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3/28/2008 6:18:16 AM

Pezz: The Great Dispenser of Justice. Chapter 4

[url=]Chapter 1[/url] | [url=] Chapter's 2 & 3[/url] [b][u]Chapter 4[/u][/b] Pezz woke up in what seemed like months. He was very dizzy and it felt like he was being carried. Hmm, it just so happens he was being carried. He looked down. To his astonishment the grass was carrying him across a meadow. Pezz's first reaction was to move away and find out what exactly is going on. He rolled over but it didn't help at all. He was starting to freak out. The grass actually talked to him, "It's alright chosen one. We are taking you to safety from the Orcs." Pezz rubbed his ears and then his eyes. "How in God's name can you talk?" "It is of no importance Chosen One. We can speak and therefore you must listen." Pezz started to laugh, "Your dumb ass logic doesn't soothe my soul. Jesus, you better not be trying to sell me stuff." Pezz could hear thunder, it was a monstrous sound that didn't seem to end. He came to a sudden conclusion that hit was the roaring of footsteps in the distance. The grass suddenly yelled out, "The orcs are coming!" The Grass' movement started to speed up. "Wait, why are they even after us? They can't be jealous of my good looks right?" "No no, they want something that you have." "My good looks right?" "No, It's a weapon. A powerful hammer that can banish people to the Underworld." Pezz started to laugh. My how he laughed, "Well they're out of luck. My "Banhammer" isn't a real weapon. And it doesn't banish people to the Underworld. This whole damn thing is crazy; and where are you taking me?!" In the distance Pezz could see about two hundred green like creatures. Some of them were deformed. They were the most ugliest things Pezz had ever witnessed. Pezz noticed again that the grass had gotten faster. "Chosen one, we are taking you home." "Good." "We can only take you to the Cavern of Kangaroos, there you'll be safe." Pezz could now hear the angry roars of the orcs. He looked ahead then he looked back. They were still a long ways off from the forest. Pezz felt is heart beat along with butterfly's in his stomach. He was going to die either way. "Banhammer eh?" "Yes Chosen One, you are the one who possesses it." "Where is it now?" "My dear Pezz. It's with you... Inside your heart. It will only come out when you need it the most." Pezz felt very worried, "Grass, stop. That's an order." The grass did as it was told. Pezz faced the onslaught of orcs, "Can you fight?" "-blam!- no!" "But you can lift me?" Okay fine, we'll try." The grass suddenly grew at least 2 feet. "Let's kick some orc ass." To Pezz's astonishment the blades of grass pulled out claymores. Pezz smiled, "Two hundreds orcs versus an Australian and some grass." The grass chuckled, "We are probably going to die huh?" "Maybe." As fast as lightning, thunder roared down on Pezz. An explosion filled the sky. The smoke cleared. Wielded in his hand was the most powerful weapon in the universe. The Banhammer. [i]To be continued[/i] [Edited on 03.27.2008 10:29 PM PDT]
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