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originally posted in:Bellum Deos
Edited by Yjszn: 10/31/2014 5:27:41 PM

Tips and tricks for the Crucible.

[b]Control[/b] This game mode is all about crowd control and zoning. The easier you can shut down lanes or APPLY pressure away from your zones, the better time your team will have holding it. Objective players should opt to use supers like Fist of Havoc, Nova Bomb, Ward of Dawn, and Arc Blade, as they shine in Control due to team clumping. Using your super to clear out a capture zone can swing a game for you in the last moments. More aggressive kill-focused players should opt for Golden Gun and Radiance, as those supers excel at killing a large number of enemies over a longer period of time. A good team composition will have a balanced mix of players on offense and defense. Grenades that leave a field or spawn seekers are key in this mode. These grenades can keep your enemies off capture zones long enough for you to stage an attack. [b]Clash[/b] In this game mode, while picking team-focused abilities may help your team out, you’ll find fewer opportunities to coordinate with random players due to less team clumping. Striker Titans, Bladedancer Hunters, and Voidwalker Warlocks should look for chokepoints to maximize their super’s lethality. Focus points like Wards and heavy ammo can be used against the enemy team, as they are more vulnerable to Fist of Havoc and Nova Bomb. Defender Titans should try to use their Ward as a stake in the ground to take the power positions in each map. By casting in a good position, your teammates are encouraged to hold the Ward and gain its benefits. Sunsinger Warlocks and Gunslinger Hunters are for the more independent players. These Classes will have an easier time finding good situations to use their super in, as each super excels at taking down single target enemies QUICKLY in a variety of environments. These Classes often are the favorites in Clash, as they fuel the chaos and can feed off of it. [b]Skirmish[/b] Teamwork-focused Classes and players shine in Skirmish. Due to the harsh respawn penalty and lower score to win, players will find themselves clumping together and trying to team fight as much as possible. Defender Titans should use the team clumping to their advantage by giving their team shields or damage boosts. A clutch Ward can stop a Nova Bomb or Golden Gun from COMPLETELY cleaning out your team. Sunsinger Warlocks can run really any build they want, as the high grenade count will be advantageous on smaller maps regardless. Sunsingers looking to maximize teamwork should pick Song of Flame, as while ACTIVE, it lowers all cooldowns for nearby allies. As mentioned before, Striker Titans, Bladedancer Hunters, and Voidwalker Warlocks CAN CAPITALIZE on the team clumping to clean out entire enemy teams. Nova Bomb Vortex has the capability to destroy Wards and leave behind a damaging area of effect so those trying to run are (at the very least) weakened. Bladedancer Hunters and Striker Titans will be able to Arc Blade and Fist of Havoc right into a team and clear them out before they realize anything had happened. Additionally, Arc Blade’s Razor’s Edge and Fist of Havoc Shockwave can penetrate a Ward while a player maintains distance. [b]Salvage[/b] Salvage plays extremely close to Skirmish, with the exception that there is even more clumping due to the salvage points. Strategy remains the same, outside of having more chances to punish your opponents that are close together. [b]Rumble[/b] This mode is a great place for highly independent Classes. Classes like Bladedancer Hunters, Gunslinger Hunters,and Sunsinger Warlocks rule in Rumble due to their high single-target lethality. Gunslinger Hunters have an easier time posting up on Rumble maps, as they can Tripmine one entrance to an area and focus their attention elsewhere. At the very least, the Hunter will hear their Tripmine detonate and can react appropriately. Golden Gun is a great way to take advantage of the chaos in a Rumble fight. Bladedancer Hunters have a great grenade in Arc Bolt, allowing them to check corners and chain to other players at close range. Arc Bolt is a great way to capitalize on chaotic close-range encounters, as (at the very least) the enemy hit with Arc Bolt will be starting the fight at a health disadvantage. Arc Blade’s Escape Artist allows players to vanish and surprise enemies at close quarters. This super greatly synergizes with the smaller maps of Rumble. Sunsinger Warlocks shine in Rumble through Radiance’s Radiant SKIN, Firebolt Grenade, Viking Funeral,and Touch of Flame. This build layout specifically gives the ability to take more damage in Radiance while setting people on fire with their grenades via Touch of Flame. Firebolt Grenade in combination with Touch of Flame allows Sunsingers to check corners for enemies and then start a fight at health advantage. Sunsingers should opt to only engage on fights where Burn has given them the health advantage. Defender Titans, Striker Titans, and Voidwalker Warlocks will have to try a bit harder to maximize their effectiveness, as their kits are geared toward more team play. [b]Combined Arms[/b] In Combined Arms it’s important to know when and where vehicles spawn. Brave souls should make a break for the Interceptor and rain rockets on an enemy Control Point. The Salvo will provide support for ground troops looking to advance and get enemies to focus on you rather than those capturing the point. If vehicles aren’t really your thing, a good solution for dealing with them are Turrets. In addition, a well placed rocket or skilled sniper shot can also make short work of vehicles. When in doubt, just look for the tunnels, buildings and passages to avoid the fire of the Interceptors and Pikes. [b]General guidelines[/b] 1. Never fight alone. 2v1 combat is what you want, every single time. Unless you're a pro. 2. Map/tracker awareness, knowing when to use your Super & ensuring that your weapons are right for the map is essential! 3. Don't jump in a gunfight. Your weapon accuracy dramatically decreases and you're leaving yourself open. A better time to jump in a gunfight would be close quarters. Jumping over your opponent and leaving them clueless of your location can win you the fight. 4. Obviously aim for the head. Any other shot is basically wasted. 5. The easiest way to get better? Use an Auto Rifle with high stability and a shotgun. Credits to Feel free to add any tips in the comments below.

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  • Thanks for these tips, all of them look pretty solid. Also striker titans are fairly good because in Rumble there are small gunfight situations that Fist of Havoc or "Panic Button" can handle.

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