas that you guys have asked for, so scroll down and find the bold text for the idea you're interested in an give that segment a read. So today, I'm making this thread to kind of bridge the gap between what we want in the game, and to bring an idea for how to get it into the game without breaking what Bungie feels is it's "important direction" for the game. If you like what you see here, please give this thread a like and support it, let's keep it alive and running. Now, let's have a look at some of the big ideas. [b]Larger Vaults, More Interaction with Vaults[/b]: A few days ago, [url=]I participated[/url] in a discussion thread that drew the attention of DeeJ, and posted a suggestion, it kind of went unnoticed, and someone was a little confused by it. So I'll elaborate on it here. As we all know, there are items and systems in the game that are placed to make sure you only do it once per your account (not once per character). So Bungie with it's large codebase, could very easily expand that notion to add a few new items that have that same functionality to the game. With that in mind, I proposed a suggestion that would help to solve one of the problems in the game. So here's how I broke it down: * You add four items to expand the Glimmer cap of the character to 100k from it's current position of 25k, and you use Vanguard marks to buy it from your vanguard mentor. * At the same time, there will exist four other items to expand your player's vault space to 40 from 20 on each slot by buying another set with items requiring glimmer up to 100k. * Finally, we add a new item to allow you to access your vault when in a non-darkness zone area, giving you better interaction with the vaults. This same item, would allow you to access your vault when in orbit, so you didn't have to keep going back and forth from the tower. Now, I selected this solution because the game likely uses some kind of a database or file storage solution to hold your item/character information. Adding a large quantity at any given time would likely cause a ton of server overhead, and that's bad for everyone. Instead, by bringing vault expansions in short quantities at a time, you can avoid the problem while giving the players what they want here. This also opens the door to add more of these expansion items later on in the game's lifetime in the event we need more space. [b]Barber Vendor / Customization Change Vendor[/b]: This is another big one. I personally got the wrong end of this when making my Warlock, and picked the wrong hair style, and am now stuck with it (Don't feel like losing a ton of progress to just fix that), so I see no reason that Bungie couldn't add a vendor that would allow us to re-enter the player creation menu, but only allow us to change simple things like hair styles, colors, and markings. Heck, with the added Glimmer cap mentioned above, you could reach for more reasons for us to get out there and actually earn and use our Glimmer. This might take a little longer to actually do since it involves a little bit of UI coding to actually get the differences involved, but I don't see this as an impossible task for a future addon to the game. [b]Trading[/b]: Another big one, maybe the largest suggested change to the game here. I do feel that Destiny's RNG system does have player to player trading in mind, but many of you seem to think that adding a trading system would only devalue certain items in the game or kick start the bad thing of real world money for items. I personally disagree with both of those notions, and here's why. Let's break down the devalue complaint first. So there are a good number of level 30's out there right now, it might not be a very large number, but they're definitely out there. And the main reason they're at 30 is because they got lucky in the raid and got all pieces of the raid set for their characters. Personally, I keep getting certain items from the raid over and over again, and I know people who just can't seem to get that one piece, and yet they might have an exotic weapon or some other item that I may be interested in holding. Doesn't it just make sense then that I could swap my raid piece for an exotic gun that I want? But then everyone can be 30 an.. So what? Level 30 makes absolutely no difference in the game aside from allowing more people to do the hard raid and giving a slightly better opportunity in the IB (you're going to get to 30 anyways with the new IB gear), and giving even more opportunities for more gear to be earned and voila, economy forms and before you know it, everyone's happy because they can get the things they want. Now, the trickier notion is containing selling for real world money, and I do admit that this is likely a harder problem to solve than it seems, but actually. It's not that big of a problem to solve. Simply require players to either have been friends for 7+ days, or be in the same clan for that period of time. Bungie could then monitor "suspicious trades" and with some quick google research, see if an "illegal" trade was executed and perform actions based on those manners. Another friend of mine even suggested that both players have to complete the normal raid at least once to be allowed to trade, which seems fair because then the raid items will be distributed to players who have beaten the raid. I'm interested to hear what you have to say about the two points above in the comments below. [b]New Weapon Archetypes[/b]: There was a very cool thread about some ideas for new Exotic Weapons a while back, and some of those ideas involved adding some new types of weapon classes to the game for Primary / Special / Heavy. I think that's a great idea and it shouldn't be impossible because of weapons existing outside of their archetypes already (Mythoclast / Remote). I think adding things of the following would be great for Destiny's Longevity: * Primary: Light Pistol (Auto, Semi-Auto), Sub-Machine Gun * Special: Directed Laser, Sword (Just saying, Crota...) * Heavy: Railguns, Flamethrowers (?) By adding new archetypes to the game, you introduce the need for new Exotics in each of the new weapon classes installed into the game, giving us an even more unique selection of weaponry to choose from (And more desire for that expanded vault space). [b]PvE Events[/b]: This is the last one I'll start this thread off with. Right now we had one PvE event and one PvP event to try out, and for the most part, I feel that you left PvE players in the dark for the future of events with the last one. I personally think that PvE Events need to become the higher priority for this game as a majority of the game is built around the PvE content. For the short term of how you can get involved and fix the issue here, we need to have your mentors/ninjas/developers host PvE Bounties, not more PvP Bounties. Take some teams through the raid, see how fast you can complete certain tasks in the raid, do some weekly heroics and nightfall strikes with your community. That'll get the players excited a bit, and you'll draw some more approval from the PvE crowd. For the long term, make sure the next PvE event actually includes something new and fresh for players to do, be it by means of new bounty types or going to brand new areas that we couldn't get to before. You could award some of those brand new exotic weapon archetypes from these tasks if you pull it off correctly. Finally, and the absolute most important thing here, lose the godforsaken PS4 only bounty events. Not everyone owns that console, and it seems like you're giving them too much love here. Bungie is more than wealthy enough to afford consoles of all types for your teams, get out on those other consoles and give the other players a shot at those elusive emblems / special items, you'll calm a bunch of players down by doing that. [b]The End... For Now[/b] So that's all for now, I'll let these initial five go to see what other people think about this and if they have other suggestions for improvement along these lines. If this topic pulls enough support, I'll pull another 3-5 community ideas from the pile and do a write up on those as well. Thanks for reading!

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  • Edited by Daniel Ratskiff: 11/13/2014 8:46:01 PM
    First: Not allowing negative feedback is censoring. Second: When everybody is 30 most of them will have reached their target ingame and quit (after the DLC its 32). Third: IB will only hand out 2 pieces of armor which can help to reach lvl 30. In my opinion trading could be allowed for low value stuff, like ammosynthesis, boosters, telemetries and maybe upgrade material. In every MMO i know its just bind on pickup or as very rare drop, bind on equip for the end-game gear. If not comparing with MMOs take Borderlands for example. Never got the feeling to want a certain item, neither its a immersive feeling you do experience in there. You get bored of Borderlands after your 2nd playthrough because there is no competition.

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    • To add to your suggestions I think they should do away with public events and turn the PE objectives into full strike level missions. 1. Extermination-Like the kill the extraction team objectives have a mission were you have to eliminate all enemies in a level. On levels 22-26 its just like the strike playlist, on level 28 modifiers and mini boss level enemies added. Add a timer to show how long you took, and depending on your rank (fail, bronze, silver, gold, diamond/platinum) you should get loot with gold and above ranked guaranteed a raid level piece of gear or weapon. 2.Assassinations-Much like current strkes you should have eliminate a fleeing target with bonuses for speed and full clears. And to prevent to much cheddar have the locations and routes change. With high levels again getting high level loot nothing below purple level. 3. Defense missions-much like a horde mode you take ob ever increasingly strong waves of enemies with high levels having modifiers. Finishing the full 25 waves should be a guaranteed raid level piece of gear. And to spice these up have random added optional objectives like kill the target on wave 21 of a defense mission for a special drop.

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        • Edited by Phantom139: 11/8/2014 4:33:08 PM
          Well, you guys have certainly lit up my topic with bumps and some very constructive comments, and I can't thank you guys enough for all of that support. As promised, you guys have delivered on the support end, so here's another set of your ideas following the same notion as mentioned before. [b]Survival Activity[/b]: The game as it stands right now for PvE is very one sided in nature, only consisting of story type missions where you have to go out and kill 'x' or do 'y', but there really isn't any variety to it. A lot of players had some absolutely wonderful ideas to fix this problem, and the biggest solution is the addition of a new PvE activity called Survival. I don't think this would be too hard to implement for the developers, especially with all of the mechanics they have installed for the Vault of Glass. Here's what I propose. Either around the release of DLC2, or shortly afterwards, you could introduce an upgrade to the game (either free or paid, it wouldn't matter to me, I'd support it either way) in which each planet gets a new 6-player matchmade Survival activity. The structure of the activities would follow: [u]Earth, Old Russia: Edge of the Shore (Forgotten Shore)[/u] [i]Normal[/i]: Level 10 Survival (Fallen & Hive) [i]Hard[/i]: Level 16 Survival, Heroic Modifier (Fallen & Hive) [i]Very Hard[/i]: Level 20 Survival, Epic, Heroic, and Element Burn Modifiers (Fallen & Hive) [u]Moon, Ocean of Storms: Line of Hell (Hellmouth)[/u] [i]Normal[/i]: Level 14 Survival (Fallen & Hive) [i]Hard[/i]: Level 20 Survival, Heroic Modifier (Fallen & Hive) [i]Very Hard[/i]: Level 24 Survival, Epic, Heroic, and Element Burn Modifiers (Fallen & Hive) [u]Venus, Ishtar Collective: Winter's End (Wintership)[/u] [i]Normal[/i]: Level 18 Survival (Fallen & Vex) [i]Hard[/i]: Level 24 Survival, Heroic Modifier (Fallen & Vex) [i]Very Hard[/i]: Level 28 Survival, Epic, Heroic, and Element Burn Modifiers (Fallen & Vex) [u]Mars, Meridian Bay: Fall of the Legion (Legion's Keep)[/u] [i]Normal[/i]: Level 20 Survival (Cabal & Vex) [i]Hard[/i]: Level 26 Survival, Heroic Modifier (Cabal & Vex) [i]Very Hard[/i]: Level 30 Survival, Epic, Heroic, and Element Burn Modifiers (Cabal & Vex) [u]Venus, Ishtar Collective: Defense of the Vault (Templar's Well)[/u] [i]Normal[/i]: Level 26 Survival (Vex) [i]Hard[/i]: Level 28 Survival, Heroic Modifier (Vex) [i]Very Hard[/i]: Level 32 Survival, Epic, Heroic, and Element Burn Modifiers (Vex) Each of these survival activities would be unlocked upon full completion of the planet (IE: All story missions & strikes), with the exception of Defense of the Vault, which would be unlocked upon completing the Vault of Glass on normal. The location of the activity is in the parenthesis, and the event unfolds like so: A defendable object spawns in the middle of the area (Warsat, Conflux, Etc), and you are tasked with preventing incoming enemy forces from capturing it. The game will be endless until you all die, or the object is taken. Each successive wave adds a bonus to the enemies defense stat, making them slightly harder to kill each time, and stronger enemies will appear as you move along. Every 5 waves you complete, the team earns a shot at random rewards, which will be based on the activity you are playing and the difficulty setting you are on. You could award for instance Ascendant Materials, Planet Materials, or Guns & Armor of any tier for completing these events, and there is no limit to the amount of times you could do these activities per week. [b]Raid Vendor & Advanced Rewards System[/b]: This is another thing that should be done as soon as possible for the game, especially if the trading option is to be ignored or not implemented in it's full form as mentioned by the original post. There should be the addition of some form of Raid Vendor to the tower, where by completing portions of the raid, you receive a "Raid Mark". This vendor would then be structured similar to Xur, where the vendor has one of each item for the class (Changes once a day), and then two random raid weapons, be it Legendary or Exotic (Exotic Raid Guns requiring you to have beaten the Hard Raid once). The marks would then accumulate normally and you could just buy the pieces you need. The second part of this is to refine the rewards system of the raid, using a "checklist" of items you have already earned on the character, and making it less likely that you'd receive that item again (unless you already have a completed checklist), and you could view this checklist from that same vendor to see what you have, and what you still need to get from the Raid. [b]6-Player Patrol[/b]: I'm not exactly sure why we're capped at 3 for Patrol right now, when you go into Raids and PvP with up to 6 players. I see no reason that this couldn't be 6 players for patrol, in fact you'd open up the possibilities for doing more with your friends with what you already have that way (IE: Sparrow Races, Etc) [b]Additional Patrol Activities[/b]: On the same notion, Bungie should add some more ways to interact with players in Patrol. They could for example add the following things to do in Patrol with others: * 1v1 Fight (Can choose options like lives, time limit, bounds, etc, Can wager non-exotic/non-raid items for the fight) * 2v2/3v3 Fight (Same as above, but possible with Fireteam size of 6) * Race (Select a checkpoint, and race to the finish, Can wager glimmer or non-exotic/non-raid items) * Loan (Select an item from your inventory to "loan" to another player, IE: they can use your gun (if they meet requirements) for a set period of time) [b]Still More?[/b] There's still some more very popular ideas out there, consisting of things like Large Sparrow Race events, New PvP Modes, New PvP Options, and even some cool ideas for very specific guns or story type missions, and I'd be glad to talk about all of those too. Let's see where this new set of topics, as well as the old set takes us for now though.

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          I do want that railgun, but it would probably be exclusively arc light based, which isn't a bad thing imo.

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          • I like most of your ideas you mentioned, but I personally think if Destiny does add a trading system you shouldn't be able to trade exotic guns from bounties or the vex mythoclast (or any other gun that will be the next mytho). As you spoke of raid gear or any other gear for exotics I don't believe they should allow you to do that, I more think it should be along the lines of exotic heavy for exotic heavy, exotic chest for exotic chest etc. Sure Xur might screw you and give you an item that you already have or don't have the class to use so you may want to trade a friend that got an item that is useless to them which is all and all fair. I really don't believe you should be able to trade raid gear at all just because then what is the point of doing the raid you could just have a buddy that has an over abundance of gear give you everything needed to hit 30. I also wouldn't want to see someone trading say Titan raid gear for Hunter raid gear to a friend just so they can get their new 20 to 30 asap. When it comes down to raid gear I am for the trading but only if it would be Titan gear for Titan gear and be of the same slot boots for boots etc. Being someone that does the hard mode legit and has been I would rather have a reroll stats for gear vendor then a trading system, say spend 5-10 shards to get a chance at having the stats changed on your gear, making you have to earn the gear first. I don't mind the whole trading thing in general but really a reroll would just be the better option and they are going to let you reroll Iron Banner guns so why not just open it to raid gear that you have earned. I know some people have bad RNG luck and yes it does suck, but I don't think that alone is enough reason for bungie to allow you to trade any piece of gear you want for whatever the other person is offering.

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            • Bump.

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            • One thing I would really like to see in addition to a trading system set up is a way to add different enhancements to armor and weapon giving more ability to customize. Even if they add it as a class ability to add certain enhancements to certain things

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              • Edited by Dragonskull61: 11/7/2014 2:56:54 PM

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              • What do you mean buy ps4 only bounty event, am not aware of a ps4 exclusive bounty or even ps4 exclusive events.

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                • Really like this post. If they add a sword it should probably be a heavy weapon if it's anything like the sword of crota, and it would have to have some sort of charge/ammo count(Like the energy sword in halo). They should also add a bow in the special weapon slot. (And horde mode, we can't forget about horde mode)

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                  • I agree with a lot of this for sure. Especially the trading and new types of weapons, very good post.

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                    • i would KILL for a flamethrower when it comes to handling 20+ thrall running at me.. lmfao.. i can't guarantee it would be great for much else.. but it would slaughter thrall by the droves.. lol another thing i wont lie that i would like.. proximity grenades. that stick to surfaces.. but i'd use them in a crappy way.. i'd drop them by the spawn points for mobs.. lmao. now.. heavy weapon wise... call me fickle.. but i'd love a portable tactical nuke.. even if i only can carry 1 round... that thing would be beastly... lol

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                      • All great ideas, and a very well put together list. On the subject of trading; I thought they could finally make use out of the ship/hangout below near where Dead Orbit is. Two players go down, needing to be in the same fire team, and activate the "vendor", then they can only trade weapons/armor of equal value. Meaning Exotic for Exotic, legendary for legendary, so on and so forth. I believe this would almost eliminate any chances of people selling weapons and armor for real world money, I'm sure people will still try, but since you have to trade an item of equal value it would help. Raid gear could only be traded for another piece of raid gear. I don't know about everyone, but with myself, and the people I've seen, we get the same piece of raid gear over and over again. If we were able to trade piece for piece then I could get rid of one of the ten pairs of gauntlets I have for one of the ten pairs of boots my friend has. This is just what I think would work, I'm sure others have better and more refined ideas.

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                        • Bump

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